University LGBT Subcommittee of Equity & Diversity

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

12:00-1:00, Robertson Alumni House Conference Room

LGBT Subcommittee Minutes

Attending: Randi Buerlein, Jan Altman, Jeff Wing, Cristina Ramirez, Maria Altonen, Rebecca Hurst, Erin White

Jeff called the meeting to order at 12pm. Jan Altman took minutes.

After time to review, the minutes from the last (November 16, 2010) meeting were approved.

Equity and Diversity

Cristina Ramirez provided the update.

Cristina will attend a meeting later today of all E&D Subcommittee co-chairs.

No update on Campus Climate Index as Provost has not yet responded to Jan’s emails to set a meeting.

Cristina was asked to notify the E&D Committee of the date change for the Awards reception (now April 14).

Gender Identity and its Expression

Jeff reminded us that this work group offered to work on the relevant portion of the Campus Climate Index. LGBT Subcommittee co-chairs plan a meeting together with Provost Warren and President Rao to urge them to include gender identity and its expression to VCU policies before the next fiscal year begins on July 1. Ideally this would occur no later than the May meeting of the Board of Visitors.

Suggestion made for Dorothy Fillmore to contact Rachel Kopelovich for possible collaboration with faculty/staff from Community Engagement who may have some energy around working on gender identity issues at VCU.

Burnside Watstein LGBT Awards

Although the reception was planned to accommodate Chris Burnside and Sarah Watstein schedules, President Rao requested a change to April 14, which was approved. This change has been approved by the LGBT Subcommittee, Sarah and Chris.

The Presidents’ office offered to pay for additional advertising necessary since the cards have been distributed advertising the original date. We decided to wait until after March 1 to print and distribute new cards so that the card can also announce the names of the winners. Announcements will appear in the TelegRam to seek nominees for the award; the new date will be included.

Jeff Wing will speak with Dorothy Fillmore about music and food for the reception. The idea of flute and guitar music in place of flute duets was considered.

Network Virginia Symposium on June 18, 2011 at VCU (Donna Coghill)

Donna Coghill was not present at meeting today but provided a separate handout with information.

It was suggested that Donna consult with Jamie Stillman about general ‘meeting planner’ information at VCU.

The planned keynote speaker is Sue Rankin (of Campus Pride). Donna provided a description of this 1-day faculty/staff symposium, and she is overseeing the hosting whereas other non-VCU participants with Network Virginia are responsible for program planning. Donna will seek volunteers from our committee to assist with on-site preparation including Commons contacts and planning, Aramark/Dining Services food quote and planning, Housing/dorm contacts and logistics, etc. The committee discussed the option of providing CE credits which would require documentation of attendance and a $15 fee. It was thought this would stimulate even greater interest in attending the symposium. The committee brainstormed other possible needs and tasks: printed materials, parking arrangements, gifts, marketing (internal and external), and possible CE credit.

Donna outlined a need for volunteers in 3 areas:

1-Pre-symposium planning and logistics as described above

2-June 18 greeters and hosts, including a VCU rep in each room at the beginning of each presentation

3-Attending symposium on June 18: Everyone, including volunteers, will need to complete a registration form.

Though volunteers are not yet being solicited for specific tasks, Jan Altman volunteered to be a greeter (#2) as she is essentially unavailable to assist with pre-symposium tasks but can attend the symposium. Cristina Ramirez also offered to serve as a greeter.

Other Business


The meeting ended at 1pm.

ja 1.20.11


·  Next meeting: 12:00 p.m. February 15, 2010 (Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month)

·  2011 Burnside Watstein LGBT Award Ceremony & Reception will be held on Thursday, April 14, 3:30-5p, at the Scott House (NOTE: NEW DATE!)

o  Nominations are due to Randi Buerlin on or before February 11, 2011 – see http://www.omsa/

·  Sandra Moran’s visit to VCU will be March 29, 2011

LGBT Subcommittee Minutes 2010-2011

·  August 17 : Donna Coghill

·  September 21 : Maria Altonen

·  October 19 : Donna Coghill

·  November 16 : Cristina Ramirez

·  December 21 (this is a lunch gathering, only, no minutes necessary)

·  January 18 : Jan Altman

·  February 15 : Steve Gottfredson

·  March 15 : OPEN

·  April 19 : OPEN

·  May 17 : OPEN