AP Statistics Syllabus

Course design

Students in AP statistics have already mastered most of the basic concepts covered in the course. The main focus is to develop a truly deep understanding of the concepts, and prerequisites for the different areas of analysis. Class time is filled with discussion on the how and why of the independent work students have done outside of class.

Texts: Yates,Daniel s.,David s Moore,and George P. McCabe. The practice of Statistics:

TI-83 Graphing calculator Enhanced. New York: W.H. Freeman, 1999.

Bohan, James f. AP Statistics: preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination. New york: AMSCO School publications, 2006. (Students buy the newest copy every year)


Every student is required to have a TI-83 or 84. The textbook is designed to be used with the graphing calculator and we take every opportunity to explore the capabilities of those programs

Course outline


Topic I

(~6 days)

Ch. 1- Exploring data Ch. 2 Exploring univariate data.

·  Graphs: stemplots, dotplots,

histograms, boxplots

·  Numerical summaries: mean,

Variance, standard deviation,

Range, interquartile range,

Effects of transformations

·  Features: shape, center, spread,


Ch. 2- The normal dist.

·  Standard normal distribution,


·  Table and calculator



Topic. II

(~9 days)

Ch. 3- Examining Relationships Ch. 3 Exploring bivariate Data

·  Scatterplots

·  Correlation

·  Least-squares linear regression

Ch. 4- More on two variable data

·  Transformations for regression

·  Categorical data


Topic III

(~6 days)

Ch. 5- Producing data Ch. 4 Planning a study

·  Observational study, census, survey

·  Simple, systematic, stratified,

And probability random


·  Experimental design

·  Simulation


Topic IV

(~8 days)

Ch. 6-Probability Ch. 5 anticipating patterns

·  Sample spaces, events, outcomes

·  Sum and product formulas

·  Disjoint and independent events


Ch. 7- Random variables

·  Discrete random variables

·  Continuous random variables

·  Mean and variance

·  Mean and variance for trans-

Formations, sums, and differences

Ch. 8- The bi. and Geo. Dist.

·  Geometric distribution

·  Binomial distribution

·  Means and variances

·  Normal approximations for

Binomial distributions


Topic V

(~6 days)

Ch. 9- Sampling dist. Ch. 6 Sampling dist.

·  Sampling distributions for means

·  Sampling dist. For proportions

·  Central Limit Theorem


Topic VI

(~9 days)

Ch. 10- Intro. To inference Ch. 7 Statistical inference

·  Confidence intervals

·  Hypothesis tests

·  Power

Ch. 11- Inference for Dist.

·  Confidence interval-one sample

·  Confidence interval-two sample

·  Hypothesis test for one mean,

Matched pairs samples

·  Hypothesis test for two means

Ch. 12- Inference for Proportions

·  Confidence interval-one proportion

·  Confidence interval-two proportions

·  Hypothesis test-one proportion

·  Hypothesis test-two proportions

Ch. 13- Inference for tables:Chi-Square

·  Chi-square distribution

·  Goodness of fit

·  Test for independence

·  Test for homogeneity

Ch. 14- Inference for regression

·  Confidence interval for slope

·  Hypothesis test for slope and



Topic VII

(~15 days)

AP review problems Ch. 8 Interp. Comp. Printouts

·  Computer printouts

·  Review past open response

·  Two day final exam

Taking the AP exam earns extra credit that will add 5 points to your test average.