Art I

Teacher: Ms. Roux

Room#215Phone: (956) 254-5251/E-mail:

Conference:Fall 4th period

Teaching Philosophy:

I ask of students a dedication of time, energy, and an openness to explore new ideas and methods. Together we will strive to improve each student’s ability to express themselves through the visual arts.

Course Description:

Art I is a basic level art course covering:

  • The Elements of Art and Principles of Design
  • Art Criticism, Art history
  • A variety of mediums, techniques, styles of art


1.Learn applythe technical requirements of the 2& 3- dimensional processes.

2.Learn, Develop and apply an art vocabulary.

3.Build an understanding and appreciation of Artistic Expression/ART STYLES.

4.Develop an understanding of Art’s impact on Society as well as Historical context of Art.

5. Thursday: Art Writing Prompts

Art I:Textbook: The Visual Experience by Davis (Class set will be provided)

Required Supplies:ASAP-Friday or Monday the latest! (Teacher will not provide you with any and points will be taken off for any missing supplies on each studio project.


1 Black or Blue pen


A hand held pencil sharpener.

One Spiral Sketch book. No loose papers, torn pages will be accepted!)

Michael’s,Wal-Mart,Staples, Office Depot, Target, H-E-B


(Also suggested- zipper pocket for supplies.

One package of blending stumps(tortillons) for shading. (Michael’s or Walmart)

1 inch binder with 3 dividers: binders will be graded as a Major test grade periodically throughout the semester. Binder must be organized in the following format:

Pre punched Syllabus must be first page in binder. The dividers must be labeled and filed accordingly:

1st divider tab: Notes

2nd divider tab: Daily Work

3rd divider tab Test (Rubrics)

Art Critique Presentations!

YES, you will present to the class….fail to do so will result in a failing grade. You will be required to present 1 or 2 if time permitsof your best artworks and turn in two written critiques. Will count as two test grades!

Due dates: Will be written on BOARD.

Studio projects, daily work and binders due dates will be written on board, make it a habit of checking the board for important due dates!!!

Attendance Policy

Please refer to the Student Handbook for further Attendance Policies. After 3 tardies, a referral will be written.

Grading Policy:

Daily Grades: (Warm-ups, review questions, handouts, sketchbook assignments, activities etc.) and Class participation50%% of final grade.

Course Grading Criteria:

Creativity, Craftsmanship, Following Directions, Overall appearance, quality and accomplishment of project

*Studio Projects, Binders, Vocabulary Tests, Presentations/ Written Critiques 50%

How Do I Make Up Missing Assignments?

Must fill out the blue late assignment sheet in order for project to be graded late……Located on teacher’s desk. 10 points deducted for each day it’s late. ITS YOUR RESPONSIBLILTY TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU MISSED. ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE AVAILABE WHEN YOU RETURN TO CLASS. JUST LOCATE THEM AND REVIEW ON YOUR OWN THE INSTRUCTIONS AND IF YOU STILL NEED CLARIFICATON THEN ASK TEACHER.


Will be administered at the student’s request, NO LATER than one week from the original Exam.


Each Art project will take one to two weeks of class time to complete.

Studio Projects are to be worked during class not at home.

Art work shall not be offensive inwhich appears to have the following..

  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Excessive violence(guns, gore etc..etc..)
  • Gang activity, graffiti
  • The occult (images of the devil etc.) or other extremist views.


Original ideas for projects are highly encouraged.

Logos, rock bands symbols that are not created or owned by artist is not acceptable. Example, Nike sign, peace sign, etc….the point is to be creative! Using someone else’s creativity and ideas is not creating art!

Mediums to be used….Remember it’s a privilege to use them!

Tempera Paint/Acrylic/Watercolors, Sharpies and Colored Pencils, Oil Pastels/Chalk pastels, Pen/Ink

Daily Expectations: Are to be followed even when there is substitute teacher.

use your time wisely,

Always bring in supplies that you will need every day (pencils, erasers, and sketchbook) work on the project at hand.

Be respectful of others and materials in the studio room.

Pitch in with cleanup(if you want to leave for next class)

Be attentive when I talk and do not interrupt when I am lecturing or helping other students(REFER TO 3 BEFORE ME RULE)

Remain at your tables as you wait to leave to your next class.

Work quietly – use appropriate language and have appropriate conversations THIS IS HAVING GOOD MANNERS AND AGAIN RESPECT.

Teacher desk area is off limits!

  • Safety first! Eating munchies & gum chewing not allowed. (WATER IS ok!)
  • Responsibility -- Be responsible for tools, supplies and the studio work area.

Daily Procedures:

Come in on time and ready to work quietly on daily drawing warm-ups.

All backpacks, bags, and purses belong in the cubby area. Not on tables. Sweaters, jackets hang on back of your chair not on tables.

All work must have name, date and period before it’s turned in to designated tray by periods.

ART Poster Letters. If the class gets too loud, I will take off one letter (A)…this is your warning. If the noise continues, then another letter will come down(R)…2nd warning. Noise continues…last letter comes down(T) and NO MORE ART! Put everything away and a textbook assignment will be assigned and due before you leave with no talking!!

Teacher desk area is off limits!

The 3 before Me Rule! You need to do these things before you ask me for help!

1 Look at handouts, notes, rubrics and instruction sheets.

2. Look at art samples, art prints, visual aids on walls, posters,
3. Ask a classmate who knows what they are doing.


  • Safety first! Eating munchies & gum chewing not allowed.. SO PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME ASK YOU EVERYDAY TO DISPOSE YOUR GUM WHEN YOU COME INTO CLASS. (WATER IS ok!)

*Discipline is not something I impose on you so I can control you. Rather, it is something you must develop within yourself so you can become the best person you can be, not the one who could have been.


PLEASE NOTE: In this class we will/possibly utilize social media and various computer programs and software. Please know that all communication between teacher and student will be professional and based solely on coursework and assignments. As per the Electronic Use Policy and the BYOD policy students will be disciplined for any inappropriate behavior. If you have further questions or concerns or do not wish to have your child utilize social media as a learning tool please contact me by phone or email. Thank you.

Student Name(Print)______Class Period______

Art I

Please provide your contact information below:

Parent/Guardian name (please print):______

Parent/Guardian daytime phone numbers:

  • Cell:______
  • Home:______
  • Work:______
  • Email:______

Please sign in the spaces provided to acknowledge that you have read and understand the expectations for my class.

Student Signature(print)______

Parent/Guardian Signature and print.______

Please return this portion of this page to me filled out as soon as possible. It will be recorded as a daily grade, if turned on Tuesday, August 26th, 2014. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.