Suffolk Physical Education & School Sport
Welcome to the new term
Dear colleague
I do hope that you have enjoyed a restful and enjoyable summer break and are now refreshed to deliver a high quality PE and sport programme to the children and young people in your school.
From my school visits (which have been many), my attendance at sports events across Suffolk and my work nationally during the last year, it is always gratifying to know that pupils in Suffolk are very lucky. They are provided with excellent and numerous, wide ranging opportunities to participate fully in PE, sport and physical activity. Thank you for your time, effort and enthusiasm. I know that it is fully appreciated and long may it continue.
As for the new-year; there are many challenges ahead. There is a continuous focus on the health and well-being of our children and young people. The legacy from London 2012 remains a constant talking point. There is the second year of the Primary PE and Sport Premium for schools to develop further and sustain a model of improvement in provision. Ofsted inspections will be very different and will focus on upward trends over time and the political parties will be launching their manifestos in readiness for next year’s General Election (what will that mean for education in the future?) etc. However, on a day to day basis it is important that we stay focussed and ensure that the children that we work with are inspired to improve their participation and performance, improve their health outcomes and develop a love for sport and physical activity that will last with them throughout their lives.
I have enclosed with this letter the CPD opportunities that are available from September 2014 through to March 2015. I know that you will have been alerted to the opportunities many times during the last few weeks of the summer term but I must again remind you that the professional learning events will only happen if there is a good take up. Over the course of the last year I have received many emails requesting gymnastics and dance CPD and as you will see from the enclosed poster, there are numerous opportunities available. Please also note the important Primary PE National Curriculum Planning and Assessment Workshop scheduled to take place at Trinity Park on the afternoon of Wednesday 17th September 2014. The annual Suffolk PE and Sport Conference which takes place on March 5th 2015 currently carries an early bird discount price so book now, guarantee your place and save money!
If you are an aspiring subject (middle) leader, a new or nearly new subject leader please don’t miss the opportunity to attend the 3 day course which is designed to develop your middle leadership skills and confidence in the role. Over 100 teachers have attended this course over the last three years and have found it to be extremely beneficial, particularly with the current focus being on primary PE and sport due to the substantial ring fenced funding being made available by Central Government from 2013-2016. The course also provides an opportunity to action plan and network with other subject leaders from across Suffolk.
Please also make sure that any NQT that is employed in your school is registered for the 2 day Suffolk PE NQT Induction Course which starts on Wednesday 4th February 2015. Thank you.
I wish you well for the forthcoming year, especially in the next few weeks where everyone, including the children will be settling in to their roles. Please keep up to date and follow the information that is provided to you by various communication channels including Suffolk Learning, my regular news bulletins and email alerts. To that end I would be most grateful if you could provide me with your most up to date contact details including email address and phone number/s so that you receive the latest news as fast as possible. Many thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely
Mike Crichton
Learning and Improvement Adviser (PE & Sport)
Primary Phase
Name of subject leader:
Contact details
Direct Email (for ease of communication):
Please return to:
Mike Crichton
Learning and Improvement Adviser (PE & Sport)
C/o Rachael Hunt
Schools’ Choice
Paul’s Road Centre
Pauls Road
Or alternatively email this form to
For an electronic copy of this letter and form please go to:
Please return this form by Monday September 15th 2014. Many thanks.