Canada Post Heritage Club
Annual General Meeting
May 27 – May 30, 2016
Windsor, Ontario
May 28, 2016 - Presidents Meeting
Bob Emmons, National President
Bob calls the meeting to order and asks for the Presidents’ cooperation with respect to items for the agenda. He stresses how difficult it is to make an agenda with no items to speak on.
Topic One Children’s Health Foundation
Conway Crozier –Smith brought this item to the agenda. He found it difficult to go to his executive and to ask for donations to a charity he knew little about.
Bob Emmons stated that there would be a presentation today from 2 representatives of the Foundation that will enlighten everyone on the issue.
Claude Bruneau stated he loved the idea of the Foundation coming to speak and would like to see more charities featured at each AGM and have some prior background knowledge supplied so the chapters may come better prepared with donations.
Harold Onagi also feels the same way, however after having a better understanding; he feels this is a very worthwhile cause. Harold also asks that the presidents please speak slow and clear so as they can be better understood.
Eldred Holmes states there are several Children’s Hospitals throughout Canada. His chapter gives to their own local affiliate hospital in St. Johns Newfoundland and wish to continue to contribute at a local level.
Lloyd Rogowski states his chapter feels the same way. They wish to contribute fundraising at the local level in their community.
Bob Emmons explains there is no right or wrong place to contribute to. The important issue is that you understand what the Children’s Health Foundation is all about, how you can contribute on various levels to this organization regardless of where you live.
Topic Two – Members Transferring Chapters
Louise Dubuc would like some clarification on Article 2, Section 5 of the Constitution in regards to Members wishing to transfer chapters. It is her understanding that if a member wishes to transfer or join a chapter that is not within their local area, they can do so, however, as an Associate Member only.
Bob Emmons states that yes, this is the case. The intent is to ensure that as a chapter we are fulfilling our commitment to the member. This cannot be done when they live in another locale. They can become Associate Members, however, and still receive communications.
Harold Onagi mentions that in the last paragraph of that Article it states anyone wishing to receive communication from a chapter may apply to do. Example: If I am a member of Heart land Chapter and move into Chinook Chapter, I can still remain as a member of Heartland as an Associate Member.
René Lareau/ Yvon Lemaire said that when the Heritage Club was first founded in the Montreal area, all mail processing employees became members of Ville Marie Chapter and all Letter Carrier employees became members of Maisonneuve. This is not the case today; however, people still want to join a chapter with people they associate with at work, not necessarily where they live. They can still join those chapters, however, at an Associate level.
Topic Three – Johnsons Insurance
Bob Emmons states that Shawn McCord brought to his attention that in accordance with the Johnson Insurance Contract Agreement there was a violation being committed. Yvon Lemaire asked for this to be discussed.
Shawn McCord said that after looking through the new website, he came across the issue of some chapters advertising Co-operators Insurance. The A.S.A. (Administrative Support Allowance) state that when there is remuneration in place, as is the case with the Heritage Club, that Johnsons insurance be the sole provider, the sole advertised provider of Home, Auto and Travel Insurance. It has always been stated clearly in the agreement from the beginning. He states that he realizes that nothing has been done maliciously or with ill intent, however, exclusivity does need to be enforced as it is stated in the agreement. The Johnson Insurance regulators auditors are making sure this happens and Johnsons Insurance in no way wants this to feel like a confrontation. It is not. It is, however, an issue that needed to be brought to everyone’s attention.
Eldred Holmes apologized and stated he was unaware of this until the National Executive brought it to everyone’s attention. He also suggests that going forward this be brought to the attention of all new chapter presidents.
Yvon Lemaire states that Quebec has had a 20+ year relationship with Co-operators and has always let the Quebec members choose because of this relationship. He feels all Quebec chapters need to make sure they are doing the leg work with Co-operators to make them understand it is not to be advertised. He also states that he respects Johnsons Insurance for the remuneration to the Heritage Club over tithe years.
Shawn McCord mentions that he has available to any chapter wishing to advertise articles in their newsletters. They are available in both official languages.
René Lareau inquires if Work Perks is still available. Claude Bruneau and Eldred Holmes explained that if you opt into Work Perks there is a cost associated.
Henri Van Den Bremt asked if there were other remuneration agreements other than Johnsons Insurance. Bob Emmons stated that no, however, there is a small individual remuneration from Good Life Fitness of $5 to Thames Chapter per membership. This is thanks to Past President of the Thames Chapter, Jim Sandall.
Bob Emmons also reminds everyone that Johnsons Insurance gave the Heritage Club over $62, 000 last year.
Shawn McCord explains that in Quebec, Johnsons Insurance has a strategic agreement in place with La Capitale. Johnsons Insurance is a broker for La Capitale and as such receives 2.5% as a broker’s fee. La Capitale is growing in Quebec amongst the Heritage Club Members at an exorbitant rate. Shawn spoke with the Regional V.P., who agreed to a flat $10, 000 annual for the next 3 years to be paid to the Heritage Club. This will be renewed at the end of the 3 years and adjusted accordingly.
Yvon Lemaire stated that a representative of Co-operators has always attended their local events and functions. Will La Capitale do the same? Yvon feels it is a great way to increase business for La Capitale as well as develop the relationship. Shawn McCord said yes he would arrange that when you contact him of your upcoming functions and events.
Bob Emmons mentioned that it is because of this new remuneration with La Capitale that the National Executive is looking to increase the Seed Money given to each chapter. There is no decision as of yet as to details.
Yvon Lemaire was concerned about back issues of newsletters being archived on the website containing Co-operators advertising. Shawn stated this was not an issue.
Topic Four – General Concerns
Conway Crozier-Smith discussed his concerns in regards to an issue from previous years. He feels that there is a lack of proper communication within Canada Post Corporation and the Heritage Club. He states that last year the Director of Employment Programs promised to look into Conway’s concerns and complaints and look into the Regina Plant and the protocol they follow. This never happened. Also, Conway stated that there was difficulty finding a Santa letter coordinator. He was promised the issue would be resolved and a meeting would take place and this also never happened. He feels he is not being treated fairly and that his concerns are being swept under the carpet.
Bob Emmons stated that Ross O’Brien has had similar issues in his area as well. Bob suggests that this issue is brought up to Julie Kingsbury during the general sessions. Bob also reassures that this issue is discussed in Ottawa at each National Executive Meeting.
Mike Belchuk said that this is not an issue in the Windsor Plant and that all the employees receive the same recognition they deserve. He feels this should be equal across Canada.
Harold Onagi states that when the Heritage Club first began that the CEO at that time was a huge supporter of the Club. Over the years, their importance has become diminished and lost its exposure. The Heritage Club used to have the privilege of formally giving the employees a proper recognition banquet. Now it is left up to the employee.
Bob Emmons reminds everyone that is those days the Corporation used to give the club $1.2 million and today they receive $50, 000. This makes it impossible for the Club to give the same recognition as was in the past and the Corporation does not have the money to give that they once did. Corporately the Heritage Club has become less important compared to the other issues they currently are facing.
Yvon Lemaire feels they are whipping a dead horse with this issue. He feels if this continues the Heritage Club needs to rethink the score cards. He also feels they need more involvement within the Corporation and would welcome to have them reach out at get them all more involved.
Ross O’Brien said he felt the process has deteriorated over the years and that the Corporation set the bar too high from the beginning.
May 28, 2016 - Day One
Opening Remarks – Bob Emmons, National President
Bob Emmons welcomed everyone to the Rose City, Windsor Ontario. He stated that this past year has been a particular hard one for the National Executive after losing 4 of our Chapter Presidents: Bernie Bougie of Confederation Chapter has passed away and we sent our sympathies to his family. Ed Nichols of the Humber Chapter has resigned for health reasons. Bob Hughes of the By-Town Chapter has resigned to spend more time with his family and lastly, Jean Lemetti from Richelieu Chapter has resigned because he is moving to Alberta. Each one of these Presidents has been instrumental in enhancing and stabilizing their Chapters through their hard work and enthusiasm.
Bob Emmons introduced and welcomed the new faces in the crowd this year: Julie Kingsbury from Canada Post Corporation, Claude Bruneau as new President of By-Town Chapter and Lise Miville-Dechene as new President of Confederation Chapter. He also introduced and welcomed those in attendance representing their chapters this year: Henri Van Den Bremt from Brunswick Chapter, Bernard Durocher from Kebec Chapter, René Lareau from Richelieu Chapter, and Mike Bechuk from Bluewater Chapter. Due to an injury, Christopher Vito was unable to attend from Humber Chapter and Helen Pickup from Golden Horseshoe was unable to attend due to an illness in her family.
Canada Post Corporation – Julie Kingsbury
Julie Kingsbury stated how vital the Corporation relies on the Heritage Club as a whole and they will continue to do whatever they can to support the Club. As always, the Corporation distributes the Heritage Club Pamphlet at 25 years service and retirement recognition. Julie also extended a huge thank you, in particular, for the participation of the Santa Letter Writing Program.220, 000 plus letters were written from Heritage Club members.
Julie states that Canada Post has been in business for over 250 years and has evolved immensely over the years branching into the ecommerce world. Canada Post has become the #1 Parcel Corporation, beating out our own Purolator. There has been a decline due do the expected strike with CUPW in July. With the possibility of this strike, some businesses are starting to decline to ensure customer satisfaction is guaranteed. We are expecting this to return again by October for our peak seasons of November and December. Canada Post will continue to move forward to brand themselves as a reliable and dependable commodity.
Conway Crozier-Smith stated that he has tried to boost his membership and morale over the years and has a huge concern in the decline of both areas. He feels something needs to be done about this issue and is asked if Julie would be handling this issue directly or directing it to someone who can. Conway feels that there is not proper recognition of 25 year service employees and is looking for cooperation from the Corporation to have something to be done about this issue.
Julie stated that the Corporation is aware of this issue and do address it to the best of their ability when it is brought to their attention. She is asking for anyone knowing of such cases to please let her know exactly where it is happening and to whom it is happening to.
Bob Emmons stated that Julie Kingsbury, as did Claude Bruneau previously, work to their very best to accommodate the Heritage Club and they are appreciated for their extremely hard work and dedication to the Heritage Club.
Claude Bruneau stated that if the employees name can be provided in regards to the issue Conway brought forth that they can bring such matters up to their Supervisor.
Harold Onagi stated that although it is a concern that their members are getting the recognition they deserve, it is no longer a responsibility of the Heritage Club as in the past, but rather of Canada Post directly.
Gary Fisher recognized and thanked Julie for her prompt help with an issue he was having.
Lise Miville-Dechene said that Rita Noonan had in her possession some watches and pins that belonged to Bernie Bougie as the Confederation Chapter President and wanted to know who to return these too. Julie stated they can be returned to her.
Children’s Health Foundation
Holly Perreault welcomed everyone to Windsor, Ontario and shared that the Children’s Health Foundation is another opportunity for the Heritage Club to become involved within our communities across the country. Holly explained there would be 2 presentations from representatives of the Children’s Health Foundation and introduced Claire Perreault.