Serving the villages of Kerry, Sarn and Dolfor.
Minutes of the Meeting of the 31st January 2018 in Kerry Village Hall.
Chair / Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
ee / Cllrs. / Cllr. M. Griffiths (Kerry),
Cllr A. Osborne (Kerry) ,
Cllr. C. Seal. (Kerry)
Cllr. V. Wildish (Kerry)
Cllr.D. England (Kerry)
Cllr. G. Griffiths (Kerry)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. D. Jones (Sarn)
Cllr. I. Jones (Dolfor)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / 2
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr. L. Powell (Kerry),
Item 2.To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
This item was moved from item 3as listedon the agenda.
Cllr M. Griffiths declared a prejudicial interest in Item 4. Kerry Co-option. Cllr Griffiths left the room and took no part in discussion or voting.
Cllr D Jones declared an interest in Planning application P/2018/0008 Upper Penygelli.
Item 3To approve Minutes of the Meetings of the 29th November 2017
An amendment to the number of dwellings from 45 to 60 was made to PCC Planning Notices item B. P/2016/0722 Land Opposite Oak View, Sarn, Kerry.
Item. 4To Co-opt Sarn / Kerry Councillor.
No nominations received for Sarn.
Graham Griffiths was co-opted on to the Kerry Ward.
The clerk is requested to write to a previously unsuccessful candidate inviting them to consider possible co-option on to the Sarn ward.
Item 5. Matters Arising.
- Quotes for additional tree works at Kerry Cemetery
- Reported water leak at Cemetery entrance.
- New Sign at Kerry Cemetery
- Tree Works at Dolforgan Park.
- Paving Slabs to Grass Area and the repair of Retaining Wall at Kerry Public Toilets.
- Review of Community & Town Councils Sector in Wales
6) To Proof Read Posters for Grass Cutting/Cemetery Maintenance and Public Toilet Caretaker.
The period of work was amended to read “Cut grass every two weeks from April to October with aminimum of 15 cuts” on both the Grass cutting and Cemetery maintenance contracts. The Public Toilet Caretaker contract to remain unchanged.
Item 7. Amenities Committee Report.
Cllr. A. Osborne was voted in as Chairman. The cold water tap in the Gents has been replaced at a cost of £38.99. An application to PAVO for a grant from the Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm Fund to provide a hot water heater in the Gents to be made. KCC to cover the Electricians cost due to lack of time in submitting requested quotes. The Clerk is requested to forward details of persons making application for the Caretakers Contract prior to the full Council meeting in March.
Item 8. KCC Planning Consultations.
Application KCC Response.
- P/2017/1489
Land adj to Sarn Village Hall. Sarn
SY164EJ / Outline: Erection of 7x affordable dwellings, alterations to road, provision of footpath, formation of access to agricultural land and associated works (all matters reserved) / “Council object to these amended plans to erect 7 dwellings as it is felt that the style and number will significantly change the character of the village.”
“They continue to support the original plan for 5 detached dwellings as discussed at the recent site meeting”.
- P/2018/0008
Upper Penygelli Kerry
SY164LX / Full: Change of use and conversion of building into 4 no. dwellings, improvements and widening of entrance and installation of septic tank. / This application was subject to a Consultation Notice and members resolved to make the following comment subject to no significant observations being received from members of the community by the 7th February 2018 “Council has no objections to this application”.
24 The Gardens,
Kerry. / Formation of vehicular access and hard standing.
(Retrospective) / No response was received from the public to the displayed consultation notice. Subsequently Council responded as shown:
“Council has no objection to this application”.
- P/2017/1384
Cwm Mule, Dolfor
SY164AU / Full: Construction of a stock shed. / This application was considered by Dolfor Councillors and no responsewas received from the public to the displayed consultation notice.
Subsequently Council responded as shown:
“Council wishes to support this application but highlights the following concerns”
- It is felt that the application fails to identify the type of increased stock to be housed in the shed
- The introduction of an intensive system could potentially result in an increase in vehicle and HGV movements therefore presenting highway issues that would need to be addressed”
Item 8. PCC Planning Applications / PCC Planning Notices.
KCC’s Consultation. / PCC Notice.
A. P/2017/0968
Dolfor Inn, Full: Change of use of land and erection of 2 holiday cabins
1.Dolforgan Lodge Kerry
Householder: Demolition of existing flat roof extension and erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the dwelling / “Council wishes to support this application on the condition that the units are indivisible from the Public House and not to be sold off as a separate unit at a later date.
Dolfor Inn is regarded as a valuable asset to the village and it is anticipated this will help ensure the financial viability of the business in the future.”
“Council understands that plans are to be resubmitted”. / Conditional Consent.
Conditional Consent.
Pant Farm, Wern Lane Sarn. SY164ENFull: Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling and garage, installation of septic tank and all associated works / “Council wishes to support this application”. / Conditional Consent.
Cwm Mule, Dolfor
Full: Construction of a stock shed. / This application was considered by Dolfor Councillors and no response was received from the public to the displayed consultation notice.
Subsequently Council responded as shown:
Council wishes to support this application but highlights the following concerns”
•It is felt that the application fails to identify the type of increased stock to be housed in the shed
•The introduction of an intensive system could potentially result in an increase in vehicle and HGV movements therefore presenting highway issues“that would need to be addressed / Conditional Consent.
E .P/2017/0696
Lomond, Kerry
Outline - Residential development of 5 dwellings including replacement of an existing dwelling, formation of access, highway improvement and all associated works (some matters reserved.) / KCC Response
It should be noted that 14 members of the public attended this meeting. 5 residents gave representation to Council highlighting their concerns.
Council wishes to reiterate their response made in PCC’s Consultation Pack on Candidate Sites and Community Needs made on the 7th May 2013.
Ref; CS number 662, Land at Lomond, Common Road, under the heading, Known Issues they state,
“Problems for traffic at the junction of Common Road and the A489. Narrow road already carrying a large amount of traffic.”
Kerry Community Council also wishes to draw your attention to the following additional concerns;
•Water reclamation.
•That 4 of the proposed buildings fall outside the Community Boundary.
PCC Notice. Outline Consent.
Item 9. Finance.
Accounts paid November 2017
Accounts paid during Christmas Recess
Accounts to be paid January 2018 / VAT Refund
Peate. Reopen cremation plot.
Margery Jones
Gwyneth Owen Burial.
Leach. Memorial Stones
Ivy Kathleen Payne
Edith Ann Price
Leach Burial
Beryl Margaret Gittins
Singleton Heating Services. (Sarn Village Hall)
Paid 31.10.17
British Gas (Toilet Elec) Paid 3.11.17
Avondale supplies (Toilet Sanitary items)
Mr. P Friel (caretaker Nov/Dec)
A Feltham (Clerk)
A Feltham (Admin)
Water Plus. (Toilet water rates)
SLCC Membership
J. Morgan (works at Dolforgan Park)
R. Evans (replacement dryer in Toilets)
Sarn Rec Ass. VAT refund
HM Customs (PAYE)
Mr. P. Friel (Caretaker)
A Feltham (Clerk Dec/Jan)
A Feltham (Admin Dec/Jan)
PAVO (PAYE management)
Avondale Supplies (Sanitary supplies)
Andrew Evans* ( Replacement Chq)
Cllr. V. Wildish (Toilets) / £620.00
£3,600 00
£44 84
Account balance as of 5th January 2018. Community Acc£ 36,329.27 Money Manager Acc £11,065.71 giving a total of £47,394.98
Request made on the 3rd January 2018 for a precept of £26,928.00.
*Andrew Evans. Replacement for lost cheque number 200226 drawn on the 29th September 2017 for £265.99 being payment for grass cutting work. £10 deducted for bank charges incurred.
Item 10 Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Vale of Montgomery Rural Cluster Report. No meeting.
Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm. Cllr. I Jones and Cllr D Jones attended a meeting on the 19th December when the Community Fund Poster was made available. It is understood that application for funding will be available twice a year.
OVW. Cllr C. Seal and Cllr. V Wildish attended a meeting on the 23rd. January and they gave a verbal account on the following topics. OVW seek a new Development Officer. Data Protection Regulations. The provision of road salt by PCC. Planning meetings. A proposal that Farmers clear snow from roads. A proposed Tourism Tax.
It was voted to invite OVW to use Village Halls within the Kerry Ward for the meeting of the 13th June 2018. Clerk to confirm the financing of hall hire and refreshments.
Item 11 Correspondence/communications sent /received
Additional Correspondence sent to:
Local groups and Village Halls. Grants awarded.
Welsh Government Review of the local council sector. Emailed response sent 12th January.
Rhian Osborne. Update on tree works at Dolforgan Park.
The Pensions Regulator. I have submitted completed declaration of compliance.
OVW.Review of the local council sector. I have completed the survey requested using the views expressed by members of the Council.
Andrew Evans Landscaping. Lost cheque for £265.99 Advised of possible bank charges and a need for reimbursement.
PCC Archives. Clerk seeking advice.
Correspondence From.
Welsh Government Review of the local council sector. Emailed to Cllrs for comments.
Tesco Bags of Help Information. Funding available for communities.(Details with clerk)
Adrian Osborne Consultation on a Proposal to develop a Major Trauma Network for South and West Wales and South Powys (Copy with clerk)
Danny Jarman (CSP - Highways Operations) Ref; Heavy Vehicle sign at Gilfach lane
“With regards to the sign I have spoken to the supervisor who deals with the erection of signs posts
He fees that it is in the best position as if it was brought closer to the Junction then the lorries
would only have a side on view so unable to read it.
If it was moved further back up the lane then it would be seen too late and then the lorry would have
to reverse back on to the A489.
So, as we haven’t had many complaints I would appreciate if it could be left in situfor the time being.”
Montgomery Cluster Group. Review of the local council sector. Emailed to Cllr. Wildish and Seal.
Sian Lewis-Davies (CSP - Electoral Registration) Notice of Co-option for Kerry.
PAVOoffer to renew membership free of charge. I have accepted this offer on Council’s behalf.
Google Analytics .In December, you had 94 users visit your website
The Pensions Regulator. To complete a declaration of compliance before 28th Feb.
Severn Trent Water. Notification of leak at Cemetery Entrance.
Edmund Hikins. Update. Letter held on file.
Jill Kibble “ With regard to the Montgomeryshire Village Award 2018 (formerly Best Kept Village), I now have pleasure in attaching information and extending a very warm invitation to the Community Council to send up to three representatives from the Council or the community to the launch on Friday February 23rd at Berriew Community Centre when an interesting and informative evening is planned.” (Please advise the Clerk if youwish to attend)
OVW. Proposals to tackle crime and poor performance in the waste sector. The closing date for response is 26 March 2018. If Council wish to respond I can add to the February agenda.
OVW.Review of the local council sector.
Andrew Evans Landscaping. Lost cheque for £265.99 (September payment). Requesting cancellation and a reissue.
Jill Kibble. Footpaths in Cluster group. Emailed to Cllr. Wildish and Seal.
Suzanne Kemp (CSP - Regeneration and Corporate Property) Allotment Sites. I have informed that KCC do not provide allotments and no requests have been made to do so.
SLCC Informationto enable Council to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).The GDPR is a European instrument which will come into force on 25th May 2018. In the UK, however, it will be accompanied by a new Data Protection Act, (full details with Clerk)
Tony Caine. PCC Traffic & Travel Manager. Kerry Parking Restrictions Decision. Forwarded by email to Councillors.
Edwin Hughes. Powys Eisteddfod requesting funding.
Will Bruce. To inform of “Willy Weather Widget” available to give local weather warning.
PCC Archives Clerk provided with a 71 page document on council’s retention schedule.
Item 12. Any Other Business.
Kerry CC / Discussion was held on the lack of opportunity for Community Councils to comment on resubmittedamended planning applications.
Sarn / A request for the Clerk to contact Highways in regard to outstanding road works to the C2053. Cllr. P Dyer made comment that the drains have now been cleared.
Residents / A request to address Council was made by two residents in reference to concerns on comments made in KCC’s planning response to applicationP/2017/1144 Land adjUchel Dre, Common Road Kerry SY164PS.
The residents felt that Council was implying that their application had stated that the school was under attended and closure was a possibility. Council noted that the application implied the development would assist in keeping pupil numbers at an elevated level.
The same two residents also raised concerns about the duplicated posting of KCC’s planning response to the above planning application on the PCC planning portal.
Council referred the complainants to PCC Planning Department as KCC has no control on the number of times their documents are posted on the portal
Dolfor. / Clerk to advise Highways on flooding on the Top Dolfor Road.
Comments made in regard to Fly Tipping. County Councillor Kath Roberts-Jones to report to PCC.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9-15pm
Next Scheduled Meeting.
Wednesday 28th February 2018 at 7-30pm in Kerry Village Hall.
Any additional planning meetings will be posted on KCC’s notice board.
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