PlymptonConservation Commission
Minutes of Open Meeting – April 15, 2014
Present: Rick Burnet,Ami Dion, Linda Leddy,John Mathias, Jeff Smith
Absent: Tim Dempsey
Meeting opened 7:30 p.m.
Received notification for permit authorized on April 4, 2014 for Solar Electric Panels on roof at 106 Maple Street from Ivy Matheny.
Received Public Document Request from Rockland Trust lawyers re: Suzanne T. Sakr v. Mayflower Bank, et. al.
Received recorded Certificate of Compliance for 48 Oak Street, SE 266-0157.
Received Annual Report for 2014
Mr. Smith returned call to Allen Adams about a solar project.
Received stamped copies of Notice of Meeting for 4/15, Notice of Hearing for TJA Solar.
Received NOI for 34 Ring Road, Roger O’Neill for removal of a portion of the dam.
Received revised plans for TJA Solar Project at 0 Spring Street
Mary O’Donnell is under agreement with Gene Bellevue to do a solar project off Winnetuxet Road. She came before the Commission to see if there is a possibility for this project to go forward if project is 25’ from wetlands (½ megawatt project on 2 ½ acres). The Commission indicated that they would be willing to hear the proposal and indicated her need to submit an NOI for the project.
Old Business
7:45 pm - Opened Public Hearing on TJA Solar Project, 0 Spring Street. Mr. Smith read the Legal Notice from The Enterprise. Kevin Grady from Grady Consulting presented. Revised drawingsdated April 4, 2014 were submitted.
After reviewing the materials and having some concerns about the project, the Commission scheduled another site visit for Wednesday, April 23 at 8:00 am. The Hearing is continued until Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 7:45 pm.
7:46 pm - Opened Public Hearing on Plympton Recreation Commission project for swimming hole at Town Park, 16 Winnetuxet Road. Mr. Smith read the Legal Notice from The Enterprise. Mr. Mathias abstained. Mr. Burnet made a motion to accept the proposal as written with sediment control conditions and to add that no additional activities be undertaken on the river and pond side. Ms. Dion seconded the motion. It carried unanimously.
Plympton Conservation Commission
April 15, 2014
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Discussion about Churchill Park/Cato Ridge Project, SE 266-0176, 0 Main Street, NHESP #14-33-035.
Received negative determination from Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program.Received correspondence from DEP in Lakeville about Churchill Park.
Ms. Leddy made a motion to acceptthe project as written. Mr. Mathias seconded. The motion carried unanimously with Mr. Burnet abstaining.
Administration and General Discussion
Commission decided to schedule to organize files in the office ourselves.
Discussion about investigating parcels of interest to the Conservation Commission that may be owner unknown on town maps. MoJoyce can assist.
A motion was made by Mr. Mathias to close the meeting, which was seconded by Ms. Dion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. by unanimous vote.
Recorded by Ami S. Dion.