Tavares High School
School Advisory Committee Minutes
Monday, November 2, 2015
Attendees: Principal Janice Boyd, Laura Chandler, Anne-Marie Clark, Jerry Hall, Bonnie Hart, Buddy Jones, Janice Lecky, Anna Martinez, Tim Morris, Chris Sears, Hannah Sears, Kristen Sears, Bonnie Watkins, Kevin Wooster, Sandy Wooster, and Cathy Zahurak
Mrs. Sears called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. She welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Minutes: The minutes from the October 5, 2015 meeting were reviewed. m/s/c
Old Business
1. Mrs. Sears distributed the list of suggestions from parents from the October meeting.
- Discussion of volunteers on patrol
- Cameras have been installed in the cafeteria; the current cameras on campus have been repaired and are digital; we are in line to receive new cameras as it becomes our turn
- Campus visitors are escorted to their locations; people are not allowed to roam freely
- Skype for guest speakers – Dr. Boyd met with the Chamber about speakers.
- School pride – THS banners have been hung in several locations around the courtyard; Best Buddies banner to be hung in the gym. Band and cheerleaders are active during Power Hour.
- Eating areas – tables are here; work order is in to have them assembled
- Students have plenty of time to get food; the last 20+ minutes of Power Hour there is usually no line. There is a possibility of having an outside serving line; this is a work in progress.
- More clubs on campus – clubs are listed on Power Hour
- Beautification of campus – Mrs. Sears suggests a work day to plant low maintenance plants.
- Wifi – is accessible on campus
- Student art work – usually Mrs. Mickens has the students display art in the main office.
- Parent drop off – it is a problem. Administration has notified Tavares Police Department. There may be a change in the parent drop off location. Stay tuned. Mrs. Stivender has been involved in this process.
- Concern expressed about the lack of support from the City of Tavares for education and the athletic fields.
New Business
1. School Improvement Plan – Mr. Jones presented the SIP. Our template was received today with suggestions for revision. There is an opportunity for SAC member input. Mr. Wooster, Mr. Morris, Mr. Sears, and Mrs. Chandler have volunteered to meet with Mr. Jones to discuss strategies pertinent to the SAC. Mr. Jones will send as a PDF to the SAC.
- Focus areas:
- To continue to improve and ensure the safety and security for students, faculty, and staff
- To continue to have zero tolerance for bullying on campus and in social media
- To improve teacher technical knowledge and skills to improve student academic achievement in all areas of instruction; To continue the district BYOD policy
- To increase 2016 FSA Algebra 1 EOC passing rate from 35.7% to 46%
- To increase 2016 FSA ELA passing rate from 49.2% to 59%
2. SAC budget - $3,028.57 has been received for this school year; discussion of the best possible use of the monies, perhaps iPads; ideas will be solicited from the department chairs
3. Power Hour in place; report cards have gone out. Guidance is scheduling kids into mandatory Power Hour sessions.
4. Seniors audits are in process. Sophomore and junior audits begin soon. Freshman counselors have been to English classes to discuss graduation requirements.
5. Hannah Sears expressed concerns about teachers parking in the student lot. The only teacher parking spaces in that lot are in front of the field house.
6. Mr. Jones will make sure meeting information and minutes on the website.
7. Thanks to Mrs. Grucza for updating the website.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Monday, December 7, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM m/s/c
Respectfully submitted
Bonnie Watkins, Secretary