Healthy Hub – 1st October 2015 – Spennymoor Leisure Centre

Name / Organisation / Role / Telephone / Email
1 / Wendy Minhinnett / Success North East / 07415 380040 /
2 / Kerryann Stewart / Success North East / 07415 495006 /
3 / Pat Lawton / DCC/Spennymoor Town Council /
4 / Catherine Richardson / DCC Public Health /
5 / Nicky Harmer / CAMHS / 07500 783634 /
6 / Nicky Duffy / Livin / 0845 505 5500 /
7 / Michelle Fortune / Feel Good Factory / 07920 144 785 /
8 / Michal Wilkes / Spennymoor AAP / 03000 261135 /
9 / Mike Russell / One to One / 07760 293 323 /
10 / Rio Florenza / Sustrans / 07500 856 972 /
11 / Susan Colclough / PSA / 07520 093 572 /
12 / Charlotte Bates / Wellbeing For Life / 01388 742058 /
13 / Fiona Mawson / Pioneering Care – Colour Your Life / 07710 309 504 /
14 / Lianne Wayman / CDDFT/HV student / 07946 283 753 /
15 / Nikki Skinner / Misty Blue Farm / Home on the Range / 07900 240542 /

Apologies: Michael Colclough, Ian Geldard, Joan Scott, Katherine Jones

Topic / Actions
Welcome & Introductions
There was a round of introductions, Wendy Minhinnett asked each of the attendees to share something that they had done for their health this week. There was a discussion around how easy it was to forget to take time to do things for yourself when you are busy.
Minutes from previous meeting
Agreed as a true and accurate record
Spennymoor Healthy Hub OverviewHealthy Hub Action Plan Update
Improve health of Spennymoor Residents
Develop Healthy Hub network meetings and e-network
Distribute health information
Identify issues-feed into Health Network
Identify and work on possible solutions
WM reviewed the top 3 priorities as set by Spennymoor Healthy Hub and there was a discussion around how some are already being met in particular priority 3; communication – a directory of services. Healthy Hub attendees have been putting information on the Durham County Council Locate Services following signposting at a previous Healthy Hub meeting.
Attendees were asked to complete a feedback form withIdeas/thoughts on how each priority could be achieved.
There was a discussion around how issues identified at the Healthy Hub meetings will be fed in to the AAP Safer, Stronger, Healthier Communities Task Group.
Next Steps
There was a call for help from WM to form a Healthy Hub working group, anyone interested in getting involved please get in touch.
Health News -Mental Health in Spennymoor Focus
Spennymoor-A Dementia Friendly Town- Counsellor Pat Lawton
PL gave background on her reasons for being involved with Spennymoor becoming a Dementia Friendly town and the importance for the carers to have support available to them.
There is a Dementia Friendly Communities Criteria which must be met and PL updated on the progress Spennymoor is making in order to meet this and the next steps that need to be taken. Actions from the Dementia working group are to be added to the Healthy Hub plan.
There was a discussion around involving the Spennymoor Schools and WM suggested a Youth Forum event for 2016.
Papyrus-prevention of young suicide project – Counsellor Pat Lawton
PL gave a background to Papyrus and looked at:
  • PAPYRUS Vision
  • PAPYRUS Mission
  • PAPYRUS Beliefs & Values
  • What PAPYRUS does
  • PAPYRUS Campaigns
So far in Spennymoor there are 8 young people who have completed ASIST Training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
Over the next 12 months, each young person will come up with ideas to undertake 3 separate ways of raising suicide awareness in Spennymoor, the first event is already being planned. The work of Papyrus will link into Durham County Council’s ideal of safer suicide communities.
Colour Your Life Project-Fiona Mawson Pioneering Care Partnership – Fiona Mawson
FM gave an overview of the Colour Your Life Social Prescribing Service which covers the whole of County Durham.
  • Arts on prescription - arts activities promoting positive mental health and wellbeing
  • Learning on prescription – learning through conversation, exploration and experience of various subjects and mediums
  • Books on prescription - using books, stories and poems to make people feel better about themselves and others
  • Volunteering opportunities – giving time to do something useful whilst learning new skills and helping others
  • Ecotheraphy - improving health through the natural environment
  • Time banks – sharing skills
  • Enablement Fund – up to £500, applications are looked at on an individual basis
Work is being done to improve reach to a larger number of families and to increase the number of men engaged in the service
Overview of Young People’s Mental Health Issues in Spennymoor-Nicky Harmer CAMHS
There is a high incident of self harm in the local area and the age of the people carrying it out is getting lower. Some young people are already in contact with support services, many are not disclosing and it is a priority to identify who they are through awareness raising with parents and schools.
Young people are contacting Camhs to speak to someone, the crisis team is now available 8am-10pm 7 days for people up to 18 years old when in mental health crisis (or on behalf of a young person: carer, friend etc.)
Camhs training is now open to parents and carers working with young person and work is being done to make leaflets more user friendly.
There was a discussion around waiting times, currently lower level wait 3-4 weeks, crisis is fast and specialist services take around 8 weeks. Camhs offer flexible appointments, as much info as possible, to meet the needs of the services users.
There was a discussion around support groups and the vital role they play.
Roller Coaster Parent Support group
There was a reminder about the Parent Support Group which runs on the 3rd Wednesday of each month 6.00pm-8.00pm at Acley Centre, Newton Aycliffe for parents, carers who are supporting a young person with any kind of emotional or mental health issues.
World Mental Health Day
NH shared information on an event taking place 10:00am-2:00pm on Saturday 10th October for World Mental Health Day at Wingate.
Suicide Prevention Work in Spennymoor-Catherine Richardson Public Health
CR began with saying that the numbers have dropped of people who are involved inMental Health Services taking their own lives. Work is being done around what have been identified as the highest risk factors: bereavement, financial & relationship issues through funded projects including Cruze, If U Care Share, Welfare Rights and Relate. Men are a high risk group for suicide with ¾ of all people taking their own lives being men, women have higher incidences of self harm with ¾ being female.
Self harm is a risk factor in suicide but may also keep people well, we need to look at why people self harm, offer early intervention and help to minimise the risk.
There will be funded places for frontline workers to undertake Safe Talk, Mental Health First Aid, Youth Mental Health First Aid and ASIST training from November 2015.
There was a discussion around key ideas to engage men and keep them engaged; calling to check in and the timing and location of CREE groups etc being important and the social value of walk leader and bike leader training.
Information Sharing
Wellbeing for life – Are supporting a women’s CREE at Eldon, it is going well
Sustrans- Currently working with St Charles School to build a bike hotel and want to work more with community groups and families
Feel Good Factory –Have a free emotional wellbeing resilience course coming up; courses are6 weeks and are for women over19 years from anywhere in County Durham
Nikki Skinner- Misty Blue Farm offers equine therapy for all ages, there are great benefits for participants and there have been successful projects recently including with people living with dementia and another for young offenders
AAP –Up 2U Event is due to take place Saturday 21st November 2015 (3rd year) where anyone 11 years and over can vote to set the priorities for the year as well as voting on which projects receive funding
Mental Health and Learning Disability Information Showcase
Attendees were invited to visit the Mental Health and Learning Disability Information Showcase which was taking place in Spennymoor Leisure Centre at the time of the meeting
Date & time of next meeting
Friday 29th January 2016
Misty Blue farm
We hope everyone has a healthy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year / See attached power point
See attached power point
WM & PL to discuss further
See power point presentation
0800 068 4141
Hopeline UK cards

See power point presentation for further information and contact details or log on to
For further information contact Nicky Harmer 07500 783634
Flyer to be distributed
Information will be shared when available