Mins September 13, 2016

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November 1, 2016




(610) 892-9484

The regular meeting of Delaware County Conservation District was held on Tuesday,November 1, 2016at Rose Tree Park Hunt Club. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson–Cheryl Graff Tumola,at 3:30 PM. Additional directors present were:Ray Iacobucci, Randy Bates, Frank McKee,Wayne Megill, Jr., and Gino RazziOthers present were: Edward M. Magargee – District Manager, Kevin Boyle – District Technician, Michelle Wheeler – District Technician, Brian Vadino – Watershed Specialist, Beth Swartzenruber-Sassaman – NRCS, Clyde Hunt – Associate Director, and Bill Brainerd – Sierra Club

Call to Order: Given by Chairperson –Cheryl Graff Tumola

Approval of Minutes –On a Motion byRandy Bates, and seconded by Wayne Megill, Jr. the minutes of October 4 , 2016were voted on and approved.

Audience Comments – None

Correspondence & Announcements - A copy of PACD Monthly report was included in the meeting packet.

Motion Request –A motion was madebyFrank McKeeand seconded by Randy Batesto file all bank statements for September. The motion was voted on and approved without any negative votes.

Affiliate Fund Money Market (9/30/16)……………..………………………...... $284,880.49*

Checks in Excess of $200.00 - (United Savings) NONE

Affiliate Fund Checking (9/30/16)……….…………….………………………… $ 8,499.46

Checks in Excess of $200.00 – (United Saving Bank)

1.Weeds, Inc. - $1,200.00

2.Chester Co. Conservation District$320.00

Clean Water Fund Money Market (9/30/16)……………….………….…..…….. $331,291.86

Checks in Excess of $200.00 – (United Savings) NONE

Petty Cash Account Checking (9/30/16) …………………………….….……… $ 1,576.29

Checks in Excess of $200.00 – (United Savings) None

Total: $626,248.10

*UGWF PUC Deposit - $56,818.18 Partial Temp Deposit

Motion Request - Motion to accept donation for Emergency Reviews-NONE

Checks signed –

1. CRC Watershed Association – Mini-grant Water Monitoring Project. $500.00

2. Colonial Plantation – Mini-grant Planting Project$250.00

Old Business

Office Manager Vacancy– A Candidate has been interviewed and paperwork filed, should be starting by mid-November.

Annual Training – Watershed Specialist / Chapter 102 -105–A brief discussion was held on a few issues that were part of these two training sessions in State College.

Executed Agreement for Watershed Specialist Grant- Brian Vadino detailed the issues with the Watershed Specialist Grant. We have the executed less than a year extension in hand. The full two year version was being considered for revisions.

New Business

CZM Grant – 2016/2017 and Beyond– The Department of Environmental Protection has decided to not fund Technician Cost-Share for Coastal Zone Program. This will result in the loss of $20,000.00 annually to us.

Approval of 2015 Audit - A motion was made by Frank McKee and seconded by Randy Bates to approve the 2015 Audit. The motion was voted on and approved without any negative votes.

Fall Mini-Grant Approvals - 1. Penn State Master Gardeners of Del.Co. – Stormwater Control Teaching Garden $500.00 2. Marple Shade Tree Co. Rt. 252 Replacement Plantings at Rose Tree Park $500.00 3. CRC Watersheds Association – Water Quality Monitoring of Chester, Ridley and Crum Creeks. $500.00 4. Borough of Rose Valley EAC – Invasive Plants Workshop & Deer Impact Monitoring Station $500.00/ 5. Swarthmore Borough Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) -$500.00 . There was a consensus to approve the projects for funding, but no actual vote.

Report from Cooperating Agencies–Linda Mackey – DEPsubmitted a written report. A complete copy of this report will be attached to the official minutes. Beth Swartzenruber-Sassaman – NRCS gave a brief update, but stated that a written report was not developed.

Conservation District Manager's Report & Staff Reports -Edward Magargee, Michelle Wheeler, Kevin Boyle and Brian Vadino submitted written reports detailing their activities for the past month. A complete copy of these reports will be attached to the official minutes.

Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Reviews A complete copy of this report will be attached to the official minutes.

Individual Request for Assistance- None

Next Meeting: December 6, 2016

Adjournment-4:30 pm

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