PEEI in Focus – building permits2011
Short-term Business Statistics
PEEI in focus –PEEI questionnaire 2011
Building permits (411 and 412)
This year’s PEEI infocus is on building permits, for which the STS Regulation requires two variables:
- the number of dwellings in the buildings for which permits were issued;
- the useful floor area (in m²) of the buildings for which permits were issued, or an alternative size measure.
It has been assumed that, in each country, the source for both variables is the same.If this is not the case, please either:
- complete the PEEI questionnaire twice, once for each variable, or;
- where necessary provide separate information for each of the two variables under each question.
Terminology used in this questionnaire
In order to prepare this PEEI questionnaire a simplified model of the parties involved in permits statistics has been envisaged – these are listed below.
Hereafter referred to as …Person applying for a permit (a natural or legal person). / Permit applicant
Authority issuing the permit (e.g. local council or regional/national planning authority) / Permit authority
Authority(ies) compiling the statistics (e.g. the permit authority, a ministry for construction, environment, public works, or the statistical office).
Note: there may be several stages in the compilation involving various authorities and also possibly authorities at different geographical levels (e.g. regional and national). / Statistical compilation authority
Authority transmitting the statistics to Eurostat:probably the same as the statistical compilation authority; this is not the case if a ministry compiles the statistics and provides them to the national statistical authority who forwards them to Eurostat. / Transmission authority
What is s the difference between an administrative source and a statistical questionnaire?
According to the information provided for STS Sources during 2010, it appears that all EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and candidate countries use administrative data to compile statistics on building permits.
Use of statistical annexes/supplementary forms
It is known that in some countries a statistical annex or supplementary statistical form is requested from permit applicants in parallel to the main administrative form for applying for a permit. It appears that these statistical annexes/ supplementary forms are administrated by the permit authority on behalf of the statistical authority, and so for the purpose of this PEEI questionnaire such statistical annexes/supplementary forms are considered as part of the administrative source (even though formally this is not the case): one question in this PEEI questionnaire(question 3.4) explicitly asks about the use of such statistical annexes/ supplementary forms.
Media for collecting administrative data
Equally, some countries refer to the collection of the administrative data from the permit authority by the statistical compilation authority as a statistical survey (e.g. a survey of local authority planning departments), while in other countries it is seen simply as a transfer of administrative data or common access to a shared database.
Coverage: when is permission implicitly given without a permit?
The coverage of the final indicators is largely dependent on the administrative requirements concerning what building work requires a building permit. In some countries simplified procedures exist for the construction of certain types of buildingsand/or in recognisedareas (e.g. Genehmigungsfreistellungsverfahren in Germany). We are therefore particularly interested in knowing what is included and excluded from your data: this is the subject of question 4.
For more information
Ulrich Eidmann () or Simon Allen ()
PEEI in Focus – building permits
1.Responsibility for data collection and aggregation - overview
1.1Which authorities are involved in issuing permits and producing building permits statistics?
Please indicate the name and/or type of authority involved at the different stages of issuing building permits and compiling building permits statistics. If necessary, for example in the case of multiple authorities, please add a comment to explain the role of the authorities.
Name of authority / Comment (if necessary)Permit authority
/ Municipal authorities / All municipal authorities which are issued building permits for new buildings
Statistical compilation authority
/ NSI, division “Short-term statistics”
Transmission authority
1.2What are the characteristics of the data transferbetween each stage identified in question 1.1?
Please indicate the type of data (micro, aggregated) passed between the different authorities indicated under question 1.1 above as well as the frequency with which such transfers are made. Please indicate the way that the data is transferred or accessed (for example, using paper or electronic copies of permits, a statistical questionnaire, a printed or electronic extract from a datafile, shared access to a data file).
An example is given as an illustration.
Example / Type of data, frequency, type of transferPermit authority / Local authorities provide micro data(duplicatepaper copies of individual permits) to the regional statistical offices each month. / Municipal (local) authorities fill in statistical paper questionnaire and send to the regional statistical offices each quarter
Statistical compilation authority / 1. Regional statistical offices compile regional aggregated datafrom micro data on a monthly basis. This data is stored on a common database accessible by the regional and national offices.
2. National statistical office compiles national totals from regional aggregated data on a monthly basis. / NSI compiles national totals from regional data on a quarterly basis
Transmission authority / National statistical office transmits national totals to Eurostat each quarter. / NSI transmits national totals to Eurostat each quarter
2.Exhaustive selection / sampling
As noted earlier, it is assumed that administrative sources are used for the compilation of building permits statistics.
Generally when an administrative source is used there is an exhaustive selection of units (within the target population). Nevertheless, there can be occasions when a sample is taken from an administrative source, for example when the cost of processing the data is very high (if the data quality is poor).
2.1Is sampling used?
Please indicate whether sampling is used?
Answer (Yes or No): No, the quarterly statistical survey on the issued permits for new buildings is exhaustively.
If No, please move to part 3 of the PEEI questionnaire.
2.2What unit is sampled?
Please indicate what is the subject of the sampling, for example individual permits, permit authorities (if permits are issued at a local level).
Sample unit (X)Building permits
Permit authorities
Other (please specify)
2.3How is the sample drawn?
Yes/No and comment/explanation- Is the sample stratified or not?
If stratified please summarise the stratification criteria
- What proportion of units is selected?
If stratified please indicate whether there are take all strata?
- How many units are selected?
- Is the sample random or by expert judgment??
2.4How often is a new sample drawn?
2.5Any other comments on sampling
Please add any comments that you feel are important, in order to understand how the sampling is conducted.
3.Variables compiled
3.1Stages of building authorisations
3.1.1For which stages of building authorisations or progress are statistics compiled for national purposes?
The stage or stages at which authorisations are required varies between countries. It is common for an initial application (building permit) to be required as well as a final confirmation that the building work undertaken is approved (building completion). In addition, in some countries further authorisation or information on progress (such as starts or suspension of work) may also be required.
For national purposes (X)Building permission/permit / x
Building starts / x
Building in progress
Building completions
Other stages (please specify)
3.1.2Which stage of building authorisations is used to compile the building permits data transmitted to Eurostat within the context of the STS Regulation?
For STS Regulation (X)Building permission/permit / x
Building starts
Building in progress
Building completions
Other stages (please specify)
3.2How are revoked permits treated?
It is assumed that it is possible for a building permit to be revoked, in other words the permit authority may cancel a permit after it has been initially issued. This might happen for example in the case of an error or a legal challenge. Please indicate how these are treated in the compilation of the indicators for national and STS Regulation purposes.
For national purposes(X) / For STS Regulation
Revoked permits are ignored (not taken into account) / x / x
The number of revoked permits is subtracted from the number of new permits: this is done in the period in which the permit is revoked
The number of revoked permits is subtracted from the number of new permits: this is done in the period in which the same permit was initially issued – this implies a revision of back data
Do not know
Other treatment (please specify)
3.3Which variables are compiled?
Please indicate which variables are compiled for national and STS Regulation purposes.
For national purposes(X) / For STS Regulation
Building permits: number of building permits / x
Building permits: number of buildings / x
Building permits: number of dwellings / x / x
Building permits: useful floor area / x / x
Building permits: alternative size measure (Sq m) / x / x
Other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
3.4Is the data necessary for the compilation of the STS Regulation variables directly available from the administrative form for building permits, from a statistical annex/supplement to that form, or is it estimated/inferred/modelled based on proxy variables?
Please indicate whether the variables are directly available from the administrative source, or whether they are compiled for national and STS Regulation purposes from proxy variables.
Directly available from building permit form(X) / Directly available from a statistical annex/supplement to the building permit form
(X) / Estimated from a proxy variable
(X) / If estimated from a proxy variable, please specify what other variable(s) is(are) used as the proxy(ies)
Building permits: number of dwellings / x
Building permits: useful floor area (size measure) / x
3.5Definition of concepts for STS Regulation variables
3.5.1How is a dwelling defined?
Please indicate the definition of dwellings used for the variable “Building permits: number of dwellings“.
General definitionDwelling
/ Dwelling – is one or more rooms for living and service floor area in a building with solid structure for own use. The dwelling must have an exit to a generally accessible part(stairs, yard or straight on the street).
3.5.2How is the useful floor area defined?
Please indicate the definition used for the useful floor area. Where possible, please indicate whether the specified areas are included or not.
General definitionUseful floor area
/ Gross building area – a sum of all floors areas in external dimensions(including functional areas and covered thoroughfares for ancillary use)
Included / Excluded
- construction areas
(e.g. areas of demarcation components, supports, columns, pillars, shafts, chimneys)
- functional areas for ancillary use
(e.g. areas occupied by heating and air-conditioning installations, or by power generators)
- thoroughfares
(e.g. areas of stairwells, lifts, escalators)
- garage(s)
- external balconies
4.1Coverage in terms of the type of constructions
4.1.1What is the coverage in terms of the type of constructions of the data compiled for the STS Regulation variables?
This question aims to identify the total coverage for these variables – a later question looks at the level of detail at which data are compiled.
Classification of types of constructions (CC) / Building permits: number of dwellings / Building permits: useful floor area (size measure)Included at least in part (X) / Detailed exclusions (if not totally covered) / Included at least in part (X) / Detailed exclusions (if not totally covered)
111 One-dwelling buildings / X / x
112 Two- and more dwelling buildings / X / x
113 Residences for communities / x
121 Hotels and similar buildings / x
122 Office buildings / x
123 Wholesale and retail trade buildings / x
124 Traffic and communication buildings / x
125 Industrial buildings and warehouses / x
126 Public entertainment, education, hospital or institutional care buildings / x
127 Other non-residential buildings / x
Other (please specify – see annex for full list of CC codes)
4.1.2Is the same coverage (as in 4.1.1 above) used for similar nationally disseminated variables?
If not, please summarise what extra inclusions/exclusions are applied nationally. Where possible, please specify using codes/descriptions based on the classification of types of constructions (CC).
Answer: Yes
4.2Coverage in terms of nature of the construction work
4.2.1What is the coverage in terms of the nature of the construction work of the data compiled for the STS Regulation variables
Is a permit required? (X) / Building permits: number of dwellings / Building permits: useful floor area (size measure)Included at least in part (X) / Detailed exclusions / Included at least in part (X) / Detailed exclusions
New buildings / x / x / x
Extensions of existing buildings
Renovations of existing buildings
Other (please specify)
4.2.2Is the same coverage (as in 4.2.1 above) used for similar nationally disseminated variables?
If not, please summarise what extra inclusions/exclusions are applied nationally.
Answer: Yes
4.3Is there any other building work that does not require a building permit? Are estimates made in the statistics for these exclusions?No
Please indicate if there are any types of building work that are exempted and indicate whether these exemptions are
i) excluded from the building permits statistics or whether estimates are made ii) for national purposes and/or for
iii) compiling the data sent to Eurostat in the context of the STS Regulation.
(X) / Estimate made for national statistics
(X) / Estimate made for the STS Regulation variables
Type of building work excluded (please specify)
Type of building work excluded (please specify)
4.4Are there any geographical areas where building permits are not required / have a separate procedure that is excluded from the source used to compile the statistics? Are estimates made in the statistics for these exclusions?No
Please indicate if there are any geographical areas that are exempted and indicate whether these exemptions are
i) excluded from the building permits statistics or whether estimates are made ii) for national purposes and/or for
iii) compiling the data sent to Eurostat in the context of the STS Regulation.
Examples of “special” geographical areas:
- specifically recognised building areas (such as those covered by the Genehmigungsfreistellungsverfahren in Germany);
- special development zones;
- overseas territories (often islands);
- off-shore installations (wind farms, oil/gas platforms, etc.).
Excluded from building permit statistics
(X) / Estimate made for national statistics
(X) / Estimate made for the STS Regulation variables
Regional exclusions (please specify)
Off-shore exclusions (please specify)
4.5Do you have any estimate of the share of the number of dwellings and/or square metres of building work that are excluded from the coverage of the STS variables sent to Eurostat?
5.Frequency and timeliness of data compilation
5.1How frequently are the building permits data compiled by the statistical compilation authority?
Please specify the frequency (weekly, monthly, quarterly) – this should be consistent with the information already given in question 1.2 above.
Answer: quarterly
5.2How soon after the end of a reference period are the building permits data first compiled by the statistical compilation authority?
Please specify the length of the reference period (for example calendar month, quarter) and the number of days, weeks or months after the end of the reference period that the first data compilation is performed.
Answer:Length of reference period / quarter
Timeliness of first compilation / 21 days after the end of reference quarter
5.3Does the statistical compilation authority have complete, final data at the time of the first compilation of results?
Answer (Yes or No):No
If Yes, please move to part 6 of the PEEI questionnaire: the remaining questions in part 5 address actions to complete missing data (estimation) and to revise data.
5.4Incomplete data
5.4.1If the data are incomplete at the time of the first compilation, what methods are used to treat missing values?
If several methods are used, please try to give some indication of the importance of the methods (often used, sometimes used, rarely used).
Missing data … / Answer (X)… ignored, and incomplete values compiled
… estimated using previous period’s value
… estimated using previous period’s value adjusted for average rate of change within strata
… estimated using previous period’s value adjusted for the rate of change between the same two periods in the previous year
… estimated using another method (please specify)
Missing data are collected from the reporting units / X
5.4.2If the data are incomplete at the time of the first compilation, approximately what proportion of data is missing at the time of the first compilation of results?
Answer: 2-3%
5.5If the data are incomplete or not final at the time of the first compilation, how often are the values revised after first compilation?
Please specify how often (once, twice, as often as necessary) and for what reason.
Answer: once
5.6How soon after the end of a reference period are the building permits data considered to be final?
Please specify when the final data compilation is performed. This may be in terms of the number of days, weeks or months after the end of the reference period, or a particular moment in time (for example data for a full calendar year may be revised for a final time on one particular occasions) or based on some other criteria.
Answer:Timeliness of final compilation / 30 days after the end of reference quarter
5.7Are there criteria otherthan the date when the permit was granted for allocating the permits to a particular reference period? If there are simplified procedures for some building work that do not formally require authorisation/permission, on what basis are these allocated to a particular reference period (if at all)?
Answer: No
6.Seasonal adjustment
6.1Are the building permits data seasonally adjusted?
Building permits: number of dwellings / Building permits: useful floor area (size measure)No SA treatment / x / x
SA treatment
If neither variable is seasonally adjusted, please move to part 7 of the PEEI questionnaire.
6.2With which frequency are the adjustments made: monthly or quarterly?