The last time I saw my mother alive was last Saturday, the night before she passed away. I knew she would not live too much longer as she was then having huge difficulty breathing.I felt regret at that moment, for not having talked with her more or showed her more affection when I still had the chance.
Even though it was not totally unexpected, the shocking moment came when we realized that she finally died from heart failure on Sunday morning. After I gave her a goodbye kiss on her cheek, I had to find a quiet corner to grieve on my own, while many family members were still standing around her bedside crying. Old memories of her appeared in my mind while my tears rushed out at the same time.
I remembered how she took me to school when I was young; how many tears were in hereyes when she said farewell to me at the pier when I went to America at the age of 15; what she wrote me everyday telling me how much she missed me; and how she gave me such a big hug that I could hardly breathe when meeting me at the airport after being apart for 3 years.
I was my mother’s first born and had been given more than my fair share of love and affection from her. She spoiled me badly by too generously giving me everything I had ever wanted when I was young. However, I feel that I have become a better person by emulating her attitude and behavior in life.She was a true person with simple needs. She was a contented and confident person with the wisdom to accept things as they happened naturally. One cannot help but immediately notice her warmth, kindness and generosity.
My mother left this world, but fond and loving memories of her will remain forever in all of us.
Love, Peter
In her roles as mother, mother in law and grandmother, my mother in law has been my role model. She has all the qualities that I aspire to have. She is beautiful on the outside and inside. She is a caring and gives without expecting anything in return. She is genuine and makes people around her feel warm and loved. She is loyal and loving to her husband.
When I got married at 25, I left my own parents in Thailand to come to Hong Kong. Ever since I joined the family, we lived under the same roof for half the time. My mother in law took care of me as if she was my own mother, and she has truly shown me what love is. I have seen her sacrifice herself, her comfort, her happiness so that others can meet their needs. Both times, when I flew over to give birth to my children in the U.S., she did not hesitate to leave her daily comforts and routine to go keep me company and care for me. For the first few years of my marriage, I did not know how to speak Chinese, and so we could not speak to one another. But that did not stop us sharing many unforgettable moments together. I remember watching Chinese soap opera at night and she slowly explained to me what was going on. She also taught me to play mahjong when I could not read the characters. She was always patient, loving and had a good sense of humor.
Before allowing me to leave Thailand and marry someone new to my family, my father made the point to Hong Kong. It was only after meeting my mother in law, that he was able to make his decision to let me marry. He said he knew I would be well-taken care of and happy in this family.
As Buddhists in Thailand, my family believes that having a great mother-in-law is like living in heaven. I am so lucky to have experienced this while living on earth.
For the loss of her, I regret so many things that I have not done enough to repay what she has given me. I am forever grateful for her love.
Mom, please rest in peace. No one can replace you, but we will do our utmost to take good care of DAD.
Love, Arunee
永燊 (Sam)
媽咪,我的腦海中,滿佈了與您一起的快樂回憶,我們一起享用美食、一起四出遊歷。早一陣子,爸爸希望可以與您重遊美國,但您身體狀況像是未能容許遠行,上一個月您竟然靈機一觸,不去美國反而去了香港迪士尼樂園,感受一下美國小鎮大街的風情。在欣賞花車巡遊及周圍遊覽時,大家也開懷歡笑,令我回想起少年時您帶著我們去美國Disney Land的快樂時光。
「我們愛,因為神先愛我們。」約翰一書 4:19
My Beloved Mom,
I am so sorry that I wasn’t there when you passed away and could only hold you in my heart. I know you have always protected me, even until
your last moments. I love you so much. You are the best mom ever! I know you are in a better place and have no more suffering. You can eat
and walk and go shopping again! Still, I miss you so much. I miss taking care of you. I miss you telling me stories.I have learned so much from you. You are the most considerate person I have ever known. You are kind, sincere, smart, and have such a good heart. I admire you with all my heart. Please help dad to find peace in his heart. I will see you.
Your baby girl,
To my dearest嫲嫲,
You were gentle, you were sweet, you were kind. You were loving, you were generous, you were forgiving. You were serene, you were patient, you were undemanding. You were feminine, you were strong and you were beautiful.
You were in the room at my birth, and ever since then, you have never stopped being there for me. Now that you have passed, I will carry a part of you in me for the rest of my life.
I will always remember your smile, your youthful skin, your beautiful hands, your adventurous spirit, your quiet gracefulness and your kind heart.
I will always remember how proud I was to introduce you as my grandmother to my friends, how happy I was to travel around the world with you, how fun it was to eat with you, shop with you, play with you.
I will always remember putting on our swimsuits and jumping into Lake Tahoe, hiding in your closet and looking through your beautiful dresses, sampling perfumes and doing our nails together at your dressing table, sitting at the mahjong table while you taught me clever ways to win, crying on your shoulder when you took me on my first trip to Japan without my parents.
I admire your passion for life and relationships, and I am touched to see that during every hardship you faced, beneath the softness, you were full of strength. You never once complained, raised your voice, or lost composure.
As a wife, you were patient, loving and supportive. As a mother (and mother in law) you were warm, compassionate and devoted. As a grandmother, you were affectionate, caring and generous. You made it easy for all of us to love you because you embodied all these qualities so naturally and so humbly. And even during the past ten years, when you were bound to your wheelchair and unable to speak or move freely, I never stopped feeling your love, your goodness and your strength.
I am so glad that Owen, Casper and Momo were able to get to know their太婆, but it makes me so sad to know that you’re no longer here. I so wish I could have had more time with you, to give back to you just a portion of what you’ve given me, to thank you for being who you were and for being such an important part of my life.
You are my inspiration and my hero. I will remember you and honor your spirit in everything I do.
May you live peacefully and joyfully with the Angels in Heaven.
I love you and will miss you always,
Love, Ann (愛茵)
"My dear grandson, when are you getting married?" It is the eternal question from my grandmother every time i sat down for dinner at her table. It is unfortunate she could not be present to witness that moment. But when that day comes, my Mama surely will look down from heaven smiling. I know in my heart that it would have given her all the happiness in the world. So with deep regret from me, it is the only unfulfilled wish she shared which i did not timely deliver during my relationship with her.
However the other moments i spent with her i will forever cherish. I have shared with her the sweetest times and she has given me the fondest memories of her life. Before her stroke restricted her physically to a wheelchair, she was energetic and voracious. Her happiness was contagious as my heart would always light up being around her. My favorite past time with her was shopping and eating, both which she could do literally all day long. She loved travelling to new places, and i am so fortunate to have been on trips with her- but not as often as i would have liked. Could you imagine her on a ski trip, going down the mountain on the same sled as me? Well those are the unique moments i shared with my grandma.
My Mama was the epitome of generosity, selflessness and tolerance. Whether i was naughty or nice, good tempered or bad, she would always greet me with a smile and a kiss and expect nothing in return. I loved her the most, and i felt the same bond from her always- and that is why it is so sad to see her go.
However, with death comes an afterlife- one which i am sure Mama will enjoy, with endless fruits in a beautiful lush garden, with unlimited amounts of fatty meats to fill her boundless appetite.
Mama, I love you always, rest in peace.
Love, Andy
MaMa (嫲嫲) ,
Your cheeks are soft and rosy like a peach.
Your smile and laughter are so sweet.
You are so precious but yet so humble.
You are always thoughtful and patient, even though we've caused plenty of troubles.
You gave us many words of wisdom.
You protected me even when I had my temper tantrums.
Your kindness and generosity are admired dearly.
You will be missed sincerely.
Thank you, Ma Ma(嫲嫲), for being there from my start.
Loving memories of you will forever be etched in my heart
Dai Mui (大妹)--
祖榮 (榮榮)
在翻看嫲嫲的照片,看到一張爺爺、嫲嫲六十周年結婚紀念日的全家幅,嫲嫲依偎在爺爺身旁,他們的笑容十分燦爛。嫲嫲總是帶著微笑,雖然嫲嫲暫時離開了我們,不過我深信嫲嫲現時也在微笑,因為她正在天堂享福,依偎在天父的懷裏 。
我回想到很多與嫲嫲在一起的回憶 。我們一家每星期都會去探望她和爺爺 。吃飯時,總是我和嫲嫲吃得比較慢,現在回想起來非常依依不捨 。願嫲嫲在天堂裏可以快樂,永遠都在天父的懷抱裏。
Dear Paw Paw (婆婆),
Thank you for showing me how a generous spirit like yours can bring so
much into people’s lives. You have so many people that love you and
will miss you immensely because you have shown each of them your
sincere kindness. Your uncanny ability to remember all the food each
member of the family likes and then to plan meals so thoughtfully was
the most amazing skill, but it was your consideration that was truly
incredible and was felt so warmly.
The love and care you showed for me transcended any language barriers
we had and I still remember how genuinely you laughed when we had tea
years ago, just the two of us. I will always treasure memories of the
summers I spent at Yau Yat Chuen. It was the first time I was away
from home and though I missed my mom, I remember being comforted by
you and by just knowing that you were the one that taught her how to
be a great mom by being one yourself. I am so glad to have known you
to be a gracious person and loving grandmother and to be a part of the
legacy you have left behind. We love you so much!
Love, Jen
"Grandma, mom, wife, friend whatever role you held in our lives you fulfilled it with joy, wisdom and love. Though we are grieving today, we will all always remember you as the generous women who taught us all how to be kind and caring. Your innate ability to bring peace and love to the family will be truly missed. Thank you with providing me with memories of lychee farms, Disneyland trips, and of course pictures of me in a hula skirt wearing your wig in Hawaii. I will always love you paw paw(婆婆)."
Love, Jon