Post Office Box 1227San Luis Obispo, California93406 (805) 545-7600
Knollwood Clubhouse
January 21, 2014
6:30 pm
Minutes - Draft
I.CALL TO ORDER– The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm.
II.ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM – Quorum was met with board members David Mittleberger, Lisa McGrath, Brian McIntyre, Mark Macaulay arrived late. Bobbi Primo was present on behalf of Aurora Property Services.
III.ANNUAL MEETING – The election envelopes were opened and the new board was announced.
IV.NEW BOARD POSITIONS – New board positions were announced. David Mittleberger – president, Brian McIntyre – vice president, Lisa McGrath – treasurer, Miko Nehman – secretary and Rick Valasco – member at large.
V.REVIEW MINUTES OFDECEMBER 10THMEETING– The minutes were approved as written.
- YTD Budget vs. Actuals
As of December Bank Statements –reconciled as of 12/31/2013
First Bank Operating Account$ 8,848.89
Coast Hills Savings Reserves Account $ 208,856.73
Coast Hills Checking Reserves Account$ 24,725.04
- There are currently still four liens with Sunrise Assessment Services. One owner is on a payment plan and currently paying as agreed.
- The accounts receivables are down to $44,966.28.
- Mark Macaulay is still working with an attorney on behalf of the board to attempt to recover funds from HPM.
- In the December budget comparison, the association is over budget in roofing by $2,823.01 due to the gutter cleanout costs and roof sweeping, over budget in electricity by $3,377.28 due to the year of past due bills that were being sent to HPM and over budget in legal by $5,370.49 and $6484.44 in the Reserve trees/irrigation/landscape for all of the tree trimming that had not been done in six years. In the Reserve streets the association is over budget $2025 in streets due to the recent driveway repair on Foster.
- The reserve transfer checks that were printed in October and November were voided since there was not enough funds in the operating account to transfer to the reserve account. The association will need to make up this transfer in the current fiscal year to keep on budget.
- Reserve Study Projects - Fences- Aurora Property Services submitted proposal requests to five fence companies and Bobbi and David walked the units with three. Three proposals were presented from Central Coast Fence, Fence Factory and Creative Fence. The bid from Creative Fence was almost half the price of the other bids and the board voted to replace six fences with Creative Fence.
- Driveway repair and root barrier – The driveway repair has been completed from Justin Time Concrete and the root barrier for the liquid amber was complete.
- Tree trimming update- The tree trimming has for the winter has been completed. .
- Legal – Mark Macaulay gave a legal update. The lawyer is currently working on sending letters to the banks regarding non endorsed checks, working with probation to serve Jodi for the civil order of restitution and through the insurance company.
- Wing Wall UpdateGabe from No Limit Services is about half way done with repairing wing walls throughout the property that the board approved.
- Garage Doors – Hamon vs. American – The association has been working on consistency throughout the property with vendors. One of the common replacements are garage doors. The association has used Bottas/Roman Doors, and Hamon. Aurora Property Services also had American doors bid. They are less expensive than Bottas and more responsive but the same price as American. Brian voted to choose Hamon, Lisa seconded. The board all approvedHamon Doors as the garage vendor.
- 1141Sumner #C – Termite Report –An escrow just closed for this unit and the owner provided a termite report. The board voted to add this fence to the current approved fence bid and to replace the garage door. Aurora will get a bid from Wayne Shafer about replacing beams for this building. The board is researching the option of tenting or spot treating since this building seems to have a lot of termite damage.
- Kim Densmore said that she appreciated all of the work that has been done throughout the property. She said her neighbors have also commented on how nice it is to have the roofs swept, the gutters cleaned and the trees trimmed and they see a lot of progress with the association.
- ADJOURNMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 7:53pm.