27th February 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Physics Department is organising a trip to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland in June 2017 and your son/daughter has indicated that he/she may be interested in taking part.
The trip will leave Cardinal Newman College on Tuesday 27th June, and we will return from Geneva on Thursday 29th June, arriving back in Preston late in the evening. The flights will be between Manchester and Geneva airports and we will use a coach to get to and from Manchester airport.
Accommodation will be in a city hotel, and breakfast on the both mornings will be provided. We will then be visiting both the Microcosm and Globe of Science museums on Wednesday morning followed by lunch in a restaurant at the facility. We will than have a guided tour of the CERN site on Wednesday afternoon. The only meals included in the price are breakfasts; students can bring a packed lunch for Tuesday, but will need to bring money with them to cover the costs of lunches and evening meals on the following days, and any souvenirs they wish to purchase.
The hotel is called ‘Hotel Pax’, which we have used for several years’ trips to Geneva as it is affordable, very clean and comfortable and totally renovated in the past 12 months. Students will share rooms in twos, threes or fours. The hotel may be viewed online at http://www.hotel-pax-geneva.ch.
The cost of the trip is £280 per student, payable in full to Cardinal Newman College by 23:59 on Sunday 5th March to try and secure the cheapest seats from EasyJet. If you wish your son/daughter to go on the trip but are unable to pay in full by this date, please contact me before 4pm on Thursday 2nd March. I appreciate the timescale is very tight, but to ensure the best price, and of course seat availability for such a large group, EasyJet ask for payment in full, as do the hotel. The cost includes travel by coach to and from the airport, flights, two nights’ accommodation, transport around Geneva, and three accompanying staff members.
To apply for a place on the trip, please complete the attached reply slip. It is VITAL that you print your son or daughter’s name EXACTLY as it appears on their passport as I will use this to book the flights and any changes INCUR A FEE. Detailed consent forms will need to be completed nearer the time of the trip to ensure all information supplied is up to date. Due to the way EasyJet and the hotel operate, the payment is NON-REFUNDABLE should your son/daughter decide not to go on the trip. However, in the event that our flight is cancelled we will be reimbursed by the flight company for the flight, and by our insurers for the hotel.
The 21 students selected will need to hand in their permission slips and pay the full amount via the Online Payment System by 23:59 on Sunday 5th March to secure their place. In the event of there being more than 21 students wishing to go on this trip a reserve list will operate in case any students drop out.
A meeting for all parents and students will be arranged nearer the time, once full details and itineraries are finalised. Students will be required to complete a health questionnaire, obtain the European Health Insurance Card (Previously called E111) and ensure passports are valid for six months after the arrival date back in the United Kingdom.
Should you require further details or information please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Not me
Head of Physics
Permission Slip
I hereby give permission for my son/daughter ...... to take part in the trip to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland on 27th – 29th June 2017.
I understand that there is a processing fee imposed by EasyJet if the student’s name printed below does not match that on their passport, and I agree to pay the fee if this is applicable.
If allocated a place, I agree to make a non-returnable payment of £280 using the College’s Moodle online payment system by 23:59 on Sunday 5th March 2017.
Signed ...... (parent/guardian)
Student Name in
(insert name EXACTLY as it appears on their passport)