BHOS120 Managing Front Office Operations


2020 Riverside Drive, Berlin, NH 03570


BHOS120 Managing Front Office Operations

Course Number: Title:

Prepared by:Lisa Perras

Semester:Summer, 2011



This course provides students with an in-depth look at management of the front office and how this department interacts with other hotel departments to create a memorable guest experience. Information for revenue managers on how blogging and social networking affect hotels, manual backup procedures for automated system failure, identity theft prevention, payment card security standards, and green hotels. Course includes important discussions on human resources management, business forecasting, revenue management, budget planning, and front office staff interaction with sales, housekeeping, and security personnel.

Class Hours:3

Lab Hours:0

Credit Hours: 3


Lisa Perras

Phone: (603) 616-7243

Office Hours:By appointment


Author: Michael L.Casavana, Ph.D, MichiganStateUniversity

Richard M. Brooks, CHA, Consultant, The TWE Group

Title:Managing Front Office Operations

Edition: 8th

Publisher: American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute


This course presents a systematic approach to front office procedures by detailing the flow of business through a hotel, from the reservations process to check-out and account settlement. The course also examines the various elements of effective front office management, paying particular attention to the planning and evaluation of front office operations and to human resources management. Front office procedures and management are placed within the context of the overall operation of a hotel.


Technical Reading

Technical Writing


Class Discussion

Vocabulary Development

Hotel Immersion


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To access most of the library’s databases from OFF-CAMPUS, use your college e-mail name as your username and for your password, use your e-mail password (See the Student Information System for your college e-mail and password). If you experience problems getting into the library databases with your college e-mail and password, please contact the library staff.

GRADING POLICY: Class Participation 25%

Homework/Classwork/Reading Assignments 25%

Quizzes 25%

Exams 25%


ACADEMIC HONESTY – Original thinking and intellectual honesty are central to a college education. Research projects require the ongoing use of existing works, but students must conduct themselves with proper regard for the rights of others and of the college, in a context of mutual respect, integrity and reason. Activities such as plagiarism and cheating are not acceptable and will not be condoned by the college. Students involved in such activities are subject to serious disciplinary action. The following are presented as examples of academic dishonesty:

1.Misrepresenting academic work done by someone else as one’s own efforts, with or without permission of the person.

2.Providing or using prohibited assistance in assignments and examinations.

3.Unauthorized communication in any manner with other students during an examination; collaboration in the preparation of reports or take-home examinations; copying, giving aid or failing to follow the faculty member’s instructions.

4.Tampering with or falsifying official college records.

5.Infringing upon the right of other students to fair and equal access to college library materials and comparable academic resources.

6.Falsification of data collected for and presented as part of course requirements.

7.Presenting as one’s own ideas, another person’s work or words without proper acknowledgement.

There may be other instances of academic dishonesty, which will be identified by a faculty member.



Access to Internet/Word Processor

Professional attire

WMCC Hospitality Program

Professional Appearance Standards

Professional Appearance expectations for WMCC Hospitality Program:

Program Uniform


knee-length skirt or slacks of appropriate length

dress blouse

appropriate undergarments


black, closed-toes dress shoes


black slacks of appropriate length

white collared dress shirt

tie (optional)

black socks

black dress shoes

Nametag provided by the program

Personal Hygiene

no visible tattoos

no visible body piercings

short, clean, unpolished fingernails

long hair pulled back

clean hair and body

clean, pressed uniform


If you have a documented disability that may affect your performance in this course, please advise the instructor immediately so appropriate accommodations may be put in place. Accommodations may be arranged through the Disability Services Coordinator in room #104. Accommodations and assistive technology are available to students at no additional cost, and should be accessed at the beginning of each semester.


White MountainsCommunity College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any persons having inquiries concerning White MountainsCommunity College's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is directed to contact Peg Heaney, 2020 Riverside Drive, Berlin, NH03570. Peg Heaney has been designated by White MountainsCommunity College to coordinate the institution's efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX and Section 504. Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, or the Director, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Region 1,140 Federal Street, Boston, MA, 02110.




  1. Classify hotels in terms of their ownership, affiliation, and levels of service.
  2. Describe how hotels are organized and explain how functional areas within hotels are classified.
  3. Summarize front office operations during the four stages of the guest cycle.
  4. Discuss the sales dimension of the reservations process and identify the tools managers use to track and control reservations.
  5. List the seven steps of the registration process and discuss creative registration options.
  6. Identify typical service requests that guests make at the front desk.
  7. Explain important issues in developing and managing a security program.
  8. Describe the process of creating and maintaining front office accounts.
  9. Identify functions and procedures related to the check-out and account settlement process.
  10. Discuss typical cleaning responsibilities of the housekeeping department.
  11. Summarize the steps in the front office audit process.
  12. Apply the ratios and formulas managers use to forecast room availability.
  13. Explain the concept of revenue management and discuss how managers can maximize revenue by using forecast information in capacity management, discount allocation, and duration control.
  14. Identify the steps in effective hiring and orientation.

Prepared by:Lisa PerraasDate: May, 2011

Approved by:

Program Coordinator or

Department Chairperson:

Date: May 2011