Region 1096 Sportsmanship Program

It has become an epidemic in America that referee abuse or winning at all cost is just “part of the game”. You can go to almost any youth sport game and hear all kinds of verbal abuse, not only to the referees but at kids and coaches. We tend to want to live the game of “soccer” through our adult eyes, versus through the youths eyes. AYSO Killen Region 1096 intends to change that perception so we have a zero tolerance on any kind of verbal abuse, no matter who it is directed at. We intend to keep it about the kids, not the adults as we see in many other youth sports. Youth sport participation is down drastically the last few years, but here at Killen Region 1096 Soccer we continue to grow and we have been told numerous times, it is from our stance of zero tolerance and we always strive to make it about the kids.

We adults, including spectators, coaches, and referees should have as much fun on game days as the kids are, but when adults go over bounds with yelling instructions from sideline, questioning calls of the referee, or even blaming them for loss of the game, even though that day the other team just played better, the kids start following the adults. When we adults complain on sidelines about the program, especially without full understanding of the situation, rumors get started and that takes away from the kids.

This sportsmanship program is intended to award teams (which includes parents), that go above and beyond in sportsmanship, keeping the game about the kids, not the adults. There are adult ways which are referenced in this program how we can positivity correct issues off the field, instead of on the field in front of kids eyes. Its just a game and the youth will not remember the wins or losses, but will remember that time a parent/coach, etc. pushed to hard, not only at a player, but at other volunteers and spectators. They will remember the life lessons they learn from playing sports.

Soccer Culture

The essence of soccer culture is that it is the player's game. In the game players are expected to make their own decisions, without interference from coaches or spectators.

In a youth soccer game opinions and suggestions such as "Pass the ball", "Shoot", "Watch out" are DISCOURAGED. In soccer, by the time a spectator shouts instructions, the player may shoot to soon or the play has changed direction more quickly than spectator can react to. Cheer-leading and acknowledgment, such as "Go Lions", "Nice pass", or "Good move", are ENCOURAGEDand the correct thing for sideline behavior.

Soccer is unique and different than most sports. In most sports the coach is effectively a part of the team, controlling plays, using a timeout to stop the other team's momentum, instructing a player to run or stay on base and so on. This is not the soccer way. Soccer is a players game, they have to make the decisions, there are no “set” plays as in other sports due to the free flow and ever changing nature of soccer.

Once play starts there are no practical mechanisms provided by the laws of the game for a coach to influence the outcome, besides position and substitutions. The players make individual decisions, good or bad, and collectively have to react as a team to the strategy and tactics of the their opponent. If you watch a professional soccer game, the coach is usually on sideline taking notes!!

Many coaches find this situation frustrating, especially if they also coach a sport in which they do have more control. A common reaction is for the coach to shout instructions. This style of coaching at the game is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED. Let the kids play, practice is to correct and work on mistakes and what the players can approve on, the game is the players time. They will learn from their mistakes (more than winning) as they progress in soccer, its the soccer way, its for the player unlike other sports.


The referee controls the game, making the calls and the decisions. The referee is not required to explain his calls. The referee's judgment (which a lot of soccer calls are) is not only final, it is not to be questioned at the game, before, during, or after. There is no margin for discussion on this: public questioning or complaining about the refereeing is not acceptable, period. If you transgress this policy repeatedly, the referee could ask you to leave the field, where upon you will thank the referee gracefully and leave. See our Code of Conduct Policy #4.

Killen AYSO referees are not only volunteers but are trained, certified, and perform at a high level of game control that they are capable of. Some are newer to the learning and experience curve than others. For those that are less experienced, encouragement from parents and players is the best way to raise the quality of our refereeing.

If you see a referee needing more training and experience, after the game, thank the referee for their volunteer time and encourage them in their quest to make a better experience for our players.

If the refereeing is not up to your standards, remember we are all volunteers and have been trained. If you truly believe the players experience of the game is being jeopardized by the referee, you can fill out a Referee Feedback Form (Appendix A below) with your observations; you can then either drop in the locked black mailbox on the field shed or email to the RC at . We care and will follow up per instructions on feedback form and will keep all feedback confidential and on a need to know bases.

Sportsmanship Points/Program

To establish consistency in awarding Sportsmanship Points in 8U,10U, 12U, 14U, and 19U games played in Killen, referees shall use the following set of guidelines. The decision on points awarded rests with the judgment of the Referees. NOTE: In all cases, Referees are requested to annotate the report on the back of the Line-up card with a brief comment noting the reason for point deductions made in any category.

Each team will be judged on Sportsmanship in Players, Coaches, and Spectators. The Referee team at a match monitors the conduct of team members and spectators before, during, and after the match. At the conclusion of the match, the coaches must turn in their line up card to the center referee. The referee team will then fill out the game report and also the overall conduct and sporting behavior. Each referee will sign the card and place into the black mailbox mounted on the field shed. Coaches will not be able to see the referee game report with the overall conduct points, this will keep the system honest. Coaches will receive feedback for any negative situations that arise.

Total max points per game a team can receive is 6 points which is an excellent in all three categories. In each category you get 2 points for Excellent, 1 Point for Normal, 0 Points for poor.

Negative points can also be deducted from total. If a Coach or Parent is verbally warned by the referee, -1 point will be deducted in the spectator or coach conduct area. If a Coach or Parent is asked to leave a game, -3 points will be deducted in the spectator or coach conduct area. Since players can be penalized through the Laws of the Game, any send off will only result in Player category receiving 0 points in the player category.

Example: Players receive Excellent rating from Ref, gives them 2 points. Coach gets a normal which is 1 point. But a spectator was asked to leave, the total sportsmanship points for this game would be 0 total. 2+1-3=0. Same scenario, Players receive Normal rating from Ref, gives them 1 point. Coach gets a normal which is 1 point. But a spectator was asked to leave, the total sportsmanship points for this game would be -1 total. 1+1-3= -1.

The Regional Commissioner (from direct or indirect knowledge witnessed by any board member, or spectators who witness such acts and their concern is expressed to RC, after investigation) the RC can at anytime add (up to 5 points) or reduce points (depending on severity, up to -5 points) when they have direct knowledge of conduct that violates AYSO National Rules and Regulations, Area 5F Rules and Regulations, and/or Region 1096 policies or guidelines. The reason for any deduction will be filed with game card and/or incident sheet.

The Regional Commissioner (or designee) will record Sportsmanship Points over the duration of the season. The total points may be posted each week and any feedback from negative points may be communicated to coaches if necessary.

At the end of the season, one team in each division (which meets a min. point standard which changes depending on season) will be rewarded with something extra which could include any of the following: up to $50.00 toward team party, event tickets from local sponsors, extra awards, soccer gear, etc. Awards will vary from season to season and can be won after end of each season. Points start back over each new season.

You as parents and spectators, you should be having fun just as much as the kids on game day. Sometimes you may feel you have no where to express your concerns or don’t want to express in person. If you witness any exceptional behavior and good sportsmanship, fill the form out below and let us know. If you witness any behavior that you believe is not keeping with AYSO's principles and philosophy about our volunteers, teams, or other spectators and is making you not enjoy the game, let us know. Just fill out the form below, put into black mailbox at the small field shed or email to the Regional Commissioner. All feedback will be kept confidential and names will be kept confidential, and we always will be looking to improve the program. This is the only way we can all work together, the coaches, parents, and referee on outside of the triangle as a team, with the kids in the middle as whats important. This is only way we can improve as the best Region around, communication

At Killen AYSO Region 1096, we want to keep it about the kids, not the adults. We vision that this sportsmanship program will get everyone on board and buy in to what counts, the kids. (not just took as a saying) LET THEM PLAY!!!!

Points Ratings and Examples (These ratings apply in actions before, during, and after the game) This list are examples only and not inclusive, provided just as example of how points are awarded.

Excellent (+2 points) / Normal (+1 point) / Poor (0 points) / Points Deduction Examples (up to -5 points) / Points Addition Examples (up to +5 points)
Cheering for both teams, encouraging both teams, no sideline coaching, no arguments or public comments on ref calls, respect for all volunteers, etc. / Mostly cheering for both teams, may hear some sideline coaching from a spectator(s), occasional public comment on ref calls, etc. / Constant sideline coaching, noticeable public comments about ref calls, noticeable verbal discipline toward kids playing, confronting volunteer coaches, impeding coaches sideline, negative comments on other players, repetitive disagreement,etc. / Spectator verbally warned by referee, spectator asked to leave game, volunteer witness to negative behavior that is against AYSO Rules or Philosophies/Kid Zone, board member obtains knowledge of negative or misleading public comments on Region 1096 which includes players and volunteers,
spectators intentionally decline not to move to their designated side of the field / Witness a spectator(s) correcting another spectator not abiding by AYSO Philosophies and Rules/Kid Zone, spectator(s) reaching above and beyond encouraging other players, especially for the other team, spectator(s) providing feedback that improves what our program is all about, exemplary show of AYSO standards of
good sportsmanship
Excellent (+2 points) / Normal (+1 point) / Poor (0 points) / Points Deduction Examples (up to -5 points) / Points Addition Examples (up to +5 points)
Encouraging opposing team even when losing, no arguments to ref either expressed verbally or physically, helps other opponents up, encourages teammates, all team leaders / Sometimes encourages opposing team, may hear verbal negative disagreement with ref call but only very sparingly, high five and good game sportsmanship after game, no negative comments during such / Constantly either verbally or physically shows frustration on refs calls, taunts other players even after warned, makes negative comments in after game high fives, making negative comments toward own or opponents teammates / Player can be penalized through the laws of the game, any red card or any yellow card for behavior will result in automatic poor (0 points) / Exemplary show of AYSO standards of
good sportsmanship, only example I can think of is when reffing a game a mistake was made giving a team a penalty kick when it should have been a indirect kick; at halftime the ref discovered he made incorrect call and went and apologized to the team and admitted he messed up, thankfully the game was not impacted in any way, but a kid looked up and said, that’s ok ref, we are all human, everyone makes mistakes. Remember to this day and it has been a long time. WOW. +5 points for that one
Excellent (+2 points) / Normal (+1 point) / Poor (0 points) / Points Deduction Examples (up to -5 points) / Points Addition Examples (up to +5 points)
All positive coaching, no yelling constant instructions to players, little to none sideline coaching, helping other coaches with their team, encouraging other team in wins or losses, helping opposite players with positive instruction, helping referee with difficult situations not only from players but spectators, encouraging referees to continue their quest in always improving their experience / Little to none sideline coaching, little to none public comments about referee calls, positive coaching, thanking referee no matter outcome, no referee critique after game, doing everything possible to prevent a blowout, handle any of their spectators negative behavior in positive way / Repeated disagreement on referee calls, repeatably out of coach area, constant hollering and running up and down sideline, constant sideline coaching, public comments on refereeing, any behavior which goes against any of the AYSO philosophies, public comments about other volunteers or players, confronting other coaches in a negative manner, excessive sideline coaching from spectators and not addressing issue / Coach verbally warned by referee, coach asked to leave game, any negative behavior that is against AYSO Rules or Philosophies/Kid Zone, any knowledge of negative or misleading public comments on Region 1096 which includes players and volunteers, coaches not completing any required training when opportunity is provided, total disregard for what AYSO is about / Coach correcting spectator(s) not abiding by AYSO Philosophies and Rules/Kid Zone, coach showing sportsmanship above and beyond to make a game happen, coach correcting players/volunteers/spectators on referee abuse, coaches completing continuing education training even when not required, coaches helping/filling in on new/current coaches when needed, exemplary show of AYSO standards of
good sportsmanship

Next Page Below is Appendix A Ref/Region Feedback Form


Region 1096 is a" Kids Zone" Area that is interested in your comments and feedback about games that you attend. Please use this form to provide feedback about our volunteers, teams and spectators. We would like to know about exemplary behavior and good sportsmanship, as well as about behavior that you believe is not keeping with AYSO's principles and philosophy’s. If you have specific comments related to refereeing at a game, please complete this Referee Feedback Form. While we will not address judgment calls, we will look for improvement and communicate any response with the referees. Please feel free to offer your comments of praise and/or suggestions for improvement. All comments will be kept confidential on a need to know bases. After completion, submit this form into the black mailbox at the field shed or you can email form to the RC at . Thank you.

(Help us identify the game:)

Date:______Starting time: ______Location (Field #)______

Names or colors of teams ______Division:(circle one) 8U 10U 12U 14U 19U