PEPTDA Meeting

May 21, 2017

Washington, DC

Present: Jennifer Rama, Kristie Ross, Iman Sami, Barbara Chini, Anne Stone, Richard Kravitz, Debra Boyer, Alicia Casey, Stacey Peterson-Carmichael, Benjamin Nelson, Sankaran Krishnan, Lauren Camarda, Beth Allen, MyMy Buu, Dan Lesser, Cori Daines, Elisa Bard, Marc Henderson, William Gershan, Chuck Ester, Patrician Dubin, Vivek Balasubramanian, Paul Moore, Andrea Coverstone, Melodi Pirzada, Catherine Kier, Alia Bazzy-Asaad, Ambika Shenoy, Pnina Weiss

1.  Introduction

2.  Happy Hour- a resounding success! Great food and drink!

3.  Budget:

a.  Balance as of June 3, 2017 is is $10,469.60

b.  Yearly expenditures include CoPS membership, NACFC meeting costs, ATS happy hour costs, and website

c.  Dues collected for 2016-2017 academic year from 25 programs to date, down from 35 the year before. Keep them coming! List of programs who have sent in dues attached.

4.  ABP update

a.  Sub-board- James Chmiel

i.  Content specifications have undergone much needed revision, allowing more flexibility in question writing to keep up with rapidly changing science.

ii. Stakeholder surveys helped determine the relative weight of each area in the certification and recertification exams

iii.  Intent and direction from ABP to sub-board members is to use primarily clinically relevant questions

iv.  Sub-board is now mapping established questions to new content specs, will retire questions no longer valid/relevant, write new questions

b.  EPAs/curriculum: list of pulmonary EPAs and scale at

c.  MOC 4 for program improvement: You can get part 4 MOC for your annual program evaluations you are already doing. Check at your institution (many have processes for approving) OR see the ABP website for more info:

d.  MOCA Pulm: expected to begin in 2020, currently being piloted in gen peds, quarterly questions that can be done from anywhere rather than proctored exam. for more information

5.  SPIN – Subspecialty Pediatric Investigative Network update: Surveying program directors about EPA’s- high stakes – please contribute as EPAs will be part of fellowship certification, need your input to make sure your voice is heard and it is not decided for us! See slide 3 for details.

6.  ACGME update- see slides 5-8

a.  Protected FTE for FPDs: now a requirement, based on number of fellows ranging from 0.2 to 0.35, see common and pulmonary program requirements- links at

b.  Program requirement revisions (home call) – home clinical work (taking phone calls, charting) now counts towards 80- hour work week.

c.  Self-study: please share your experiences!

7.  CoPS update

a.  Delayed fellowship start date: July 5th orientation, July 7th first day of clinical duties, not a mandate, check with your institution. J-1 visa and insurance issues have been worked out. Link to final recommendation at

b.  Common match date: all specialties except heme-onc are now in the fall match.

c.  Workforce action team- Debra Boyer: ABP workforce team has collaborated with Gary Freed and Laura Leslie at AAP to look at workforce issues. The possibility of workforce summit has been discussed.

i.  ATS Education committee: Resume programs to bring residents to ATS earlier in training than boot camp (after already matched) to encourage them to consider pulmonology as a career

8.  NRMP

a.  Match results: see slide 10

b.  Participation agreement: need 75% participation of programs actively recruiting, see slide 11; over 75% have agreed to participate, but over the last three years, we haven’t reached that target, endangering our continued participation

9.  CFF fellowship eligibility criteria: slide 13, extending eligibility to non-US citizens/permanent residents! We anticipate that it will appear in the new RFA; there will be limited positions. Thanks to Pnina for advocating on our behalf after this came up at the fall meeting!

10. PREP PULM/AAP – slide 14

11. Website – needs- PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR MATERIALS TO SHARE! We can all learn from each other, your forms don’t have to be perfect, they may still be helpful to others. Please visit and give us feedback on how to improve it. Thanks to Pnina for finally getting this much needed resource up and running.

12. By laws revision- discussion: see slide 21 for details. We are not currently complying with bylaws. We will need a lawyer to formally revise and update- quite out of date. After discussion, motion passed to move forward as outlined on the slide with changes to board member terms to be more in line with what is currently in our bylaws and make it easier for people to participate.

13. APPD/CoPS- fellowship funding survey – not discussed due to lack of time

14. 2 year fellowship- deferred due to lack of time

15. Other:

a.  Barb Chini shared on behalf of Bob Wood that bronch course is filling up fast – reach out if you want to register fellows or others.

b.  Discussion of asking ATS and CFF for more formal support – generally there was consensus to try, board will discuss specific ask further