Care Home InhalerTraining Feedback Form

In order to evaluate and improve the training and services that we offer we need to gather your views of the training provided.

Care Home ……………………………………..Date of training …../……./…….

What is your role?

Manager / deputy manager / nurse / senior carer / carer (please circle)


Your opinions before the training

(Please circle the number that best describes how you feel)

  1. How much do you know about using inhalers before the training?


Very little Quite a lot

  1. How much do you know about using and maintaining spacer devicesbeforethe training?


Very little Quite a lot

  1. How would you rate your confidencein helping patients with their inhalers and spacer devices in your care home before the training?


Not confident Very confident

  1. How would you grade your knowledge of the active drug inside the inhaler(s) you currently administer to your residents?


Poor Excellent

Please continue overleaf 

Your opinions after the training

(Please circle the number that best describes how you feel)

  1. How much do you know about using inhalers after the training?


Very little Quite a lot

  1. How much do you know about using and maintaining spacer devicesafterthe training?


Very little Quite a lot

  1. How would you rate your confidence in helping patients with their inhalers and spacer devices in your care home after the training?


Not confident Very confident

  1. How would you grade your knowledge of the active drug inside the inhaler(s) you currently administer to your residents?


Poor Excellent

  1. Was the training relevant to your role?

1 2 345

Not relevant Very relevant

  1. Was the training at an appropriate level for you?YES /NO

Please name at least one thing you will do differently as a result of having this training



Thank you

Please hand this form back to the pharmacist or the pharmacy technician who provided the training

Important reminder to pharmacy - Please return this form to:-

Joanne Ward, Sheffield CCG, 722 Prince of Wales Rd, Darnall, Sheffield S9 4EU