

Agenda Item: 2

Draft Agenda

Purpose: Consideration

Submitted by: Lead Shepherd

/ 42nd Tourism Working Group Meeting Solo, Indonesia24-25 April 2013

Draft Agenda

42nd APEC Tourism Working Group Meeting (TWG)

24-25 April 2013, Solo, Indonesia



  1. Welcoming, opening remarks and introductions
  • Opening remarks by the Lead Shepherd of the TWG, Javier Esteban Guillermo Molina, International Affairs Advisor, Ministry of Tourism of Mexico.
  • Welcoming remarks by the host of the 42nd TWG Meeting, Indonesia
  1. Adoption of the Agenda
  • The Lead Shepherd will propose the Draft Annotated Agenda for adoption
  1. Business Arrangement
  • The host economy will announce business arrangements for the 42nd TWG Meeting.
  1. Report of the Secretariat
  • The Secretariat to report on key developments
  1. APEC 2013 Priorities
  • Indonesia to brief the group on its priorities for APEC 2013
  1. 2013 Work Plan
  • The Lead Shepherd to brief the group on the work plan for 2013


  1. Follow up to the APEC Travel Facilitation Initiative
  • The US to brief on the updates reported to the steering council on the work done by the different areas of APEC on the TFI
  1. A report on TMM7 and the Ministers Declaration
  • Russia will present the TWG with the conclusions and directions from the Tourism Ministers and the Ministers Declaration adopted in Khabarovsk, on July 24, 2012


  1. Following the instructions from the Ministers for the TWG to support the implementation of the TFI, and to increase its participation in TFI components, we propose the following discussion and workshop, in cooperation with our guests, in order to produce a “paper” that includes de vision of tourism on the following TFI programs:
  • Trusted traveler programs
  • Advance passenger information programs

Because of this, we have requested the assistance of two economies to coordinate the work during 2013 towards the preparation of this paper:

The (member economy)volunteered to coordinate the work for the Advance Passenger Information

The (member economy) volunteered to coordinate the work for the Trusted Traveler Program


  1. Presentation of “Lessons Learned” from 2 volunteer member economies on the implementation of the strategic directions and actions of the first priority area.
  • Two member economies will make a brief presentation (20 minutes) of success stories on how they have implemented the strategies and actions of the first priority area of the strategic plan “Tourism as an engine for growth and prosperity in the APEC region.”
  • Some questions and discussions will follow each presentation.
  1. Presentation of “Lessons Learned” from 2 volunteer member economies on the implementation of the strategic directions and actions of the second priority area.
  • Two member economies will make a brief presentation (20 minutes) of success stories on how they have implemented the strategies and actions of the second priority area of the strategic plan “Inclusive growth in the travel and tourism sector.”
  • Some questions and discussions will follow each presentation.


  1. Presentations by our guests on the scope of tourism taxation. (UNWTO, PATA, IATA)
  • Guest will update the TWG con the scope and trends in tourism taxation
  • TWG members will ask questions and discuss the presentation.


  1. TWG PROJECT UPDATES: Project Overseers / Project proponents will briefly provide and update on the progress of APEC TWG projects since the 39th TWG meeting in San Francisco
  • TWG 012011A “Creating Business Growth Opportunities in the New APEC Economy” (USA)
  • Report on the project workshop
  • TWG 03 2011A Sustainable Development of Tourism Destinations (Chile, Australia, Russia)
  • Presentation of future projects
  • The Secretariat will provide and update on project information
  • Capacity building session to better improve our presentation of future projects
  1. Guest Reports
  • Guests are invited to present updates and deliver a short presentation outlining the key issues and trends impacting tourism.
  • TWG will dialogue with Guests to encourage them to participate in the enrichment of TWG projects.



  1. Following the instructions from the Ministers for the TWG to support the implementation of the TFI, and to increase its participation in TFI components, we propose the following discussion and workshop, in cooperation with our guests, in order to produce a “paper” that includes de vision of tourism on the following TFI programs:
  • Trusted traveler programs
  • Advance passenger information programs

Because of this, we have requested the assistance of two economies to coordinate the work during 2013 towards the preparation of this paper:

The (member economy) volunteered to coordinate the work for the Advance Passenger Information Program

The (member economy) volunteered to coordinate the work for the Trusted Traveler Program

  1. Members’ Reports
  • Members are asked to present an informal statement on the current state of the travel and tourism industry in their respective economies (brief, no more than 5 minutes each).
  1. Other business
  • Housekeeping announcements
  1. Closing Remarks
  • The Lead Shepherd will briefly summarize and convey the closing remarks and formally close the meeting.