Badenoch Riding Club Newsletter
December 2015
Hello from the new committee
At the AGM held on 28th October 2015, the new committee was elected:
Chair Elspeth Grant
Vice-chair Kylie Hardy
Treasurer Eileen Troup
Secretary Christine Cowan
Committee Fiona Hawkins
Stacey Grant
Ingrid Grant
Suzy Campbell
Kay Macfarlane
Junior Jessie Grant
A special welcome to our new vice chair Kylie Hardy from Aviemore, who is also going to help with our communications and social media; Suzy Campbell from Newtonmore, Kay MacFarlane from Nethy Bridge and our junior rep Jessie , also from Nethy Bridge.
Many thanks go to our out-going vice chair Lorraine Campbell, along with Ellen Grant, Hollie Cruikshank and Ishbel Hendry for all their support over the last couple of years.
Winter Events programme
Please come along to some of our indoor social events over the winter.
Fri 27th November – party night
Buffet dinner at La Taverna, Aviemore, 7.30pm. It’s not a Christmas menu, but you can eat as much as you want for £12.95 per person!
Bookings to Elspeth, email or on BRC facebook page by Wed 25th Nov please.
December – pantomime night
Either at MacDonalds Aviemore Resort, or Eden Court. Dates to be confirmed, please check facebook for more details.
Sunday 7th February – Dog Walk
Meet at 11.00am at Glenmore Visitor Centre for walk around Glenmore. Followed by lunch in the cafe.
Fri 18th March – Indian curry night
Royal Tandoori Restaurant, Aviemore, 7.30pm
Check facebook page or look out for email for time and bookings.
March – Cinema night - date to be confirmed
Cinema night at Aviemore cinema – date to be confirmed depending on what films are on then.
Check BRC facebook page or look out for email nearer the time for date.
April - Evening talk – and tack/riding kit swap and sell - date to be confirmed
Various speakers on equine subjects – to be confirmed. And a chance to clear out your tack room and riding kit wardrobe, and get some new stuff! Venue: Cairngorm Hotel, Aviemore
Our new committee have lots of exciting and new ideas for events and activities planned for 2016 including more training / clinics, beach rides, trailer towing training, veterinary physiotherapy demo’s. Watch this space – or facebook – for more details!
Keep in touch
Even if you didn’t manage along to the AGM, we’re always open to suggestions for events and feedback on club activities. Get in touch by:
BRC website
Committee Contacts
Elspeth Grant (chair) 01479 821701 0791 7406434
Kylie Hardy (vice chair) 07725 639509
Eileen Troup (treasurer) 01479 831615 Klondyke, Tulloch, Nethy Bridge PH25 3EF
Christine Cowan (secretary) 01540 661352
Ingrid Grant 07831 495397
Fiona Hawkins 01540 673939
Stacey Grant 07545 889297
Kay MacFarlane 07873 405301
Suzy Campbell
And finally… Subscriptions for 2016
If you renew your subscription or join the Club before 31st December you will benefit from a discounted membership :
£20 for senior riding member (£25 from 1 January)
£15 for junior (age 9 to 17) and non-riding members (£20 from 1 January)
Send your subscriptions to Eileen Troup, Klondyke, Tulloch, Nethy Bridge PH25 3EF
For new members you can download a membership form from the website
Please make cheques payable to Badenoch Riding Club or pay by bank transfer to:
Bank sort code: 87-34-45 Account no: 06001050 Account name: Badenoch Riding Club