Minutes of anExtraordinary Meeting ofPitsford Parish Council
Held on Thursday 29th September 2016, in the Village Institute, Pitsford at 8 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Present:Cllrs Martin Flanagan (Chairman), Alastair Kimbell, Martin Jaffrey, Edward Rogers, Stephen Arnold, Keith
Isaacs (6 members)
In attendance:Maureen Holliday, Clerk and RFO
District Councillor Barry Frenchman
Ms Sarah Bentley
District Councillor Barry Frenchman:
i)Neighbourhood Planning
Cllr Frenchman outlined the importance of creating a Neighbourhood Plan for Pitsford and provided advice.
A Neighbourhood Plan should be about everything in the village that you want it to be: architecture, conservation, the environment, policing, protecting parts of the village against change, aspirations for the village in the longer term and creating policies for planning guidelines. A Neighbourhood Plan provides the opportunity to protect and direct the future of the village. Development does not have to be included.
ii)To Receive District Councillor’s Report
Shared Policing: Cllr Frenchman briefly outlined the suggestion of 5 nearby villages getting together to fund a shared PCSO. Council expressed interest in this suggestion and have asked for more information on the budgeted costs.
Bin Collections: The Consultation on the future of waste and recycling proposals from June 2018went out in the Spring edition of Daventry Calling. The cost the Council will need to pay to deliver this important service will be considerably higher and because of the government capping of Councils they cannot fund this entirely through Council Tax. DDC looked at a wide range of options for how best to provide the waste and recycling service in a way that could be afforded within the Council Tax limits and grant available. There will be a charge for recycling. Details of the proposal can be found on the DDC web site:
Cllr Frenchman explained the reasons for the charge and that it is a practice exercised by a number of Councils, including Market Harborough where households pay a £40 per year charge. There were a limited number of responses but DDC felt that they had engaged fully with the community during the Consultation.
iii) DDC Scrutiny & Improvement Task Panel
Cllr Frenchman has formed the above Task Panel; a committee that will look at the things that DDC does and will scrutinise them. Improving relationships between DDC and Councils. Are DDC good enough, can they do better and can we change things particularly with reference to planning matters? Can Parish Council be informed earlier of potential large developments of 10+ houses and what resources can DDC point us towards to help us. At what early stage councils should have input into Section 106 and pre-appliication enquiries? Cllr Frenchman is asking for feedback from Cllrs and any ideas on how DDC, the planning department and developers can work closer together.
Action: Clerk to co-ordinate responses and feed back to Cllr Frenchman
Cllr Frenchman left the meeting at 21:05
068/16RESOLUTION TO APPROVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE–Council resolved to approve apologies received
from Councillors not in attendance. Cllr Holmes, work commitments, Cllr Trott, work commitments.
069/16 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST /DISPENSATION REQUESTS in respect of relevant items of business on the
agenda. There were none.
070/16CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR to fill 1 vacancy. One expression of interest has been received. It was unanimously resolved to approve co-option of Ms Sarah Bentley of Manor Road, Pitsford as Councillor on Pitsford Parish Council.
071/16RESOLUTION TO SIGN AND APPROVE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 12th September, 2016(circulated). Parish Council resolved to approve the minutes which were subsequently signed by the Chairman as an accurate account of the meeting.
072/16TRAINING – to discuss and make resolution on attendance.
a)Off to a Flying Start course 19 Nov 10:30 – 13:00 Litchborough
Parish Council resolved to approve Cllr Bentley’s attendance on this course.
073/16PLANNING: to receive an update
a)New Applications :
Application No:DA/2016/0871
Description:Single storey rear extension
Location:Rochberrie 25, Manor Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AR
Case Officer Mr D Jordan on 01327 302591 or email .
Response date:10th October, 2016
Council resolvedthat the new extension should not reduce the parking availability outlined inapplicationDA/2008/0497
Application No:DA/2016/0833
Description:Two storey extension to side and first floor extension to rear
Location:Vine Cottage, Moulton Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AU
Case Officer Mr S Cadman on 01327 302562 or email .
Response date29th September, 2016
Council resolved the following observations;The applicant has overcome many of the previous objections. The remaining concerns are that any windows overlooking the neighbouring properties of 8 Manor Road, 2 Manor Road and The Old Forge should be conditioned to be obscured. Parking availability on site should be maximised and be a condition of the application.
074/16NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - to discuss 067/16. Resolution to approve the way forward.
Following an informativetalk by Cllr FrenchmanParish Council unanimously resolved to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan.
075/16CORRESPONDENCES (previously circulated): To discuss and agree action, if any
NCALC: Notice of Annual General Meeting - 8 October 2016–Cllr Flanagan attending as voting member.
CPRE: Autumn Road Show 2016 - Thursday October 27. Cllr Flanagan attending.
Boughton LLG Meeting Wednesday 12th October 2016 at 6pm at BoughtonVillage Hall. Cllrs Flanagan, Trott, Isaacs and Clerk will attend.
076/16URGENT MATTERS FOR REPORT ONLY (Notified to the Chairman before the meeting)
Zebra crossing: Council discussed the design and layout of the proposal.
Trees overhanging roads and footpaths: Holly Tree, Manor Road. To be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting.
077/16DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 14thNovember, 2016 7.30 pm, Village Institute, Pitsford
Meeting Closed at 21:30
Signed………………………………………… Chairman Date:14th November, 2016
Maureen Holliday, Clerk and RFO to Pitsford Parish Council 01604 880395
Meeting dates in 2016:14th November
2017: 9th January, 13th March, 8th May, 10th July, 11th September, 13th November.