1[FORM No. 7

(Prescribed Under Rule 65)


  1. Name of the Occupier (or factory):
  2. Situation and address of the factory:
  3. Name, description and distinctive number

of pressure vessel or plant:

  1. Name and address of manufacturer and

reference to their test certificate or certificate

of competent person:

  1. Nature of process in which it is used:
  2. Particulars of pressure vessel or plant:

(a) Date of construction:

(b) Thickness of walls:

(c) Date on which the pressure vessel or

plant was first taken into use:

(d) Maximum permissible working pressure

Recommended by the manufacturer:

(The history should be briefly given and

Examiner should state whether he has

Seen the last previous report)

  1. Date of last hydrostatic test (if any) and :

pressure applied

  1. Is the pressure vessel or plant is open or :

otherwise exposed to weather or to damp?

  1. What parts (if any) were inaccessible?:
  2. What examination and tests were made?:

(Specify pressure if hydrostatic test was

Carried out)

  1. Condition of pressure vessel or plant (State:External ......

any defects materially affecting the maximum

permissible working pressure or the safe plant)Internal ......

  1. Are the required fittings and appliances :

Provided in accordance with Rules

  1. Are all fittings and appliances properly :

maintained and in good condition?

Have the pressure settings been checked

and corrected?:

  1. Repairs (if any), required and period within:

which they should be executed and any

other condition which the person making

the examination thinks it necessary to

specify the securing safe working

  1. Maximum permissible working pressure:

calculated from dimensions and from the

thickness and other data ascertained by the

present examinations due allowance being

made for conditions of working if unusual

or exceptionally severe ( State minimum

thickness of walls measured during the


  1. Where repairs affecting the maximum:

working pressure are required, state the

working pressure :

(a)Before the expiration of the period

Specified in (14):

(b)After the expiration of such period if the

Required repairs have not been completed:

(c)After the completion of the required repairs :

  1. Other Observations:

I Certify that on ...... the pressure vessel or plant described above was thoroughly cleaned and (so far as its construction permits) made accessible for thorough examination and for such tests as were necessary for thorough examination and that on the said date, I thoroughly examined this pressure vessel or plant, including its fittings and that the above is a true report of my examination.

If employed by a Company or Association give name and

address ...... Signature......

...... Qualification......

...... Address......


Date ......