EP12-9 PH - Convert to Private Patient Rooms 2/15/2012

Present: / Moore, Rose Ann, Dir Nursing Care
Mulholland, Sean; Mgr Construction Projects
Decker, Gail, Dir Revenue Cycle
Metzler, Manuela, Mgr Bed Placement, Staffing Office / Guy, Kathy, Dir of Nursing Professional Resources
McCord, Kate, CNO
Howard, David, Dir Facility/Operations/PBX
Agenda Items / Discussion / Action / Who
Reflection / Courage is doing what you are afraid to do, there can be no courage without being scared / Kate
Infusion Center / Needs / 12 – 15 chairs – if new good chairs this would work, plus 5 beds- average volume could be 15 at one time / Kathy
IR area / Not enough room – this planned to be used for Pain and or RCU
Looks like Pain would only use – 05:30a – 11:00a – currently using area in Out Pt back PACU room and GI on Fridays – may revisit this concept / Kate
Cardiac Rehab?? / The north east side, workout room and two offices – Sean will do a walk through this pm and send details to all – this area would only hold 10-12 chairs
May be able to use some other rooms to increase space / Sean
New MOB / Asked if this was viable – would have overhead – not much parking – mixing of the chemo and getting it there would be a issue
Have a space we are currently paying for – need to find out if Pain physicians would go there – Pyxis may be there – early parking would not be an issue - ? the ones done in GI - / David
Rehab Admin Area / This would not work due to OR moving into this area next year / Sean
Number of Beds With Private Rooms Re-Visited / See attached / 10- 24 beds- gain 12
9- 25 beds – lose 4
7 – 26 beds – lose 4
5 – 24 beds - loss 6
4 –23 beds - loss 6
Total loss of 10 beds. This would be tight at this time
Suggest – look for relocation of 8th floor and take back as a extra rooms - move BBU to 8th
Would keep the 10s and 20s rooms semi private
Infusion center needs to go somewhere
Footprint of 10 Re-Visited / Keep 10 as med/surg / Kate/Kathy
Next steps / Will wait till Sean reports on 3rd floor / Sean
Communication/Education / None - at this time / Kate
Time Line / Potential – Cardiac rehab will move quickly – to Audubon - 60-90 days / David
Next Meeting?? / Will hold until we have some answers
Infusion has to move 1st
