Attachment A to Superintendent’s Memorandum No. 184

2004-2005 National Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition Program


The purpose of the 2004-2005 National Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition Program (NTIDSRP) is to recognize two schools from each state.

  • One school will represent the state’s Title I schools that have exhibited exceptional student performance for two or more consecutive years -- meets or exceeds the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements.
  • One school will represent the state’s Title I schools that have made the most progress in significantly closing the achievement gap among the No Child Left Behind subgroups (economically disadvantaged students; students from major racial and ethnic groups; students with disabilities; and students with limited English proficiency).

Content, Page Requirements, and Submission Date to the Virginia Department of Education:

The application packet contains the selection criteria, rating scale, school participation form, page requirements, and date the application is due to the Virginia Department of Education.

Selection Criteria:

The following areas must be addressed in the NTIDSRP application:

  • One-page narrative description of the school with one-inch margins and 11-point font size (This narrative must include verification that the school has a 40 percent or higher poverty rate and that it has not been a previous recipient of this recognition.);
  • One-page meaningful description of the school’s assessment results in reading (English/language arts) and mathematics (met or exceeded AYP for two or more consecutive years) and how the school uses assessment data to improve student/school performance;
  • One-page description of reading (English/language arts) and mathematics curriculum;
  • One-page description of how opportunities for all children to achieve are provided;
  • One-half page description of coordination with other programs;
  • One-half page description of professional development offerings;
  • One-half page description of partnerships with parents, families, and communities; and
  • One-half page description of the greatest contributing factor to the school’s success.

Rating Scale:

See attachment.

School Participation Form:

See attachment.


Page Requirements:

This application must be no more than 7 pages including the School Participation form and the School Description.

Application Due Date:

The 2004-2005 National Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition Program Application must be received in the Office of Program Administration and Accountability on or before Friday, October 8, 2004. Please mail the application, the School Participation form, and the School Description to Mrs. Helen Tucker, Office of Program Administration and Accountability, Virginia Department of Education,

P. O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120.


Please direct your questions to Gabie Frazier at (804) 225-2907 or by e-mail at .




Code Given to School: Low-Income Percentage: Date Reviewed:

Category: Significantly Closed Achievement Gap

Exceeded Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Targets

School Type: Schoolwide Program School Targeted Assistance School

  1. Attributes of Program:Evidence (check one)

Indicate with a check the extent the school provided descriptive evidence of:

A. Opportunities for all children to achieve Exemplary High Moderate None

B. Professional development Exemplary High Moderate None

C. Coordination with other programs Exemplary High Moderate None

D. Curriculum and instruction to support Exemplary High Moderate None

achievement of high standards

E. Partnerships among schools, parents, and Exemplary High Moderate None


II. Effectiveness and Achievement:Evidence (check one)

Indicate with a check the extent the school provided evidence of its unusual effectiveness based on measures of achievement that may include:

A. Standards of Learning tests Exemplary High Moderate None

(AYP results for 2 or more

years in reading (English/language

arts) and mathematics)

B. Norm-referenced tests Exemplary High Moderate None

C. Other criterion-referenced tests Exemplary High Moderate None

D. Portfolios Exemplary High Moderate None

E. Writing samples Exemplary High Moderate None

F. Description of how school uses assessment Exemplary High Moderate None

data to improve student/school performance

Overall Assessment:

1. What factors did the school indicate contributed to its success?

  1. What are the school’s weakness?

NOTE: Only schools that receive a rating of Exemplary or High evidence in each of the categories may be nominated for national recognition.

Signature of Reviewer: ______Telephone: Date:


School Participation Form

National Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition Program

[State should preselect ONE option]

Recognition for Sustained Achievement

Recognition for Closing the Gap

Local Education Agency Name:


City, State, Zip:


Superintendent Name:

Grades Served:

School Name:

School Address, City, State, Zip:

Principal Name:

Phone: / Fax:

By agreeing to participate as a candidate for nomination to the National Title I Distinguished School Recognition Program, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the following statements are true:

  1. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has not issued any letter of findings to the LEA concluding that the school has violated one or more of the civil rights statutes or that there is a LEA-wide violation that may affect the school. Or, if such a letter of findings has been issued, the LEA has remedied the violation(s) with a corrective action deemed suitable by OCR.
  2. The nominated school has not refused OCR access to information necessary either to investigate a civil rights complaint or to conduct an LEA-wide compliance review.
  3. The Department of Justice does not have a pending suit against the LEA alleging that the nominated school or the LEA as a whole, has violated one or more of the civil rights statutes or the Constitution’s equal protection clauses.
  4. The nominated school has demonstrated adequate yearly progress (AYP) according to the state standard set under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
  5. There are no findings or violations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in a U. S. Department of Education monitoring report that apply to the nominated school (or LEA as applicable) in question, and if there are such findings, the state (or LEA, as applicable) has corrected, or agreed to correct.
  6. The nominated school has an obligation under section of the Rehabilitation Act to ensure that its proposed program(s) “is accessible to persons with disabilities.”


Signature of Superintendent (or designee)Date


This form must be submitted with the application by October 8, 2004, to Mrs. Helen Tucker, Office of Program Administration and Accountability, Virginia Department of Education, P. O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218-2120.