2016 HCM PPSM Merit Roster Processing Help Page
Merit Roster Processing Steps
The following criteria are used to produce the roster of employees:- Salary Administration Plan of either PSS or MSP.
- PPSM contract (appt. type 1), career (appt. type 2) and partial-year career (appt. type 7) employees.
- Employee has a status of (a) active, (b) leave of absence, or (c) has a PRT hold appointment.
Merit Roster Tab:
- Employees eligible for automatic salary adjustment processing will have no value in the Ineligible Reason Code and Ineligible Reason columns.
- Employees who have a value in the Ineligible Reason Code and Ineligible Reason columnshave been determined to be ineligible for automatic processing – see step 2 below.
New This Year: Four additional columns have been added to the rosters – (1) SHSV Training Completed, (2) SHSV Training Exception Granted, (3) Perf Eval Completed, and (4) Perf Eval Exception Granted. Please refer to the column headings definitions section for further information.
Suggested steps to follow to complete the Merit Roster(s)
The first 2 involve eligibility validation of the roster.
1. / Review the roster to ensure it includes all PSS and MSP employees in your department who are Appointment Types 1-Contract, 2-Career and 7-Partial Year Career.
Note: / To sort the list in a different sequence, click the dropdown arrow on the edit box beside the Sort button and select a different sort sequence. Then click Sort to re-sequence the list.
2. / Review the Inelg column to ensure that any conditions indicated are correct.
a. / The employee’s job (appointment) does not have earnings distribution data (NReg).
b. / The employee has been hired or rehired on or after 1/1/15(SAP1 - No eligible job on 1/4/2016).
c. / The employee does not have a compensation rate linked to the position (NRAT).
d. / The employee has a break-in-service on or after 1/1/15 15 (SAP3 – Break in service on or after 1/4/16).
f. The employee has a salary that exceeds the salary range maximum (MAX – Salary at or above salary range maximum)
Note: / If this condition appears to be in error, correct the employee's information in HCM. The changes will be reflected the following day in the roster.
When you are certain your roster is valid, please follow, in order, the following processing steps:
3. / In the Rating column, the default rating is “Select Rating”. Please select the appropriate rating for all employees, including those who are not eligible for a salary increase. Employees with a rating of “2 – I – Improvement Needed” or with a “1 –U - Unsatisfactory” rating will not be eligible for a merit increase. Employees who do not have a rating entered will receive a 1.5% salary increase.
4. / For those employees whose performance is rated as “3- ME – Meets Expectations” or above, the following are the sample salary increase ranges:
- If employee’s salary is in the 4th quartile: 1.0% - 1.5%
- If employee’s salary is in the 3rd quartile: 1.0% - 1.5%
- If employee’s salary is in the 2nd quartile: 1.5% - 2.0%
- If employee’s salary is in the 1st quartile: 2.0% - 2.5%
a. / You will need to enter the performance rating and percentage increase.
Then move the cursor to a different cell. You may either save your entry now or move on to the next employee record.
b. / You must click Save to see the changes, including the calculation of the “salary change”, “percent to be applied”, and “new annual rate” columns, reflected on the employee records.
5. / After completing steps 1 through 4, click Save at the bottom left of the page.
Click Ok to save the changes
6. / You may continue to adjust the Rating or Percent to be applied on individual employees as necessary. Also, you must click SAVE after you have completed entering any new performance rating or Percent to be applied to override the previous entry.
7. / After entering and saving all performance ratings, any necessary ineligibility reasons, and the Percent to be applied for all of your eligible employees, click the Send Completed Roster button at the top left side of the list. Then again, Click Save. You will not receive a confirmation or any indication that the roster has been sent. Don’t worry – During the last couple of days the web-based merit roster application is available, OHR Comp. will be contacting departments who have not yet successfully submitted their rosters to remind of the September 23, 2016 roster submission deadline.
If, after submitting the merit actions, you are aware of a PSS or MSP employee transferring into your department and the transaction has been entered into HCMprior to September 23, you should reopen the merit application to see if the employee has been added to the merit roster. If so, complete steps 2 through 7 again.
If you have any questions concerning the salary adjustment process, please contact Scott Dinkelspiel , or 2-2799.