Department of Social Services Settlement Data Request Form

Complete this form, save and send to

Please note: Requests are finalised (depending on the complexity of the request) within 3-5 business days. For further reference on these and other data items, please see the Settlement Data Dictionary & Caveats

* Mandatory fields

Date Range * /
☐ Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Start Date ______End Date ______
Request Filters
Note: multiple values can be used. /
Demographic / Filter by:
☐ Country of Birth
☐ Ethnicity (Humanitarian only)
☐ Religion
☐ Main Language
☐ Gender / ☐ Male
☐ Female
☐ Year of Arrival
☐ Financial Year of Arrival
☐ Age / ☐ Age at Arrival
☐ Age Extract
☐ Age Band (e.g. 00-05 etc.)
☐ Marital Status / ☐ Married
☐ Never Married / Defacto
☐ Defacto Partner
☐ Widowed
☐ Divorced
☐ Separated
☐ Engaged
☐ English Proficiency / ☐ Very Good
☐ Good
☐ Poor
☐ Nil
☐ Not Stated
Geographic / Filter by: /
☐ Current State [1] / ☐ Australian Capital Territory
☐ New South Wales
☐ Victoria
☐ Queensland
☐ South Australia
☐ Western Australia
☐ Tasmania
☐ Northern Territory
☐ Current Local Government Area [2]
Visa / Filter by:
☐ Visa Sub-Class
☐ Migration Stream / ☐ Humanitarian
☐ Family
☐ Skilled
Data usage and publication * /
Please complete the following
What will the settlement data be used for?
Who will be the consumers of the data?
Will the data be published and in what form?
Other information /
Please enter any further relevant information or requirements

Updated: 22 November 2017

[1] It should be noted that although efforts are made to keep up to date address information for settlers, not all State and Territory information can be considered as current.

[2] It should be noted that although efforts are made to keep up to date address information for settlers, not all Local Government Area information can be considered as current. Location data is based on the Australian Standard Geographic Classification (ASGC).