The Merchandise Building – Original Lofts

155 / 135 Dalhousie St. – Toronto, ON – M5B 2P7 / M5V 1S3

Telephone: 416-363-8524 Fax: 416-363-0220 Email:

Resident Information Sheet

In order for us to update our occupancy records, please fill in the following form and return it to the concierge / management office as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


Suite Number: ______

Name(s) of Registered Unit Owner(s):

1st Owner: ______

(Surname) (First Name)

2nd Owner: ______

(Surname) (First Name)

Mailing Address (if off-site):


Suite Street & Number City Province Postal Code

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______E-mail Address: ______


(New owners must forward a copy of the deed of transfer to the management office.)


NAME: ______Work/Cell: ______

(Surname) (First)

Email: ______

NAME: ______Work/Cell: ______

(Surname) (First)

Email: ______

NAME: ______Work/Cell: ______

(Surname) (First)

Email: ______

NAME: ______Work/Cell: ______

(Surname) (First)

Email: ______

Home Phone Number: ______

(Page 1) Continued on Page 2

A. Parking Space: ______Make & Model of Vehicle: ______Licence Plate: ______

Parking Space: ______Make & Model of Vehicle: ______Licence Plate: ______

B. Locker Number: ______

C. Key Fob(s): 1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______

D. Garage Remote(s): 1. ______2. ______3. ______

E. Do you have one or more pets? YES / NO

If yes, please specify: ______

F. In the event of an emergency, do you require any assistance in evacuating your suite?

If YES, please state the nature of your disability and whether or not it is a temporary condition.



G. Emergency Contact Information

Full Name: ______Relationship: ______

Home Phone: ______Business Phone: ______



I acknowledge and agree that I, the members of my household and my guests from time to time, will, in using the unit rented by me and the common elements, comply with the “CONDOMINIUM ACT”, the Declaration, By-laws and rules of the Condominium Corporation during the entire term of my tenancy, and will be subject to the same duties imposed by the above as if I were a unit owner, except for the payment of common expenses, unless otherwise provided by the Condominium Act.

WITNESS WHEREOF, this ______day of ______200___

In the City of Toronto


Witness Lessee


Witness Lessee


Witness Lessee

DATE: ______