Report of the
2010Food Regulation Stakeholder Consultation Forum
18 June 2010
The 2010 Food Regulation Stakeholder Consultation Forum was held in Canberra on Friday 18 June 2010.
Invitations to the forum were sent to all stakeholders on the Food Regulation Secretariat database, Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC) and Implementation Sub Committee (ISC) contacts and the forum was also advertised on the Food Regulation Secretariat website.
One hundred and fifteen people attended the forum from a diverse range of industry, consumer, public health and government bodies. A full list of attendees is at Attachment A.
The focus of the 2010 forum was emerging policy issues.
The forum included:
- an optional early bird session. This provided background information on the food regulatory system and was attended by the majority of participants
- six presentations on emerging policy issues provided by government, consumer and industry representatives
- an open discussion section. Participants were invited to discuss emerging policy issues and provide suggestions about the way emerging challenges might be addressed
A copy of the agenda is included at Attachment B.
Discussion was wide ranging and no attempt was made to reach consensus on particular issues. Rather, the focus of the day was to receive as much feedback as possible. This report does not therefore represent stakeholder consensus but rather a summary of key issues and views expressed. Further, some issues raised at the forum (and reflected in this report) may be based on individual’s perceptions which may not necessarily reflect the current situation.
B.Early Bird Session
A presentation was provided by Mr John Woollard, Director – Health Protection Service, ACT Health. Mr Woollard is also a member of FRSC.
The purpose of the Early Bird Session was to describe:
- how food policy is developed in the food regulatory system
- the difference between food policy and food regulation
- the role of stakeholders in the development of food policy including how stakeholders can influence the system
Some of the issues raised in response to Mr Woollard’s presentation included:
- discussion about better ways to involve consumers in policy development and in forums such as this. Suggestions included providing funding to consumer groups to assist them attend the stakeholder forum and also broadcasting forum proceedings on the web
- concerns surrounding FSANZ’s assessment of genetically modified (GM) foods and queries regarding any other avenues that advocacy groups may have to raise their concerns
- concern regarding best before/use by dates and the need for systems to be put in place to minimise the wastage of food
- the need for a strong evidence base on which to make decisions including consideration of contemporary and emerging research. It was suggested that FSANZ required greater funding in order to ensure rigorous decision making
Participants also raised a range of issues for discussion during the later parts of the Forum. These included: nanotechnology; traffic light labelling; consistent implementation of standards; imported foods; and the variance between Environmental Health Officers and the consultation process.
Official opening
The Forum was officially opened by Parliamentary Secretary for Health, the Honourable Mark Butler MP. Mr Butler provided an overview of the challenges and opportunities facing the food regulatory system. He discussed: the Preventative Health Taskforce (and the challenges faced in relation to addressing obesity); the mechanisms that had been put in place by the Government to set up food-health dialogues with consumers and industry; the establishment of a ‘centralised interpretive advice’ function to provide consistent advice on the interpretation of food standards; amendments to the joint Food Standards Treaty; and the food labelling review.
The official opening was followed by presentations from a wide range of speakers:
- Dr Anne Astin (Chief Executive Officer of Dairy Food Safety Victoria and Chair of ISC) discussed the FRSC Strategic Plan including key activities for 2010-2011 and provided feedback on developments since the 2009 ISC Stakeholder Consultation Forum
- Dr Neal Blewett (Chair of the Food Labelling Law and Policy Review Panel) discussed the review of food labelling law and policy
- Ms Clare Hughes (Senior Food Policy Officer, CHOICE) discussed the food labelling review, the consumers right to information, and the arguments in favour of regulation and effective enforcement of labelling
- Mr Shannon McKiernan (National Director and NSW/ACT Branch President of Environment Health Australia) discussed emerging policy issues affecting Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) such as standardised inspection reporting, ‘scores on doors’ and recruitment of EHOs
- Dr Geoffrey Annison (Deputy Chief Executive, Australian Food and Grocery Council) discussed: emerging issues in regulatory policy including food security issues; health promotion vs health protection (and the role of regulation in relation to each); and possible alternatives to labelling that are offered by modern technology
- Mr Gerard van Rijswijk (Senior Policy Advisor, National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia) discussed those issues most affecting independent retailers such as uniformity; the absence of a ‘one stop shop’ for regulatory information; the absence of national co-ordination on some issues; labelling; and quality and safety issues associated with imports
A copy of each of the presentations is available on the FRSC website at
Following each presentation, Forum participants were invited to ask questions and provide comment. Following the presentations, a session was also dedicated to receiving feedback from Forum participants especially about emerging policy issues and suggestions regarding food regulatory priorities for the future.
The discussion over the course of the day was wide ranging – from discussion of ‘big picture’ challenges facing the food system through to particular challenges in relation to implementation and enforcement of food regulations.
For example, in relation to ‘big picture’ issues, the discussion focussed on:
- food security (both systemic and in response to a pandemic or other emergency)
- building a sustainable food system
- ensuring access to food
- establishing a community-based approach to food (e.g. city farms, re-connecting with food)
- reducing reliance on oil and non-renewable inputs and reducing carbon emissions
- reducing food waste, including by educating consumers and adjusting our expectations
In relation to each of these issues it was acknowledged that these were not matters that were easily addressed but it was felt that unless they were addressed, efforts in other areas of the food system would be diminished.
It was suggested that in relation to implementation and enforcement:
- there continues to be a lack of consistency
- there are significant challenges regarding consistency within a team of EHOs let alone across jurisdictions
- greater attention should be paid to aligning pilots across jurisdictions
- ISC is developing an integrated model for standards development and implementation that will create greater clarity and certainty for industry. It means that when public consultation occurs, in addition to the substance and content of a proposed food standard, industry and consumers will also be provided with information as to how the regulators intend to implement the standard as well as their approach to assessing compliance. It also means that regulators, in developing the implementation plan, will need to address the issue of consistent implementation
The single issue that appeared to generate the most discussion was food labelling. A number of suggestions/comments were made regarding labelling including:
- that both labelling of genetically modified (GM) foods and country of origin labelling (CoOL) should be regarded as health issues and not just consumer information issues
- that consideration should be given to those issues that are most important to inform consumers about and whether there were alternatives to front of pack labelling for provision of some information
- that consideration could be given to a traffic light labelling system with no ‘red light’
- that Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) tend to focus on food safety issues and less so on labelling issues
- the need for enforcement of GM labelling
- that ‘traceability’ should not be a barrier for labelling – GM is already an example where traceability systems are already in place
Some of the other issues raised included:
- the need for more robust food recalls that include consideration of viruses and utilise expert advice
- concern regarding the evidence base on which decisions are made in relation to GM foods
- concern regarding food safety requirements for vulnerable populations and the potential for food safety requirements (particularly in NSW) to reduce the capacity of residents in aged care services to exercise choice and assert preferences
- the need to improve community consultation and ensure that consumers have input right at the beginning of the process for development of food policy and regulation
The Forum was closed by Dr Eddie O’Brien, Acting Chief Health Officer, ACT Health. Dr O’Brien thanked Forum participants for their valuable contributions and emphasised the importance of stakeholders both continuing to be informed about developments in food regulation and policy and contributing their ideas and advice.
D.Suggestions for 2011 Forum
Forum participants were invited to make suggestions for the 2011 forum through evaluation forms that were provided to all participants.
Suggestions included:
- a review of how one of the standards has improved. For example, public health/reduced food-borne illness and how jurisdictions have managed implementation
- further discussion of the labelling review and health claims
- an ISC/FRSC, transparent, annual scorecard to enable progress to be monitored
- greater discussion onthe food/medicine interface including in relation to advertising of health claims for food
- information about how harmonisation between state food legislation will be considered in the future and discussion of the degree of consistency actually achieved throughout Australia and New Zealand
- discussion of public health issues including sustainable production, carbon footprint labelling, the contrast between fresh and processed foods;
- discussion of nanotechnology
- more involvement from a Public Health Association speaker, a FSANZ speaker and local government
- including a ‘questions and answers’ section that records the presenters response to stakeholder questions
FRSC would like to thank all participants for their involvement in the forum.
This Report will be provided to ISC and FRSC for consideration in the context of identifying areas for improvement of the regulatory system and also priorities for the coming years.
The Report will also be provided to the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council for their information.
Attachment A: Attendees of the
2010 Food Regulation Stakeholder Consultation Forum
Title / First Name / Surname / OrganisationMs / Stacey / Kemeys / Abbott Australasia
Mr / Geoff / Parker / Australian Beverages Council
Dr / Andreas / Dubs / Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc
Ms / Joe-Anne / Riddiford / Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Ms / Peta / Craig / Australian Food and Grocery Council
Dr / Geoffrey / Annison / Australian Food and Grocery Council
Mr / Conrad / Blaney / Australian Meat Industry Council
Dr / Nora / Galway / Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Mrs / Patricia / Spire / Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Mr / Stephen / Malone / Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Ms / Peggy / Douglas / Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
Dr / Michael / Depalo / Campbell Arnott's
Dr / Neal / Blewett / Chair - Food Labelling Law and Policy Review Committee
Ms / Clare / Hughes / CHOICE
Ms / Elaine / Clucas / City of Perth
Ms / Jodi / Dixon / Coles Supermarkets
Dr / Victoria / Inglis / Coles Supermarkets
Miss / Emma / Burchell / Complementary Healthcare Council
Ms / Elaine / Attwood / Consumers S.A
Ms / Helen / Dornom / Dairy Australia
Ms / Karen / Armitage / Dairy Australia
Dr / Anne / Astin / Dairy Food Safety Victoria
Ms / Angela / Brierley / Department of Primary Industries, VIC
Mrs / Barbara / Waugh / Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Mr / Henry / Campbell / Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Mr / Allen / Grant / Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Mr / Richard / Souness / Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Mr / Eric / Swan / Department of Finance and Deregulation
Miss / Kathryn / Grace / Department of Finance and Deregulation
Ms / Amanda / Lawrence / Department of Health and Ageing
Mr / Ash / Bryan / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Joanne / Challender / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Julie-Anne / Price / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Katy / Roberts / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Tracey / Duffy / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Zoe / Macandrew / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Belinda / Royds / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Kylie / Jonasson / Department of Health and Ageing
Mr / Rick / Creech / Department of Health and Ageing
Ms / Tracy / Ward / Department of Health and Families, NT
Mr / Brett / Purdue / Department of Health, ACT
Mr / John / Woollard / Department of Health, ACT
Ms / Lesley / Paton / Department of Health, ACT
Ms / Rebecca / Stones / Department of Health, ACT
Mr / Vojkan / Stefanovic / Department of Health, ACT
Ms / Nicola / Ingold / Department of Health, NSW
Ms / Nola / Caffin / Department of Health, QLD
Dr / Fay / Jenkins / Department of Health, SA
Ms / Pauline / Ireland / Department of Health, VIC
Mr / Jim / Dodds / Department of Health, WA
Ms / Marie / Gunnell / Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Dr / Alan / Barclay / Diabetes Australia-NSW/Glycemic Index Foundation
Ms / Kate / Paul / Dietitians Association of Australia
Mr / Shannon / McKiernan / Environmental Health Australia
Mrs / Carol / Bate / Fonterra Australia Pty Ltd
Ms / Jenny / Campbell / Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd
Mr / Tony / Beaver / Food & Beverage Importers Association
Mr / James / Gruber / Food Liaison
Mr / David / Panasiak / Food Liaison Pty Ltd
Ms / Felicity / Mutton / Food Regulation Secretariat
Ms / Kirsten / Hall / Food Regulation Secretariat
Ms / Sarah / Taylor / Food Regulation Secretariat
Mr / Dean / Stockwell / Food Standards AustraliaNew Zealand
Mr / Dennis / Thomas / Food Standards AustraliaNew Zealand
Dr / Leise / Berven / Food Standards AustraliaNew Zealand
Mrs / Cathie / Humphries / Food Standards AustraliaNew Zealand
Ms / Jenny / Hazelton / Food Standards AustraliaNew Zealand
Mr / Steve / McCutcheon / Food Standards AustraliaNew Zealand
Mr / Joseph / Lederman / FoodLegal
Mr / Bob / Phelps / Gene Ethics
Mrs / Melissa / Darke / Gold Coast City Council
Ms / Anne-Marie / Mackintosh / Heart Foundation
Mr / Derryn / Webster / Hill & Knowlton
Dr / David / Cusack / Implementation Sub Committee – Project Officer
Ms / Jan / Carey / Infant Nutrition Council
Ms / Doris / Sciberras / Jaymak Canberra
Mr / Mark / Seaman / Jaymak Canberra
Mrs / Robyn / Hodge / Kellogg (Aust) Pty Ltd
Mr / Neil / Smith / Kraft Foods
Mr / Christopher / Preston / Legal Finesse
Ms / Fran / Murrell / MADGE
Ms / Madeleine / Love / MADGE
Dr / Trevor / Beard / Menzies Research Institute
Ms / Andrea / Matthews / Mpconsulting (facilitator)
Mr / Gerard / van Rijswijk / National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia
Ms / Janine / Waller / National Foods Ltd
Mr / Shyam / Kumaran / National Measurement Institute
Ms / Trissia / Chandra / Nestle Healthcare Nutrition
Mr / Peter / Day / New South Wales Food Authority
Mr / John / Van den Beuken / New Zealand Food Safety Authority
Ms / Trish / Ranstead / New Zealand Food Safety Authority
Ms / Carla / Hutchinson / New Zealand Food Safety Authority
Ms / Charlotte / Beaglehole / New Zealand High Commission
Miss / Angie / Low / Nutricia Australia Pty Ltd
Ms / Melanie / McPherson / Nutricia Australia Pty Ltd
Mr / Andrew / Plumley / Pfizer Australia
Mr / Mark / Ludbrooke / Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Mrs / Michelle / Triggs / QLD Health Royal Brisbane and Womens' Hospital
Mr / Don / Bambry / QLD Health Royal Brisbane and Women's Hosptial
Ms / Tenille / Fort / Queensland Health
Mr / Geoff / Gorrie / Safe Food Production Queensland
Mrs / Mandy / Mawson / Safe Food Production Queensland
Mr / Russell / Shields / SecondBite
Ms / Deborah / Kalisch / Sodexo Australia
Ms / Maureen / Wilson / Spotless Services Australia Limited
Ms / Catriona / Macmillan / Sydney Food Fairness Alliance
Ms / Nicola / Powell / Therapeutic Goods Administration
Ms / Julie / Newlands / Unilever Australasia
Ms / Lil / Miller / University of Tasmania
Mr / Craig / Milton / Winemakers' Federation of Australia
Mr / Charlie / Beasley / Woolworths Limited
Mr / Alan / Fagerland / Woolworths Supermarkets
Mrs / Lira / Yoon / Wyeth Australia
Dr / Michelle / Farnfield / Wyeth Australia
Dr / Rosemary / Stanton
Attachment B: Agenda for
2010 Food Regulation Stakeholder Consultation Forum
Agenda – Food Regulation Stakeholder Consultation Forum
Proposed sessions / Topics / Style8.30am – 9.00 / Early Bird Registration
9.00 – 10.00 / Early bird session – for people new to the food regulatory system, and those interested in a refresher. Includes Q & A looking at the system, with a focus on how policy is developed / Plenary
Mr John Woollard
10.00 – 10.30 / Morning Tea & General Registration
10.30 – 10.40 / Official opening / The Hon Mark Butler MP
10.40 – 10.50 / Overview and aims of the day – scope of forum – outcome report and other housekeeping / Facilitator
10.50 – 11.05
11.05 – 11.20
11.20 – 11.35
11.35 – 11.55 / Session providing an overview of:
-the FRSC Strategic plan, including key activities for 2010-2011, including (briefly) how feedback on the 2008 FRSC forum contributed to the plan;
-feedback on the 2009 ISC Forum, i.e. What did we hear, what actions are being taken as a result of feedback received, etc.
-the review of Food Labelling Law and Policy
Q+A / Dr Anne Astin
Dr Anne Astin
Dr Neal Blewett
11.55 – 12.05pm
12.05 – 12.15 / Presentation by a Consumer representative on emerging policy issues of interest / concern.
Followed by Stakeholder feedback, including questions / Presentation + Q&A
Ms Clare Hughes,
12.15 – 12.25
12.25 – 12.35 / Presentation by an Environmental Health Officer on emerging policy issues relevant to their work.
Followed by Stakeholder feedback, including questions / Presentation + Q&A
Mr Shannon McKiernan, Environmental Health Australia
12.35 – 1.15 / Lunch break – chance to network / reflect on the morning’s discussions
1.15 –1.35
1.35 – 1.50 / Presentations by Industry representatives on emerging policy issues relevant to both large and small sectors.
Followed by Stakeholder feedback, including questions / Presentations + Q&A
Dr Geoffrey Annison, Australian Food and Grocery Council
Mr Gerard van Rijswijk, National Association of Retail Grocers of Australia
This session is dedicated to getting the views of stakeholders on their emerging policy issues
1.50 – 2.30 / Stakeholder discussion / Plenary + Panel
2.30 – 2.45 / Panel summary on take home lessons from the day
2.45 – 2.55 / Summarising the day / Facilitator
2.55 – 3.00 / Official closing / Dr Eddie O’Brien
A/g Chief Medical Officer, ACT Health
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