Intelligent Data Analysis and Probabilistic Inference
Data Mining Tutorial 3: Clustering and Associations Rules
i. Explain the operation of the k-means clustering algorithm using pseudo code.
ii. Given the following eight points, and assuming initial cluster centroids given by A, B, C, and that a Euclidean distance function is used for measuring distance between points, use k-means to show only the three clusters and calculate their new centroids after the second round of execution.
ID / X / YA / 2 / 10
B / 2 / 5
C / 8 / 4
D / 5 / 8
E / 7 / 5
F / 6 / 4
G / 1 / 2
H / 4 / 9
i. Explain the meaning of support and confidence in the context of association rule discovery algorithms and explain how the a priori heuristic can be used to improve the efficiency of such algorithms.
ii. Given the transactions described below, find all rules between single items that have support >= 60%. For each rule report both support and confidence.
1: (Beer)2: (Cola, Beer)
3: (Cola, Beer)
4: (Nuts, Beer)
5: (Nuts, Cola, Beer)
6: (Nuts, Cola, Beer)
7: (Crisps, Nuts, Cola)
8: (Crisps, Nuts, Cola, Beer)
9: (Crisps, Nuts, Cola, Beer)
10:(Crisps, Nuts, Cola, Beer)
3. a. Explain how hierarchical clustering algorithms work, make sure your answer describes what is meant by a linkage method and how it is used.
b. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical clustering compared to K-means clustering.
4. The following table shows the distance matrix between five genes,
G1 / G2 / G3 / G4 / G5G1 / 0
G2 / 9 / 0
G3 / 3 / 7 / 0
G4 / 6 / 5 / 9 / 0
G5 / 11 / 10 / 2 / 8 / 0
i. Based on a complete linkage method show the distance matrix between the first formed cluster and the other data points.
ii. Draw a dendrogram showing the full hierarchical clustering tree for five points based on complete linkage.
iii. Draw a dendrogram showing the full hierarchicatree for the five points based on single linkage.
Data Mining Tutorial 3: Answers
Clusters after 1st iteration
Cluster1: A (2,10), D (5,8), H (4,9)
Cluster2: B: B (2,5), G (1,2)
Cluster3: C (8,4), E (7,5), F (6,4)
Centroids after 1st iteration
Cluster1: centroid: (3.66, 9)
Cluster2: centroid: (1.5, 3.5)
Cluster3: centroid: (7, 4.33)
Clusters after 2nd iteration (no change) Cluster1: A (2,10), D (5,8), H (4,9)
Cluster2: B: B (2,5), G (1,2)
Cluster3: C (8,4), E (7,5), F (6,4)
Centroids after 2nd iteration (no change)
Cluster1: centroid: (3.66, 9)
Cluster2: centroid: (1.5, 3.5)
Cluster3: centroid: (7, 4.33)
Initial Supports
Beer: Support = 9/10
Cola: Support=8/10
Nuts: Support=7/10
Crisps: Support=4/10 (Drop Crisps)
Beer, Cola: Support=7/10
Beer, Nuts: Support=6/10
Cola, Nuts: Support=6/10
Beer->Cola (Support=70%, Confidence= 7/9=77%
Cola->Beer (Support=70%, Confidence= 7/8=87.5
Beer->Nuts (Support=60%, Confidence= 6/9=66%
Nuts->Beer (Support= 60%, Confidence= 6/7=85.7%
Cola->Nuts (Support=60%, Confidence= 6/8=75%
Nuts->Cola (Support=60%, Confidence= 6/7=85.7%
4. The first cluster will be formed from G3 and G5 since they have the minimum distance.
G35 / 0
G1 / 11 / 0
G2 / 10 / 9 / 0
G4 / 9 / 6 / 5 / 0
, 16th Dec2003