3RP M&E and Information Management Workshop

UNDP Regional Facility, Istanbul, Turkey

February 18 & 19, 2015



Key objectives of the Workshop will be to:

-  Establish minimum standards or benchmarks for regional reporting, and confirm processes for reporting, including monthly (i.e. output) dashboard reporting

-  Generate ideas and actions for more in-depth quarterly dashboard reporting, including but not limited to options for:

o  Resilience tracking, measurement and reporting;

o  Outcomes/impact reporting, including establishing baselines from previous appeals;

o  Financial tracking for both the humanitarian and non-humanitarian components.

-  Generate ideas and actions to meet donor demand for more information and reporting on assessment, prioritization and targeting approaches.

-  Mapping of capacity and resources in countries and at regional support level, and any gaps that may prevent the achievement of high quality IM, M&E and Reporting processes.

Expected Outcomes:

-  Shared understanding of the time-lines, roles and responsibilities respective countries and minimal expectations as to regional level expectations on M&E, Reporting and IM tools, products and process for 3RP.

-  Shared understanding of resilience monitoring concepts and frameworks, and how they can be presented in 3RP reporting.

-  Shared understanding of outcomes/impact reporting, and how they can be presented in 3RP reporting.

-  Agreement on minimum requirements for financial tracking at country and regional level, and presentation of options for tools and process for this tracking.

-  Options for more harmonized assessment, prioritization and targeting tools/mechanisms.

-  Map of resources and capacity to implement and achieve M&E, Reporting and IM outcomes at country and regional level.

Session Plans

Time/ Duration / Session Topic / Content / Facilitator/
Presenter / Expected Outcome / Comments
Day 1: 18 February 2015
08:30::09:00 / Coffee and Registration / Registration Sheets / Musa Al-Asad / Attendance sheet
09:00::09:30 / Introduction and Opening Session / Introduction of participants
Welcome note
Objectives of the workshop / Ben and Jason / Clear understanding of workshop objectives and expected outcome
(10 min each presentation) / Country specific approach on M&E framework and IM key issues including status of baselines for outcome indicators / Each country (plus region) provides overview of their approach on M&E framework, IM key issues and how they see setting baseline of outcome indicators outline under 3RP / Inter-sector coordinators for each country + regional presentation / Mapping 3RP country status on M&E process and IM issues including baseline status / This is ask for the countries to prepare and be ready to present (10 minutes each country)
10:30 :: 10:45 Tea Break
10:45::12:00 / Open discussion on monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annual (midyear report of 3RP) reporting / Discussion on content, issues including format to be reported during monthly, quarterly, six monthly and annual basis including resilience based indictors and stories, etc. / Ben/UNDP / Clear understanding of monthly, quarterly, six-monthly, annual reporting requirements - minimum regional standards / Draft Calendar of Reporting (monthly, quarterly, mid-term etc) to be ready.
Dashboard Template circulated.
12:00::12:30 / Introduction to the 3 Afternoon Work-streams / Current state of play and issues in regard to:
-  Outcome/Indicator Reporting
-  Resilience Monitoring
-  Financial Tracking / 3 brief presentations? / Clear understanding of current state of play in each area, challenges, and expectations of afternoon group sessions
12:30::13:15 Lunch Break
13:15::15:15 Concurrent Work Streams (details below)
Stream 1 / Resilience tracking, measurement and reporting / Generate ideas and actions for more in-depth quarterly dashboard reporting, including but not limited to options for resilience tracking, measurement and reporting in quarterly basis / [UNDP] / Clear understanding of areas/issues to be included into regular reporting for resilience tracking and measurement and reporting
Stream 2 / Outcomes/impact reporting, including establishing baselines / Generate ideas and actions for more in-depth quarterly dashboard reporting, including but not limited to outcomes/impact reporting, including establishing baselines from previous appeals or common practices / Clear understanding of areas/issues to be included into regular reporting for outcomes/impact reporting including establishing baselines
Stream 3 / Financial tracking / Generate ideas and actions for financial tracking, building on current systems and ensuring non-humanitarian component is tracked / Clear understanding of areas/issues to be included into regular financial tracking/reporting
15:15::15:30 Tea Break
15:30::17:00 / Presentations back from Work Streams / Presentations and Discussion/Feedback (30 mins per Stream) / Agreed outcomes from each group and path to take forward
17:00:: 17:45 / FTS tool in Lebanon / Presentation of innovative FTS tool in Lebanon / Max / Learning from countries
17:45:18:00 / Recap of the day and closing / Key take out of the day’s session and closing of the day
Day 2: 19 February 2015
09:00::09:45 / Recap of monthly reporting tool (Dashboard template and indicators) & regional indicators / Feedback on the first month’s reporting: dashboard template, indicators. / Clear understanding of monthly reporting minimum regional data needs, and propagation of templates
09:45::11:30 / Group work on assessment, prioritization and targeting approaches by country / Group work by each country looking answers for key questions around assessment, prioritization and targeting approaches / Dipendra / Understanding of assessment, prioritization and targeting approaches in each country / We will have to prepare key questions before workshop
Tea Break (during above session)
11:30::12:30 / Presentations of group work / One person form each country present their group work outcome / Options for more harmonized assessment, prioritization and targeting tools/mechanisms
12:30::13:15 Lunch Break
13:15::14:15 / Plenary around resource and capacity to achieve 3RP M&E and IM requirements / Discuss and map resources and capacity to achieve 3RP M&E and IM requirements and areas of support required from each other including regional level and externals / Dipendra/UNDP / Understanding capacity and resources in countries and at regional support level, and any gaps that may prevent the achievement of high quality IM, M&E and Reporting processes / Prepare draft map based on questionnaires, and update through the workshop
14:15:14:30 Tea Break
14:30::15:30 / Recap of the key outcomes and take out / Recap of the workshop achievements and key take away. Immediate and long term action including responsibilities / Ben/UNDP
15:30::16:00 / Closing of workshop / Dipendra/Musa/UNDP



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