Office of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs)

Monash University Student Experience Network

Meeting 4/09 of the Monash Student Experience Network was held on Friday, 20 November 2009 from 10.00am – 12.00pm in the Council Room, 1st Floor, Building 3A, Clayton campus.

Unconfirmed Minutes

1. / Apologies and Attendance / Action/Information
1.1  1.1 Apologies: Adam Shoemaker, Adrian Devey, Kate Brown, David Copolov, Ann Turner, Cristina Varsavsky, Stephen Legg, Dennis Kelly, Rod Devenish, Margaret Heagney, Andrea Heyward, Bryan Fricker, Charmaine Paramanathan, Christina Klopfer, David Booth, Gary Codner, Margo Hellyer, Gerard Schnabl, Glenda Key, Guojun Lu, Helen Fletcher-Kennedy, Janette Burke, Haoming Zhuo, Tim Winkler (for Lee-ann Norris), Martin Doulton, Janine Mazzini, Jude Little, Jill Falkland, Jill McLachlan, Jimmy Yeow, Robert Nelson, Gerard Schnabl, Kelly Tsagournos, Jill Falkland, Julie Marriott, Janine Paterson, Jo Calmer, Kim Styles, Louis Roller, Marcus Spenser (for Steve Pollard), Louise McCall, Nicolene Murdoch, Vicky Nash, Kay Gardner, Vincent Goh, Luke Giulieri, Kelly Yip (MUISS).
1.2 In attendance: Marnie Hughes – Warrington and Gordon Sanson (for item 5); Mokgadi Tefo (Monash South Africa – Nursing staff), Jessica Dobbie (for item 8), David Pawley, Laura Swift (for Dennis Kelly), Anthony Sciuto and Helen Cai (Golden Key), Thomas Perry and Jennifer Buckley (for Margaret Heagney), George Lambiris (for Margo Hellyer), Yvonne Joyce (for Julie Marriott), Jade Mittermair (MUBS), Cait Ryan, Heidi Binghay (for Janette Burke).
1.3 Welcome to new members: Jean-Froncois Ravat (replacing Rebecca Murphy); Maxine Day (replacing Jessica Dobbie)
1.4 Welcome to the incoming Student Presidents: Lauren O’Dwyer (President MSA), Param Artputhanathan (President MONSU Caulfield), Megan Lowe (VP MONSU Caulfield), Bracha Rafael (President MONSU Peninsula), Luke Giulieri (President MUGSU Gippsland), Terence Hove (Monash Student President South Africa), Julius Wong Ling Tze (MUSA Malaysia), Kellie Yip (MUISS, Clayton)
2. / Confirmation of minutes meeting 3/09
The minutes of SEN meeting 3/09 held on 4 Sept 2009 were confirmed.
3. / Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4. / Update on 2009 Transition Retention and Progression Forum
The Chair reported that the program for the Forum is now available and all participants and presenters must register their attendance – please see the website for these and other details at:
We hope to see you there! / For information:
Anna Lyubomirsky
5. / Plagiarism
Professors Marnie Hughes – Warrington, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) and Gordon Sanson, Director, eEducation Centre, addressed SEN committee and student representatives on the topic of Plagiarism, its implications and a new software program that is being currently reviewed by the University.
The following was highlighted:
·  Monash University is reviewing currently used Plagiarism models but at this stage any changes that are made are still “adhoc”.
·  As the University looks at other potential systems, it should be noted that some models are extremely costly; Turnitin and Damocles are not being widely used, and availability is sparse
·  SafeAssign is another version of Plagiarism software that is facilitated within Blackboard online service. While it is being currently tested, there are still some functionality issues. It was noted that further investigation and input are needed on how this system can be better utilised and implemented to advocate a more educational approach
·  Gordon and Marnie asked SEN and students for feedback/comments on the program and its issues, and would like to prioritise this for staff & students
·  While it is generally understood and accepted that there are onerous obligations on behalf of the Faculties and academic staff to report academic misconduct, because the process is so arduous and vexed that when Plagiarism is detected, academic/faculty staff are reluctant to report or pursue the process
·  Hence, it was agreed that the process of reporting Plagiarism must become more streamlined, and clearer guidelines procedures should be developed for academic and administrative staff to process and report these cases
·  Also, we are obligated to report to external bodies/government organisations for compliance purposes and meet academic requirements, and hence we must have a system that will aid us in doing so on a equitable and effective basis
Marnie and Gordon expressed that they would like to pursue further dialogue with the incoming Student Presidents in the resolution of any punitive Plagiarism implications and develop best practice education opportunities & objectives instead. It is hoped that such collaboration will reflect a commitment to education and better understanding of what academic writing should be all about.
The Chair suggested that this agenda item should be revisited at the meeting 2/10 of SEN next year for further reporting and action. SEN thanked Gordon and Marnie for their information and input. / Send your feedback and input to Gordon Sanson or Marnie Hughes-Warrington
6. / Report from Health Wellbeing and Development
6.1 Student Diaries
Sam Jacob reported that the Student Diaries have been finalised and are going to be printed shortly. It was reported that the student feedback has been very positive and the format change has been reflected in the better provision of writing space for students. While the information regarding events and services on the diary pages has been minimised as per the students’ requests, the provision of such information is still available in the back of the diaries.
Sam highlighted that there has been a greater level of student input and involvement in the development and design of the 2010 Diaries. Also, in response to the students’ feedback relating to 2009 diaries having a somewhat patronising tone in their content, this year students have been increasingly engaged in editing of 2010 Diaries to generate a more advisory approach to the provision of information and its content.
6.2 Distinguished Alumni Awards
Andres Villamizar, Manager, Alumni Relations (Student Engagement and Alumni Recognition) demonstrated a brief video on the recipients of the Monash Distinguished Alumni Award. The video contained footage from the interviews with seven recipients of the Award over the past few years, including local and international alumni from various disciplines.The video is to be shown at the 'Welcome to Campus' session allowing new Monash students an opportunity to see the achievements of previous Monash graduates and what can be attained and realised with Monash degrees. Andres hopes that the video will create a sense of belonging to “alma mater” for new students from an early stage.
Andres also summarised the following objectives of the Distinguished Alumni Award and its selection process:
·  To celebrate Monash alumni’s outstanding achievements in their professional fields, their contributions to the community and their voluntary service to Monash
·  The Distinguished Alumni Awards program has been operating since 1993 and is a key strategy of alumni recognition process
·  The requirements for the selection include:
o  Nominees must have graduated from Monash University
o  Those who nominate them must also be Monash alumni
o  The selection panel must consist of past recipients of a Distinguished Alumni Award and chaired by the Chancellor and alumnus, Dr Alan Finkel / For information:
Sam Jacob/Jill Falkland
For information: Andres Villamizar
Ext: 34679
Nominations for 2010 will open Dec 2009.
For information and guidelines visit:
Alumni Website
7. / CSEN Reports
Respective CSEN/Student Presidents reported on the THREE most important outcomes, implemented in 2009, that had the most impact on their campus life and student experience.
·  Nick McLennan, MUBS President reported that the 3 or more main outcomes that have or would impact significantly on Berwick campus student experience are:
o  Installation to fencing around the liquor license area
o  Installation of and raising access to Sport facilities (similar to Parkville campus)
o  Improvement in the food variety and outlets on campus
o  Installation of ATM on campus – Nick thanked Kathy Racunica
·  Julian Campbell, MSA President (Clayton) reported on the following outcomes:
o  Changes to Swot Vac Week - great support for student experience
o  Extension of Library opening hours on campus
o  Addition of food outlets and increasing food variety on campus
o  Installation of fixed BBQs in 2010 (submission made in 2009) - improving social space for students
·  Param Artputhanathan, the incoming Student President MONSU Caulfield, briefed SEN on the following outcomes:
o  Breakfast Club - MONSU Caulfield - 5 week pilot program in semester two - free weekly breakfast, open to all students, student reps and support staff in attendance (to continue in 2010).
o  Mid-Week Meet - BBQ on the lawn in the middle of the week
o  Two new retail outlets opened in 2009 - I.T. Campus and Bubble Cup
o  Two new ATMs were installed on campus this year
o  Globe Cafe Program on Friday evenings (5.30pm to 8pm) during semester for international students at St John's Parish (very close to campus). A range of events and activities, opportunities to improve English conversation, learn about Melbourne and Australia. In addition to the work and support provided by Reverend John Baldock and Parishioners, on-campus student clubs were involved as were student and staff volunteers. High student attendance - at times over 100 (2010 program planning already is well underway).
·  Loretta Hambly, Campus Manager, Gippsland reported on the following:
o  Development of Event Guidelines Manual for Student Events
o  Improvement of student lounges & study areas
o  Security awareness – installation of security cameras in Churchill CBD via a collaborative effort between Monash security and Churchill local police – increasing safety & awareness for students (local & international)
o  Development of more interactive activities at Orientation events – better integration between students and interaction with faculty staff
·  Jessica Dobbie, Marketing Manager Parkville, presented on behalf of MPSA as follows:
o  Creation of PISA (Parkville International Student Association) as part of MPSA (PISA is no longer a social club)
o  Establishing links and channels of more effective communication between student organisations and faculties/Dean’s office via improved relationships and student meetings attended by the Dean or other Faculty staff, more brainstorming activities and meetings planned in 2010
o  Longer Library opening hours
·  Cara Alphey, the outgoing Student MONSU President (Peninsula), introduced Braha Rafael as the incoming President and reported on the following outcomes:
o  As a result of a review of food outlets and food provision on campus, catering and food variety & options have been improved
o  Shuttle Bus arrangement between Frankston Station and Peninsula campus - enabling better safety environment and transport options. The initiative will continue in 2010
o  Review of CSEN objectives and improved direction and results for 2010
·  Monash South Africa (report was embedded as Appendix 2 in the agenda and was noted by SEN)
·  Sunway’s 3 most significant outcomes for 2009 Student Experience:
o  Implementation of an Event Management Form and setting up of consultative meetings for major events leading to a more efficient coordination of events between students and staff
o  New Sports Facilities - Multipurpose court
o  Revamped website - more interactive, informative and user friendly model
The campus managers thanked the outgoing student presidents for their contribution to student associations and student experience and wished them well; SEN committee and the Chair welcomed the incoming presidents and thanked the campus managers and outgoing student presidents for their input to student experience in 2009.
8. / Extending the mentor program
Jessica Dobbie, from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Parkville), spoke to mentor programs that the faculty incepted in 2003. However, each year the programs have been revisited and transformed incorporating student feedback and recommended improvements. This year, there were many changes made to the peer-to-peer mentor program – simply new initiatives and major extensions. Jessica spoke to the following enhancements that have been generated as a result of Special Projects’ Funding allocated by the faculty’s central orientation committee:
·  Increasing student engagement at Orientation via allocation of peer mentors to new students and developing “Buddy” mentor groups
·  Developing more opportunities for social “getting to know each other” events during the Orientation week
·  Pursuing activities to assist first year students to engage beyond Orientation
·  Setting up creative and team building tasks and activities that highlight key transition
issues, developing enhanced links between first year students and key information sources/services
·  Creation of an online first year community via Blackboard sites and developing website services and information on enrolment, updating blog/MUSO site and sending student emails
·  Activities and information sessions included: familiarisation with uni; where to find things and people; good study practices; services at the university & seeking help; design a board game and survival week social bowling!
·  Activities to promote collaboration between staff and students – particularly Learning Skills, and Health, Wellbeing and Development
Jessica highlighted that there is still a need for more student engagement and varied mentor challenge activities suited to young adults. She also aims at greater and more effective utilisation of the dynamic nature of blackboard online service.
The Chair thanked Jessica for her presentation and dedication to enhancing student experience. / For information or PPT presented at SEN, please contact Jessica Dobbie
9. / Australian Culture Experience – “Ozzy Footy”
David Nankervis, from Monash Sport (Caulfield), presented on International Student
Footy Experience Clinic run by Monash Sport earlier this year in collaboration with HWD,
SEDA, TOES and Carlton Football Club.
The objective of the Footy Clinic was to provide International Students with a background
of the footy game and how well embedded Australian Football is in the Australian culture.
Engaging the International students to participate in the clinic and watch the
game enhanced their student experience and gave them a sense of Australian lifestyle
experience and a sense of belonging.
Buses were arranged to take students to Parkville Campus and students were provided with
free Green T-shirts – courtesy Monash University and Carlton Football Club.
The program’s ffocus was on educating and empowering students to take positive
environmental actions, especially relating to recycling, and provide insight
into Australian culture and the types of affiliations that Monash University has with sporting