SPC/Meeting Announcement No. 05/02

Page 7

TO : / Representatives of Governments and Administrations
Heads of national and territorial Planning & Statistics agencies
UN agencies, AusAID, ADB, NZAID, OECD, PFTAC, UNESCAP, World Bank / No : / 05/02
FILE: / CONF 2/11/1 / DATE: / 17 February 2005
SUBJECT : / Regional Meeting of Heads of Planning and Heads of Statistics – Managing
population and socio-economic data, utilising information and creating a culture
of evidence-based policy-making, 4 – 7 April 2005, Noumea, New Caledonia


1. At the 13th Regional Heads of Statistics meeting in 2003, the Secretariat informed Government statisticians about its intention to table at its next Heads of Planning meeting the importance for improved dialogue between producers and users of official statistics, to ensure national and territorial statistical collections, including regular population and household censuses and surveys meet the information demands of key users, and underpin policy development and planning. Following a lively discussion amongst delegates and representatives from several donor agencies, a consensus emerged that it would be useful to have the heads of national statistical agencies join this triennial heads of planning meeting, thus bringing together the main users of official national statistics (planners, policy analysts, policy-makers) with the producers (statisticians) of these data and statistics.

2. With quality data and effective information management being increasingly recognised across the region as essential to good governance and evidence-based decision-making, and are also seen as absolutely essential by donors to guide their own development efforts, SPC, with the kind assistance of and in consultation with UNDP and UNFPA decided to convene this meeting with an expanded audience, and invite each Pacific island countries’ head of planning and head of statistics to this 4-day conference.


3. The overall aim of this meeting is seen as establishing and maintaining a dialogue between planners and statisticians to ensure demographic and socio-economic data are effectively integrated into development policy and planning. To guide our deliberations, we saw it prudent to provide a tight meeting structure and compelling policy context for our agenda. And with population and development concerns guiding most of our national, territorial, regional and international efforts, (i) a review of countries’ implementation of the ICPD Programme of action, and (ii) their commitment to the Millennium Development Goals – both representing important policy frameworks for national and sectoral policy development and planning – will be at the core of our proceedings.


4. The meeting will be held from 4–7 April 2005 in Noumea, New Caledonia. With SPC’s Demography/Population programme about to implement a 2-3 year UNFPA-funded sub-regional project on “Integrating population, gender and development issues into national and sectoral policies, programmes and strategies”, and the Statistics programme implementing an ADB-funded multi-country economic statistics initiative, both programme heads will take the opportunity to conduct work-planning meetings with their respective programme countries on 8 April. Both programme heads, Gerald Haberkorn and Garth Parry respectively, will contact their respective country representatives under separate cover to convey more detailed information.

5. Acknowledging the physical presence of the heads of all PIC planning agencies in Noumea, the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat has requested us to convey to you its intention to hold a National Planning Workshop on Saturday 9, and Monday 11 April back-to-back with the SPC workshop. The PIFS workshop is intended for National Planners, and its objectives are to improve the policy coherence and integration of functional national plans; generate country-driven discussion and sharing of experiences in national planning; and provide input into a resource book for members use. Further details of this workshop and logistical arrangementshave been provided to FICs via PIFS Circular.


6. The meeting will be conducted in English and French. Simultaneous interpretation and translation services will be available.


7. Governments and Administrations are asked to provide the name (exactly as written on their passport), facsimile address and Internet e-mail address (if available) of their respective Heads of Planning and Statistics agencies no later than 28 February 2005. Nominations should be sent by facsimile or e-mail. Early nominations will be appreciated. Nominees are asked to complete the application form attached to this document, and return it to the workshop organiser.

8. In order to facilitate the exchange of information and with your concurrence, the meeting organisers will communicate directly with the head of each NPO on further requirements of the workshops.


9. This meeting is being co-organised by SPC’s Demography/Population and Statistics programmes, and all correspondence should be sent to the workshop secretary, Mme Sandra Gianini, who will be responsible for administrative arrangements. Sandra will also forward any issues concerning technical or agenda matters directly to Gerald Haberkorn and Garth Parry respectively. Sandra can be reached at , or 687-26.00.00 ext.224


10. The SPC will provide workshop nominees with a round trip economy class (or, if available, excursion) air fares to Nouméa by the most direct route; per diem at standard SPC rates for necessary overnight transit stops en route, and a per diem while in Noumea at the standard SPC rate.

11. If participants choose to fly by an alternative routing to that provided by the workshop organisers, the participant will be responsible for any additional cost.


12. The workshop Secretariat will be responsible for the accommodation arrangements for participants and will make the necessary hotel reservations in Noumea on behalf of participants (unless participants explicitly inform the Secretariat to the contrary). You have a choice of the following hotels (Participants receiving per diems from SPC will be responsible for payment of their hotel accommodation):

·  Le Lagon Hotel (5 minutes walk)

Studio (1person) 6 350 - XFP

Studio (up to 2 persons) 8 350 - XFP

Apartment with two room (up to 3 persons) 9 350 - XFP

·  Nouvata Park Hotel (10 minutes walk)

Pacifique wing 2* 6 650 - XFP

Nouvata wing 3* 10 400 - XFP

Park hotel wing 4* 11 400 - XFP


13. A visa to enter New Caledonia is compulsory except for citizens from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand (and all New Zealand passport holders), USA (and all US passport holders), and European Union countries.

14. Participants should make their own arrangements to obtain a visa if they require one to enter New Caledonia. The workshop secretary will provide the necessary supporting documentation. French Embassies/Consulates are situated in Australia (Sydney and Canberra), Fiji (Suva), New Zealand (Auckland and Wellington), Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby), and Vanuatu (Port Vila). It would be appreciated if delegates from those countries and nearby countries could obtain a visa prior to departure.

15. Participants are advised to make their own arrangements if they need to obtain visas for countries visited in transit to Noumea. The workshop secretary can assist in making these arrangements.

16. For delegates from the Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu, the SPC will arrange for a visa to be issued on arrival in Nouméa providing that the Secretariat is advised of the delegate’s name, flight number and dates of arrival/departure at least two weeks prior to arrival. Delegates are therefore advised to send by fax passport details to the Conference/Travel officer at SPC.


17. The Secretariat of the Pacific Community does not insure participants while attending the workshops or during travel to and from New Caledonia and will not be responsible for any expenses arising out of sickness, injury, other disability or loss of life.

Lourdes T. Pangelinan



Original text : English

Regional Meeting of Heads of Planning and Heads of Statistics

Managing Population and Socio-economic data, utilising information, and creating a culture of evidence-based policy making, Noumea 4 – 7 April 2005


Monday 4 April

08.00 – 08.30 Official Opening

08.30 – 10.00 Session 1

Review and Follow up of 2001 Planners meeting

(SPC Demography/Population Programme)

- Conclusions and recommendations

- Responses, initiatives, activities

10.00 – 10.30 MORNING TEA

10.30 – 12.00 Session 2

Population and Development situation in the Pacific

- Overview of Demographic situation (SPC Demography/Population Programme)

- Panel discussion on trends in Fertility, Mortality and Migration and implications for development (subject matter experts and country representatives)

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH

13.00 – 15.00 Session 3

Implementation of ICPD Programme of Action in the Pacific

- Overview of ICPD implementation (UNFPA)

- Panel discussion (country representatives)


15.30 – 17.00 Session 4

National and Regional concerns and priorities in Population and Development

(working groups: Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia with SPC and UNFPA staff

and invited experts)


Tuesday 5 April

08.00 – 10.00 Session 5

Millennium Development Goals: A framework for national and sectoral policy development and planning

- Relevance of MDGs for the Pacific (UNDP)

- Status of MDG targets in the Pacific – Regional Report (SPC MDG Taskforce)

- MDGS as a basis for national and sectoral planning

10.00 – 10.30 MORNING TEA

10.30 – 12.00 Session 6

Achieving the MDGs in the Pacific

- Panel discussion on constraining/facilitating factors, resource requirements (country representatives plus experts)

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH

13.00 – 15.00 Session 7

National Information management systems

- The role of National information management systems in policy development and planning (SPC Demography/Population and Statistics programmes)

- National statistical development strategies (PARIS21 and ADB)

15.00 – 15.30 AFTERNOON TEA

15.30 – 17.00 Session 8

The role of population and housing censuses in national statistical systems – the 2010 round of Censuses

- Review of 2000 round and looking ahead to 2010 (SPC, UNFPA, UNESCAP)

- New methods and techniques in census taking (UNFPA)

- Census planning and technical assistance needs

Wednesday 6 April

08.00 – 10.00 Session 9

Integrating demographic and socio-economic data into development policy and planning – establishing and maintaining a dialogue between planners and statisticians

(working groups of planners and statisticians from three regional groupings, plus experts and agency staff: review current experience and work towards developing best-practice recommendations)

10.00 – 10.30 MORNING TEA

10.30 – 12.00 Session 9: continues

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH

13.00 – 15.00 Session 9: continues

(working groups continue, and prepare their recommendations for plenary)

15.00 – 15.30 AFTERNOON TEA

15.30 – 17.00 Session 9: Plenary

(working groups report to plenary)


Thursday 7 April

08.00 – 11.00 Session 10

New strategies to assist more effective data and information management underpinning policy development and planning in the Pacific island region – presentations by international development agencies

(Rapporteurs will be finalising draft at same time)

11.00 – 12.00 Session 11

Adoption of Report and closing of Regional Meeting of Heads of Planning and Heads of Statistics


Friday 8 April UNFPA / SPC Project planning meeting

(Demography/Population programme)

(Heads of planning agencies: FSM, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu)

08.30 – 09.00 Introduction of project (UNFPA)

09.00 – 10.00 Comments/Feedback from countries

10.00 – 10.30 MORNING TEA

10.30 – 12.00 Commence drafting national work plans

12.00 – 13.30 WORKING LUNCH

13.30 – 15.00 Continue drafting national work plans

15.00 – 15.30 AFTERNOON TEA

15.30 – 17.00 Finalise work plans and closure of project planning meeting


Parallel discussions (Friday 8 April)

ADB / SPC RETA discussions (involving heads of 6 NSOs)

Secretariat of the Pacific Community
B.P. D5
98848 Noumea Cedex
Tel: (687) 26.20.00
Fax: (687) 26.38.18 / Nomination Form
First Regional Meeting of Heads of Planning and HEADS OF Statistics
4 – 7 April, 2005, NOUMEA

Nomination for ______(Country): ______

Please return the completed form to Mme Sandra GIANINI ()

This information will be used to prepare your letter of invitation.

Family name or Surname (as on passport):
First name(s) (as on passport):
Passport number:
Expiry date:
Date and place of issue:
Job Title:
Work fax number:
Work phone number:
E-mail address:
Name and address of person to be
contacted in case of emergency:
Relationship of this person to you: