Washtucna-Benge Communities’ Scholarship

Name of applicant:______

Home address: ______


Name of parent or guardian:______



High School presently attending:______

What is your career goal?______

Name of College, University, Jr. College, Trade/Voc. Tech. School, you wish to attend?


Have you applied? Yes____ No____ Have you been accepted? Yes____ No____

(If accepted, please attach a letter of acceptance)

Please attach:

1.Copy of transcript showing last seven (7) semesters of high school coursework.

2.Attach a brief narrative, maximum one page, to include:

  • School, community and personal interests.
  • Summary of employment, part-time, full-time, and work at home.
  • What are your career objectives and how will the school/college you have selected, help you achieve these objectives?
  • Why do you feel you are deserving of this award?

3.Completed recommendations from three sources. Please do not include family

and relatives. Please use the attached forms.

  • One (1) from an instructor familiar with your work.
  • One (1) from a member of the community.
  • One (1) from a past or present employer, or supervisor of community service work.
  1. Attach a list of "Community Service" projects and hours served for each project, within the previous 12 months period.

Completed application due to WashtucnaHigh School Principal by March 20th



1.How would you rate this student’s potential for success in attaining his/her career goals?

Poor Fair Good Excellent

  1. How would you rate this student’s ability in comparison to other students?

Poor Fair Good Excellent

3.Please write a brief paragraph describing why you think this student is deserving of this scholarship award. Please date and sign this statement.


Relationship to applicant:______



The Washtucna-Benge Communities’ Scholarship Trust was originally created by the Washtucna-Benge Lions Club in the mid-1990’s. Its purpose was then the same as it is now: TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE TO GRADUATING SENIORS OF WASHTUCNA HIGH SCHOOL BY ENHANCING THEIR EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT.

Scholarship amounts vary from year to year, but have been as low as $250 and as high as $1,800 for individual awards.


  1. Must have attained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75.
  1. Must have applied and been accepted by a two or four year accredited educational institution or vocational/technical school.
  1. Must submit an application to the High School Principal who will review the applications with the Trustees and High School Guidance Counselor.
  1. Recipients and alternates (if any) will be announced at WHS graduation ceremonies.


  1. Scholarship recipients must achieve a grade point average of 2.0 or better during their first quarter/semester of college or vocational school.
  1. Recipients must have accumulated sufficient hours to qualify for grade advancement.
  1. Recipients must be registered for the second quarter/semester.
  1. Upon being furnished with the following information the treasurer of the trust will deposit the amount of the scholarship awarded into the student’s account at the institution he/she is attending:
  • Copy of grades and GPA including number of hours.
  • Statement affirming registration for second quarter/semester.
  • Student identification number.
  • Name and address of the Office of Financial Affairs that handles student accounts at the institution he/she is attending.
  1. Provide the items in # 4 to the treasurer of the Trust by January 15 in the year

following WHS graduation.