Minutes of Meeting
Held at 10.00am on 10 April at the Shire of Toodyay,
15 Fiennes St, Toodyay.
Mr Ayers opened the meeting at 1030hrs and welcomed all attendees. Mr Ayers thanked Mr Postma and the Shire of Toodyay for hosting the meeting.
Mr E AyersCity of WannerooPresident (Chairperson)
Mr D LawrenceCity of NedlandsVice President
Ms S MurtonTown of BassendeanSecretary
Mr D ValcicCity of Rockingham
Mr P PostmaShire of Toodyay
Mr L PreedyCity of Stirling
Mr C VenablesTown of Kwinana
Ms S JordanC Y O’Connor College of TAFE
Mr J ScotlandCity of Geraldton-Greenough
Mr C Hanley Life Member
Ms D RohanCity of ArmadaleTreasurer/Membership Secretary
Ms A BricknellTown of Narrogin
Mr D O’HaraCity of Subiaco
Mr M BettridgeTown of Bassendean
4.Confirmation of Minutes from the Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 3 March 2010
It was decided to defer confirmation of minutes until the next meeting as they are currently unavailable.
5.Business Arising From Previous Minutes
6.Correspondence In
Deferred until next meeting.
7.Correspondence Out
Deferred until next meeting.
8.1President - Mr Eric Ayers
8.1.1Mr Ayers advised that he is currently seeking sponsors for the Conference and he also advised that five sponsors have currently confirmed sponsorship.
8.2Treasurer – Ms Dee Rohan
8.2.1Ms Murton advised on behalf of Ms Rohan that the High Interest account has a balance of $30,040.56 and the Cheque Account has a balance of $28,148.34.
8.3Membership Secretary – Ms Dee Rohan
8.3.1This report was deferred until the next meeting as details are currently unavailable.
8.4Webmaster – Mr Paul Postma
8.4.1Mr Postma advised that there have been 167,147 hits on the website.
8.4.2Mr Postma also advised that he has updated the newsletter and also the Job Adverts page.
8.4.3Mr Postma advised that he is currently investigating an update of the entire website.
Moved / Seconded / MotionLuke Preedy moved that all reports be received / Dave Valcic / Carried
9.General Business
9.1Rangers on the move
Raelene Meares – to Town of Bassendean
Trevor Salter – City of Stirling Ranger to Administration Co-ordinator
Carly Frees – to Town of Kwinana
CraigHighlands – Shire of Chittering to Shire of Northam
Frank Lawrence – to Senior Ranger at Shire of Chittering
Daryl Park – exit Industry
Geoff Copley – to Senior Ranger at City of South Perth
9.2Ms Jordan advised that C Y O’Connor College of TAFE is offering a Recognised Prior Learning alternative for completion of Certificate IV for $390. It requires a minimum of 5 years experience to enrol and interested members should contact Ms Jordan direct for further enquiries.
9.3Ms Jordan submitted the attached report from Day one of the recent AIAM meeting. She advised that a report on Day two would follow. She also advised that South Australia have now made it mandatory to have qualifications and training as a condition of employment.
9.4AEG discussion
9.4.1Discussions were held in regards to the Association’s position and projected future direction with the agreement. Mr Postma advised he had an upcoming meeting with the CEO of FESA for a different issue and he would raise this issue if possible. It was decided that Mr Postma would take correspondence for the CEO of FESA to advise of WARA’s current position in relation to the agreement.
9.4.2Discussions were held in respect of the direction to take after the issue of signing the agreement is settled. It was decided that further investigation into alternatives was needed before a resolution could be agreed upon.
9.5Mr Hanley queried payment methods for merchandise and advertisements on the website.
9.6Mr Valcic and Mr Lawrence raised a discussion regarding TeamBuilding exercises for the Conference. They advised of several opportunities and that costs were being investigated.
9.7Mr Scotland advised he had draft copies of policies he has reviewed for distribution to committee members’ comments.
9.8Mr Venables requested consideration for set budgets for projects to be undertaken by Committee members.
9.9Mr Postma advised that Toodyay would be hosting a Freedom of Entry event which includes a parade through the Town on 17 April 2010 and that the Committee meeting had been moved to 10 April 2010 due to this consideration.
10. Next Meeting – General
To be held at the City of Joondalup 19 May 2010.
11. Close
There being no further business the meeting closed at 1310hrs.