Meiklemill Primary School

NewsletterJanuary 2018

Dear Parent / Carer,
Happy New Year to you all and we trust you have enjoyed the Christmas break. It is great to see everyone back and ready to make the most of a busy term 3 ahead.
This newsletter will keep you up to date with everything in the school calendar and also let you know about current developments with regards work and life of the school.
Staffing Update
We have not yet managed to resolve staffing for our upper stage additional support for learning teacher since Miss Perk moved on. Mrs Sinclair undertook this work during term 2 and Mrs Gatt, who has been here previously, will be taking this on temporarily in term 3. We will keep you updated with any news or developments.
After successful interview, congratulations and welcome to Mrs Strachan, PSA, who will be working on Wednesdays and Fridays. Terri is well known to the school community already for her ongoing work with the PCFC.
Miss Fowler, our PE Teacher, will be leaving on maternity leave at the Easter holidays and so we will be wishing her all the best for a busy time ahead!
Enrolment Weeks
This week is enrolment week for P1. Please ensure you come to the school office if you have a child who will be starting P1 in August 2018.
Next week and the week after (22.1.18-2.2.18) are nursery enrolment weeks. If you have a child who will be starting Meiklemill Nursery over the next 18 months, please ensure to come to the school office. Eligible children to register will have a date of birth between 1st March 2014 and 29th February 2016.
40th Celebration Open Afternoon
Change of Date
Previous date lists had a 40th celebration open afternoon on the 8th of February 2018. We are going to reschedule this for term 4.
We have been working on this and as part of our 40th celebration theme, there are 2 key things we want to do.
Firstly we are going to build a time capsule in the new eco garden to be opened by the boys and girls in the school in another 40 years’ time. Classes have started talking about what they want to put inside the time capsule but we want to allow more time to prepare this, and share with you at an open afternoon.
Secondly, each class is going to research a 5- year period from the last 40 years and share their findings and significant events from that time.
Again we will share this with you at 40thcelebration open afternoon but it will allow more time if we do this in term 4.
Furthermore, if we bring all of this work together in term 4, it will also combine as the theme for our summer concert in June.
/ What’s On Term 3
9.2.18 / School Closed
12.2.18 / School Closed
13.2.18 / School Closed for In-service
14.2.18 / School Closed for In-service
16.2.18 / Disco (Evening – timings to follow)
19.2.18 / P6 Glenshee Trip
1.3.18 / World Book Day (info to follow)
9.3.18 / NEW DATE – Open Afternoon (see below)
17.3.18 / PCFC Quiz Night Station Hotel – details to be finalised.
19.3.18 / Reporting Instalment 2
21st and 22nd March / Parents’ Evenings
23.3.18 / Sports Relief Fundraising Day
27.3.18 / Dalguise Trip Parent / Pupil Information Evening
28.3.18 / Whole School Inter House Technology Challenge
29.3.18 / End of Term 3 (Thursday)
30.3.18 / School Closed Holiday (Friday)
16.4.18 / Term 4 begins
New Date Open Afternoon Friday 9th March
Fit Hiv We Bin Up Tae?
We would like to invite you to an open afternoon on the 9th of March. We would like to share with you firstly some of our Doric work and Scots poetry, and secondly classes will use this opportunity simply to share some of what they have been learning about in class.
Children will also take the opportunity to share their yearbooks / online profiles.
Please note we will not lay all the children’s trays and jotters out on this day as you will see this at Parents’ Night later in March.
At 1.40pm, some of our children from across the school will present their Doric poems in the hall. Parents are very welcome to join us from 1.30pm in the hall. (informal – no seats!)
From 2.00pm-3.00pm we invite all parents to join us in classes so children can share their learning with you. We do hope you can join us.
Shouldyou have any queries regarding this newsletter please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards,
Jonathan Cordiner

Work / Life of the School