VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí



1.Describe a place that can be good to relax (nothome)

You shouldsay:

-Where the placeis

-what it islike

-how do you spend timethere

-and explain why you think it is a good place forrelaxation

I’mgoingtotalkaboutmyidealplacetorelaxandalsoafamoustouristattractioninVietnam, Sapa. Among various reasons, I love Sapa simply ‘cause of people there.Theyarewarm,kindheartedandtrustworthy.Irememberthatsummerwhenmyfamilydecidedto have a holiday in Sapa, we came into trouble ‘cause it was a tourist season and weranout of hotels. Fortuanately, we were put in by a local person for a night and she foundahotelnearbyforusthefollowingmorning. Besidespeople, I foundinSapamanyinteresting places to play and learn about the ethnic minorities in Vietnam that I justhada chance to see in textbooks and on TV. Therefore, I see Sapa as a beautiful andpeacefulplaceformetorefreshmyselfandrechargemybatteryafteranassiduoussemester.Anyway, I will come back to Sapa next summer forsure.

  • tourist attraction: điểm thu hút khách dulịch
  • kind hearted: tốtbụng
  • trustworthy: đáng tincậy
  • come into trouble: gặp rắc rối
  • a tourist season: mùa du lịch
  • run out of: hết, khôngcòn
  • ethnic minorities: các dân tộc thiểusố
  • for sure: chắcchắn

2.Describe a gift for others that took you long time tochoose

-What iswas

-Who you gave it to

-How you chooseit

-And explain why you spend long time choosingit

Well,now,I’mgoingtotalkaboutaspecialgiftthatitookalotoftimetofindandchoose.ThatgiftwasformyMathsteacheratmysecondaryschool,whoIadmiredandconsideredasmysecondmother.MyteacherwasborninSeptember,butIhadtothinkofwhatthegiftwas from July. Fortunately, it coincided with my summer holiday in Sapa. Iimmediatelywent shopping to look for some special things when I reached there. Unfortunately,thereareavarietyofproductsandIalsodonotknowaboutmyteacher’shobby.Therefore,findingasuitablejobforherisextremelyachallengeforme.After2dayswithcarefulconsiderations, I decided to buy a scarf made from brocade fabric. It wassophisticatedand unique. I crushed on that scarf at the first sight. I was satisfied because at least, Ihadtriedtofindameaningfulgiftformybelovedteacher.Andsheseemedtoloveitalot.

3.Describe a change that will improve your localarea

-What the changeis

-How the changeworks

-What kinds of problems the change willsolve

-How you feel about thechange.


The standard knowledge about social issues of local people is quite low. I will give youaprominentinstanceaboutmycousin.Shewasthesameageasmeandshejustmarriedlastweek‘causeshehad5monthpregnancy.Butthethingwasshedidn’tknowshewaspregnant until 2 weeksago.

Apparently, she was lack of sexual knowledge and I think that if only my hometown hadalibrary in which there was a wide range of books, she wouldn’t have come intotroubles.Alsowithasmalllibrary,peopleatallagescanequipthemselveswithareservoirofknowledge about all aspects of life. I’m sure that this change is a significantturing - pointintheeducationofmylocalarea.Forexample,theliteracyratecanbehigher,somyprovincecanprovideabetterwell - educatedworkforceforeconomy,anduemploymentlevelorothersocialevilscanbemitigated.Allinall,theappearanceofalibraryisthekeyto open a new door for myprovince.

  • standard knowledge: kiến thứcchung
  • social issue: vấn đề xãhội
  • 5 month pragnancy: có thai 5 tháng
  • a wide range of:nhiều
  • come into troubles: gặp khókhăn
  • turing - point: bướcngoặt

4.Describe a small and successful company youknow.

You shouldsay:

- What is the companycalled

-How did you know thiscompany?

-What kind of business this companydoes?

-and explain why you think this company isSuccessful?

Recently, I have noticed that a lot of my friends highly recommend me that I shouldhavePeterPanCompanymakecakeswhenitcomestosomespecialoccasions.Itissaidthatthecompanyhaveexpandedtheirchainswithover10storesforjustayearandtheirprofithasdoubledasaconsequenceofadvertisementcampaignsandeffortstocontinuouslyimprove product quality and services. Therefore, they now have a good client base andagoodbrandnameinthemarket.Thatsmallcompanyjusthasover30employeesandwhattheyproduceareallkindsofcakes.ThecampanyhasmadeagoodimpressionbytheirprofessionalworkstyleandfriendlyserviceandIthinkthatIwilldefinitelyhavethiscompany make cakes when Ineed.

  • Special occasions: Những dịp đặcbiệt
  • Chain: chuỗi cửahàng
  • As a consequence of: Là kết quảcủa…
  • A good client base: nền tảng khách hàngtốt
  • Brand name: thươnghiệu
  • Professional work style: phong cách làm việc chuyênnghiệp

5.Describe a person you know who dresses well/ a person who isfashionable

You shouldsay:

-Who this personis

-what kinds of clothes this person likes towear

-how you know this person

-explain why you think this person dresseswell

I’dliketotalkaboutmymother,whoisconsideredasafashioniconbyalotofherfriends.MyMomisfamousforhersenseofstyle.Shelovestheclassicstyle,whichmeans,herfashionissimple,butitturnsouttobestylishallthetime.Hermottois“Simpleisthebest”butthewayshemixescolorsmakespeopleadmire.Sheusuallykeepsupwiththelatestfashionandeachseason,sheseemstohaveanewappearance.Everyonebelievesthatmymother has an eye for fashion; therefore, they often ask her for some advice. She saidtome that:” Dressing well is a good form of art”, so, let’s do well, live well and dressreallywell.

  • a fashion icon: tín đồthờitrang
  • sense of style: có gu thờitrang
  • classic style: phong cách cổđiển
  • keeps up with the latest fashion: bắt kịp xu hướng thời trang mớinhất
  • has an eye for fashion: có thẩm mỹ về thờitrang

6.Describe an age/stage you enjoyed in yourlife.

You shouldsay:

-What the age/stagewas

-What did you like to do backthen

-Who you enjoyed mostly backthen

-explain why you really like thatage/stage

I’m going to talk about my seventeen - the age that I found myself amazing and a littlebitcrazy. I learned a lot of stuff about life, people around me and I began to be aware ofthevaluable relationships. I was motivated to change to be the unique one in this world andIdesire for traveling and making friends with people from all walks of life. I remarkedmysweetseventeenwiththetriptothelandofopportunity,America.Besides,IfeltlikeIfulfilledmydream‘causeafterthetrip,Ihadalotofforeignfriendsandtheknowledgeaboutthisworld.Now,Icometorealizethatnothinginthenaturalworldremainsthesamefromonemomenttothenext,andeverythingcontinuallychangeswhetherwewantitornot, but anyway, my seventeen is a big change. In other words, it’s also my turningpointthat I will neverforget.

  • desire for doing sth: mong muốn, khao khát làmgì
  • all walks of life: Các thành phần, tầng lớp trong xãhội
  • remark: đánhdấu
  • Fulfill one’s dream: hoàn thành giấcmơ
  • Turning point: bướcngoặt

7.Describe a time that a child did something that made youlaugh

You shouldsay:

-When thishappened

-Who the childwas

-What the childdid

-explain why it wasfunny.

Well, I’m gonna talk about an unforgettable memory about my younger brother whenhewas 2 years old. At that time, he was carefree and like many kids at that age, helearnedandcopiedeverythingfromadultsquickly.Thatsummer,myfathertookustoapublicswimmingpool‘causeallofmyfamilymemberswerefondofswimming.Myfatherhadmekeepaneyeonhimwhilehedivedintowater.Unfortunately.I wasbusywithplayinggameson my mobile phone and my younger brother saw his Dad dived and then, he mightthinkthathehadanabilitytoswimlikehisfather.Youcanguesswhathappened?Yes,hejumpedintowaterandtriedtoswim.Luckily,Iheardhimcryingandhewasrescuedfromtheswimming pool. I found that it was hilarious behaviors of kids but it taught me alessson:Always look after your kids carefully, or else, something which is silly may happen atanytime.

  • carefree: vô tư, hồnnhiên
  • a public swimming pool: bể bơi côngcộng
  • keep an eye on: chúýđến...
  • dived into water: lặn vàonước
  • Unfortunately = Unluckily: Không maythay
  • Be busy with: Bậnrộn
  • have an ability to do sth: Có khả năng làmgì
  • hilarious = funny: buồncười
  • silly: nguxuẩn

8.Describe a picture or photograph in yourfamily.

You shouldsay:

-What is in thepicture

-Where this picture is in your home

-how this picture wastaken

-and explain why you think this picture ismeaningful

ThephotographthatwastakenwhenIwasonly4 - 5yearsoldwithmyparents,grandfatherandgrandmotherisoneofmyveryfavouritephotographs.IdonothaveclearmemoryregardingtheeventwhenthephotographwastakenbutIhaveseenitthousandstimesandstill I look at it with a delight and sadness. The photograph is a black - and - white oneandlater I have enlarged it and framed it in my living room. The small kid (me),thegrandparentsandyoungparentsmakethepictureareallysignificantonetome.Ilookwith amazement in to the picture and sometimes can't believe I was so small anddifferentlookingatthattimeThepicturegivesmeagloomyfeelingsasmygrandfatherandmotherarenolongerwithus.InthepicturetheyseemssolivelybutIcan'tbewiththemanymore!

Thisphotographisprobablyismymostfavouriteoneasitconveysmygrandparents'memory and depicts a happy family. Every time I look at this particular picture, it givesadifferentsensation - mixtureofhappinessandsadness.Thisisapricelesspossessiontomeand I would like to keep it with me for the rest of mylife.

9.Describe a time that you and your friend had adisagreement

You shouldsay:

-When thishappened

-Who you disagreedwith

-What you and your friend arguedabout

-and if you two solved the disagreement in theend

Well, two months ago,I thought that summer was coming,so I needed to do somethingtoloseweight.Isawanadvertisementandintendedtotakesomedietpills.Theadvertisementboostedhowmagicalthedrugsare.AsIwasurgedtoloseweight,withoutthinking,Idecidedtobuysome.However,myroommatedidn’trecommendmetodothat.Shesaidtheslimmingpillsnotonlycostalotbutalsoaredetrimentaltohealth.Sheaskedmetokeep diet and jogging with her everynight.


Aftertakingslimmingpillsforaweek,Ididn’thaveweightlose,butbecameinsomnic,maybe that’s a side effect of the drugs. Finally I gave up and running with myroommateeveryday.NowwhenI‘mthinkingaboutthisargument,Ireallythanktomyfriend,otherwise I would try this stupid idea for two weeks or evenlonger.

10.Describe a place where you can read andwrite.

You shouldsay:

-Where this placeis

-How do you know thisplace

-What do you do there

-explain why you think it’s a good place for reading andwriting.

I’mgoingtotalkaboutmy“littlestudyingcorner”.That’sthewayicallmyschoollibrarybecause it’s really familiar with me and i love it. That’s a medium building with 4floorsandeachfloorhasitsownfunction.Thefirstflooristhemainhall,it’ssometimesusedforsome conferences. The second one is a computer lab. The third and fourth floor areusedforself - studying.ThelibraryopenseverydayexceptonSundaysandigotomy“littlecorner studying” 5 days a week. I love that place ‘cause it’s outright quiet. Allstudentsfocus on their work and noone or nothing disturbs me, so the studying is really usefulandeffective.Ihaveoneyearleftbeforeigraduatefrommyschoolandithinkthatlibrarywillbe my indispensable partner ofmine.

  • familiar with me: thân quen vớiai
  • medium building: tòa nhà kích thước bình thường, cỡtrung
  • main hall: đạisảnh
  • computer lab: phòng vitính
  • self - studying: tựhọc
  • outright: hoàntoàn
  • indispensable: không thểthiếu

11.Describe a team you have been partof.

You shouldsay:

-When this team wasformed

-Who was on theteam

-What you didtogether

-and explain why you became part of theteam

I’dliketotalkaboutateamprojectthatIwasinvolvedinduringmyfinaltermatbusinessschool.Therewerefourofusontheteam,andourtaskwastoworkwithalocalcompanytoresearchanewmarket,inaEuropeancountry,foroneoftheirproductsorservices.Our objective was to produce a report and give apresentation.The first thing we did was split into two groups of two. We had been assigned acompanythatproducedarangeofbicycleaccessories,sotwoofusspentsometimegettingtoknowthe company while the other two researched the market and the competitors in thetargetcountry,whichwasGermany.Intheend,IthinkitwasasuccessfulprojectbecausewemanagedtoidentifyapossiblegapinthemarketinGermanyforoneofthecompany’sproducts. Our group presentation also went reallywell.

Until that point, the course had been all about business theory, so it was quite alearningexperiencetoworkwitharealcompany.Ifeltarealsenseofaccomplishmentwhenwehandedinourreportanddeliveredourpresentation,andIthinkallofuswereproudofwhat we haddone.

12.Describe something that you want to learnmore.

You shouldsay:

-What itis

-How would learnit

-Where you can learnit

-explain why you want to keep learningit

13.Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were achild.

You shouldsay:

-What the gamewas

-When, where and with whom you usually playedit

-How you playedit

-and explain why you still remember this game or you like thisgame

AsachildIenjoyedplayingchess.Ithinkchessisprobablythebestknownboardgameinthe world. It’s a game for two players, and the aim is to defeat the other player bytakinghis or her pieces and eventually trapping his King. This final move is calledcheckmate.

Itaughtmyyoungerbrothertoplay,andatsomepointIjoinedtheschoolchessclub.There I had the chance to hone my skills against some of the older pupils, and in myfinalyear of primary school I made it onto the school team. There were five of us on theteam,and we competed against children from other primary schools in the sametown.

IlikedplayingchessbecauseIenjoyedthechallengeofthinkingaheadandtryingtooutwitmyopponent.IwasprobablysevenoreightyearsoldwhenIstartedplaying,anditseemed like a very mysterious and intellectual game at that time. Also, although Ilovedwinning,chesstaughtmetolearnfrommylossesandtocongratulatethepersonwhohadbeatenme.

14.Describe a special trip you would like to go on in thefuture.

You shouldsay:

-Where this placeis

-Who you would like to gowith

-What would you do there

-explain why this would be a specialtrip

Có thể vận dụng đáp án câu hỏi số 1 vàođây

15.Describe a person who can use/speak a secondlanguage.

You shouldsay:

-Who this personis

-what language this person canuse


I’m going to talk about Lynel, a Filippino girl who i was lucky to meet on the occasionofthetriptoAmericalastmonth.ShemadeagreatimpressiononmebyherEnglish.Shespokeenglishsofluentlythatatfirst,ithoughtshewasanativespeaker.

WhatilikedaboutherEnglishwashermelodiousvoice,whenevershespoke,ithoughtthat she was singing but not talking. She reminded me of my favorite host, Kim Tien,whoused to be an honored host on TV for a longtime.

Every day in that trip, I had chance to listen to her sweet voice, and because oflanguagebarriers, she always used English all the time. She helped me improve my ability to giveasuccessful presentation, how to go up and down when speaking English and how tocallattention from others. That’s veryuseful.

And after the trip, we still often keep in touch to learn and share effective methodstoimprove our English speakingability.

  • On the occasion of...: Nhândịp…
  • Make a deep/ great impression on somebody: Tạo ấn tượng tốt vớiai
  • So + Adj / adv+ that + Clause: Quá...đếnnỗi..
  • native speaker: Người bảnxứ
  • Melodious voice: Giọng trầm bổng, lênxuống

16.Describe an occasion you got up extremelyearly.

You shouldsay:

-When thishappened

-what you needed to do thatday

-who you werewith

-how you felt about getting up that early on thatday

Well,itwaslastsemesterwhenitcametothefinalexam,ihadtogetupsoearlyinthemorning to prepare for the exam. Actually, i’m a morning bird, so i found it easy to getupearly. Fresh air and tranquility in the morning made me feel peaceful, optimisticandcreative,soIcouldconcentratemoreonmystudy.Butatthattime,ihadtotrytowakeupearlier, exactly at 3 or 4 am. As a result, i was totally exhausted and had a headache.Mybrain was full of subjects such as Maths, History, Literature and so on. Besides, i wassosleepythatattimes,isleptwhileiwastryingtomemorizehistoricdatesorMathsformulas.I had to drink coffee many times a day to keep me wide awake. It was exactly anightmarebutfortunately, i passed the exam with flyingcolors.

a morning bird: Người hay dậy sớm (night owl: Cúđêm)

  • tranquility: Sự thanh bình, yêntĩnh
  • As a result: Kết quảlà
  • keep sb wide awake: Làm cho ai tỉnhtáo
  • passed the exam with flying colors: đỗ kì thi với kết quảtốt

17.Describe an educational trip you wenton.

You shouldsay:

-where this placewas

-what you did at thisplace

-who you went therewith

-and explain why you thought this trip waseducational.

When i was in grade 5, i had a chance to go to the national zoo in my capital, hanoiwithmyclassmates.ItwasthefirsttimeiwenttothecapitalofVietnamandiwastotallyamazedatwhatisawandlearned.Firstly,thetripofferedmewithadreamoflearningEnglishwell.imetalotofforeignersthere.Atthattime,ijustcouldsay“hello”tothemandiwished that one day, i would communicate with them in English fluently. Secondly,ilearned a lot of lessons about environment and animals. They were different from whatiwastaughtatschool.Itwasmoreinteresting,livelyandpractical.Isawsomeendangeredanimalsliketigers,blackrhinos,mountaingorillas,Asianelephants...It’sbeenalongtimesince i last visited that zoo but until now, i still have a good memory of those days andthemeaning of thetrip.

  • have a chance to do sth: có cơ hội làmgì
  • be amazed at sth: ngạc nhiên
  • offer sb with sth: mời/ ngỏ lời ai cáigì
  • have good/bad memories of sth: có kỉ niệm đẹp/ xấu về cáigì

18.Describe an educational TV program that you haveseen.

You shouldsay:

-what the program is about / what the programis

-how often you watch or listen to thisprogram

-what type of people enjoy thisprogram

-and explain why this program iseducational

Well,watchingTVisnotmycupoftea.However,i’mkeenonwatchinginternationalnewsas well as current affairs. So, at times, i turn on TV to watchCNN.

Itisaprogramwhichspecializesinbreakingnewsreportedbymanyjounalistsandcorrespondentsallovertheworld.It’sagoodideatocombinewatchingnewsandlearningEnglishatthesametime.InotonlyupdatealotofinformationhappeningonEarthduring24 hours but also gain vocabularies and practise listening English and soon.

WatchingCNNismydailyroutine.Iwatchthisprogrameverymorningforabout15to20minutes before I go toschool.

I find CNN educational and informative, especially for students like me simply becauseasi’vementioned,itbroadensourhorizons,enrichesourknowledgeandwecandeeplyunderstand what’s going on in oursociety.

  • Be one’s cup of tea: là sở thích của aiđó
  • Be keen on: Hứng thú,thích
  • current affairs: Những sự kiện hiện tại, thờisự
  • specialize in: Chuyênvề
  • breaking news: Tinnóng
  • a correspondent: Phóng viên
  • broaden our horizons: mở rộng tầm mắt của chúngta
  • Enrich knowledge: mở rộng kiếnthức

19.Describe a paid job you ever did or someone you know everdid

You shouldsay:

-What the jobwas

-How long did you or this person keep this job

-How did you/ this person find thisjob

-And how you feel about thisjob

Duringmyfreshmanyear,exceptmycourseworkIstill haveabundanttime.SoIdecidedto do some part - time jobs to earn my tuitionfee.

Honestly, it was really hard for me to find something to do at first because there werenotmanythingsforfreshmentodo.Whatwasfortune,Igotajobinacosmeticshop.Iwasallocatedtocleantheshelveswhichwasareallydirtyjob.BecauseIwasagreenhandfirstly, I got blamed by my senior manager when I took shifts four out of five times. Iwasso sad and crying every day when I was on my way back to my dorm. However, despiteofsadness and tiredness, I insisted until the end. I wanted to release my parents’ burdensoI didn’t want to ask them for livingcost.

During this period, I did well and I got a precious chance to learn sales and stock. Ihaveto admit that thanks to the experience of this job, I obtained a lot of valuableknowledgewhich I could not learn from university. Of course, I made so many friends who gavemeso much professional help and courage. Although the salary of this job was not veryhigh,theskillsIlearnedwerepriceless.Withthehelpofthisworkingexperience,Igainaprecious offer from other famous companies when Igraduated.

20.Describe a time when you feel surprised to meetsomeone.

You shouldsay:

-When thishappened

-Who this personwas

-What did you do together on thatday

-and explain why you thought it was a surprise to meet thisperson

I’mgoingtotalkaboutmybestfriendnow,Kira,whomadeadeepimpressiononmeattheveryfirstsightandiwastotallysuprisedather.imetherbychanceinadrearywinterday for interviewing a scholarship. she attracted all interviewees by her self - assuredandextrovert characteristics, relaxed people with jokes and her good sense of humor. shewasalso talkative at times, but i didn’t make us annoyed, it turned out to be beneficial‘causewe felt conforting after listening to her funnystories.

Itwasdefinitelyabigsuprise‘causeifoundthatshehadatalentforcallingattentionfromothersandtheabilitytomakefriendseasily.Later,webothpassedtheinterviewandnow, we are closed friends but she still makes me suprised sometimes ‘cause of herwell - roundedknowledge.

  • made a deep impression on: gây ấn tượng mạnh vớiai
  • a dreary winter day: một ngày đông ảmđạm
  • self - assured: tựtin
  • extrovert: hướngngoại
  • hyperactive: tăngđộng
  • beneficial: cólợi
  • conforting = relaxing: thoảimái
  • had a talent for sth: Có năng khiếuvề
  • calling attention from others: kêu gọi sự chúý từ ngườikhác
  • have the ability to do sth: có khả năng làmgì
  • well - rounded: hoàn hảo, toàndiện

21.Describe a restaurant you like (to go to)/that impressesyou.

You shouldsay:

-where this restaurantis

-what type of food the restauranthas

-why you go to thisrestaurant

-and explain why you like this restaurant or why this restaurant impressesyou.

My favourite restaurant is in ……. The restaurant is on a busy street very near to alargepark.Itisquiteasmallandhecticplacecalled(tênnhàhàng)……because(tên)isthename of the person who set up thebusiness.

The outside the restaurant doesn’t look very impressive. It has large glass windows atthefront,andsomebenchesoutsideforpeopletositoniftheyarewaitingtogoin.Thereusedto be a large sign with the name of the restaurant written on it in big letters, butrecentlytheyhavetakendownthesignandnotyetreplacedit!Insidetherearelotsofsquarewooden tables, each with about four chairs aroundthem.

The restaurant serves mainly breakfast and lunch meals. It does really good coffee –Iliketheir latte’s best –and lots of sandwiches, salads and special soups.However, when Igo,I always have the same thing –……………., because that is what I likebest!

TherestaurantisveryspecialtomeandmyfriendsbecausewemeetthereeverySaturday.Wefeelwedeserveabigbreakfastafterourrun,andweenjoycatchingupwitheachother’s news over a leisurely mealtogether.

22.Describe a park/garden you visited and liked/that impressedyou.

You shouldsay:

-where itwas

-what it lookedlike

-what people did (or, were doing) there and explain how you felt about thisgarden

TodayI'dliketodescribemyhomegarden,whichIthinkisabeautifuloneandwhichIlike very much. The garden is part of my home's backyard, and my house is located inthesuburbs, about a 1 - hour drive from the city of San Francisco. There is a big tree right inthemiddleofmygarden,whichissurroundedbyahottub,asmallwaterfountain,severalbushes, a section for vegetables, and different kinds offlowers.


landscaper.It’sbeenonly1yearsinceweboughtthehouseandnowwearetakingcareofthe garden ourselves. Even though we are not experts in gardening, we still try our besttoplant things that we like, such as roses and tulips, and we even grow our owntomatoes.

Wheneverfamilyandfriendscometovisitus,weinvitethemtohavearelaxingtimeinourhottub,andenjoytheview.Soinotherwords,ourgardenhasalsobecomeakindofresort!Itdefinitelyrequireslotsofhardworktoproperlymaintainthegarden,butitgivesusagreat sense of accomplishment to “decorate” it the way welike.

Allinall,thegardenisoneofthebestfeaturesofmyhomeanditisaplacewhereIcanrelax after a long day of work or during theweekends.

23.Describe a place you went to that was full ofcolor.

You shouldsay

-where itwas

-why you wentthere

-what you didthere

-and explain why you think this was made socolorful.

Câu này cũng có thể vận dụng được từ câu số1

24.Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’tlike.

You shouldsay:

-when and where ithappened

-who he or shewas;

-why you didn’t like thisperson

-explain why you were friendly to him or her on thatoccasion

LetmetellyouaboutthechallengingpersonIhadtodealwithwhenIwasdoingaprojectfor one of my clients last year in my client’s office. He was the manager of thatcompany.Afterweco - workedforacoupleofdays,Ifoundthathehadacausticstyleandoftenspokeinapejorativeway.Evenworse,themanagerwasstandoffishandquicktocriticise.Heeven withheld critical information from our projectteam.