e-Submission, Marking and Feedback Policy
Updated October2012
1.1.Following e-submission pilot schemes throughout 2007-2011, York St John Universityadopted electronic submission of all appropriate student assignments from September 2011.
1.2.The drive towards the adoption of electronic assignment submissionwas initiated by the QSEC committee[1], to meet the needs of students wishing to be able to submit work without having to visit the campus to do so.
1.3.Electronic submission, marking and feedback benefit different stakeholders in the following ways:
- can submit assignments without having to be physically present on campus
- can access software[2] during the drafting process to use as a developmental tool to improve their academic practice by identifying sections of their work which have not been correctly referenced, and thereby reduce the likelihood of being subject to an allegation of academic misconduct
- receive a receipt for their work through their York St John University email address which provides them with evidence of submission
- can access their feedback at a time and place which suits them, and in the same location online as their original submission.
- can access student work at a time and place which suits them
- can avoid carrying around heavy loads of paper
- can use originality reports [3]to detect plagiarism and instances of poor referencing
- can reduce printing costs
- are assured that all student work and feedback is safely stored
Administrative Staff:
- can access a complete archive of student work and feedback
- can reduce consumption of paper, printing, photocopying and postage
- can reduce physical storage space required.
External Examiners:
- can expect an improved service in terms of speed and accessibility
- can access the sample of work at a time and place which suits them or have access to the whole cohort of work
- do not have to return packages of student work reducing the risk of lost work and other security issues.
2.Key principles and scope
2.1.This policy covers the process of electronic assignment submission and the subsequent electronic marking and feedback processes involved. The policy is aimed at any employee ofYork St John University who is involved with handling students’ electronically submitted assignments, i.e. academic managers, academic staff and administrative staff.
2.2.Within this context, e-submissionis any facility for online submission of student work. E-marking refers to practices whereby students’ work is digitally edited, commented upon or annotated. E-feedback refers to processes whereby students’ digitally annotated work is returned to them.
2.3.This policy is in addition to, and complements the Principles of Electronic Assignment Submission document.
2.4.Further support resources including video demonstrations and step by step guides can be found at the following URL:
3.Electronic assignment submission
3.1.To ensure that students receive a consistent experience across all programme areas, the VLE (Moodle) will be used as the on-line environment for submitting formal summative assignments.
3.2.It is recognised that exceptions do exist, and e-submission does not apply to:
- creative coursework (e.g. for art and design courses)
- some types of portfolios presentations
- some types of group work
Traditional hard copy submission procedures will apply to these exceptions.
3.3.Clear instructions to students as to the form for submission must be given in the module handbook, on the Moodle module site and within any other relevant assessment literature for the programme of study.
3.4.Tutors should use either of the following supported methods to handle assignment submission:
- Advanced Uploading of Files
- Turnitin Assignment
3.5.Training on e-submission will be made available to students at induction and online throughout their course (see 3.6).Training on the e-submission process will be made available to new academics at their induction. Training sessions for current academics will be available throughout the year, and will be supplemented by online information.
3.6.Heads of Subject will be responsible for ensuring staff have been trained[4].
3.7.Module Leaders will be responsible for ensuring that students have been trained[5].
3.8.An assignment will be considered to be late if it is not submitted on or before the due date/time. The penalties for late submission as outlined in the relevant policy information will apply.
3.9.In the event that University systems are not accessible on the due date/time, the due date will be extended by 24 hours. Students should not use alternative methods to submit their work, e.g. by emailing their tutors direct.
3.10.In the event of a technical problem preventing a student from submitting an assignment, (which is not caused by a failure of the University's systems), the onus is on the student to provide proof of submission attempts.
4.E-Marking & Feedback
4.1.Module Leaders/markers are expected to undertake the marking of the assignments electronically if they are submitted electronically.
4.2.Where assignments are submitted electronically, feedback is expected to be returned to students through the same system in the VLE (Advanced Uploading of Files or TurnitinUK Assignment).
4.3.Where tutors have received assignments through Moodle’s Advanced Upload of assignments tool, an annotated response file should be loaded using the relevant option in the feedback area, along with a general comment in the comments box and an indicative grade 6.
4.4.Where tutors are using TurnitinUK’s Grademark system, marking should be completedusing the online general comments area, marking rubrics and on- screen annotation where appropriate. An indicative grade [6]should also be provided.
4.5.Students should be made aware that any grades given via the VLE are indicative, until ratified by the exam board.
5.Local Processes and Enforcement
5.1.Guidance on local processes and procedures for undertaking electronic assignment submission marking and feedback will be communicated through Faculty Deans and Deputy Deans.
5.2.Heads of Subject will be responsible for ensuring that all academic staff within a subject area are undertaking e-submission marking and feedback, in accordance with this policy.
6.Further information
6.1.If you are unsure of your Faculty’s processes and procedures for handling electronic assignment submission, marking and feedback, please contact your line manager.
6.2.If you require any further information about this policy or the use of electronic assignment submission, please contact a member of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team.
6.3.If you require training, or would like to organise a training session for a group of colleagues, please contact Daniel Mackley(TEL Advisor), to arrange a session.
6.4.If you would like to access support resources, please visit this URL:
6.5.If you require technical assistance, advice or guidance, please contact a member of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team.
Learning & Teaching Development
Last updated: October 2012
Learning & Teaching Development1
[1] QSEC was disbanded in 2011 and replaced by two newly formed committees; Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) and Evaluation of the Student Experience Committee (ESEC)
[2] A link to TurnitinUK is available within the VLE for all students to use
[3] This can only be done when tutors create a TurnitinUK assignment
[4] Contact the TEL Advisor responsible for staff development
[5] Contact the Student IT Training Officer
[6] Grades provided within the VLE (Moodle) are indicative until ratified by exam board. All final and ratified grades should be entered into e:Vision via SITS.