2016-647 - FOI request - IFM new company information

1) Copies of all papers on the subject of the establishment, management and expansion of iFM that were considered at:
a) Trust Board (in public or private meeting sections) /
September, October, November 2016 papers refer.
b) Trust Board sub-committees (for example, but not limited to, the Finance sub-committee) / IFM have been discussed in the Finance Committee in June, August, September and October 2016. Documents attached

c) The central management team / N/A
2) The relevant section from the minutes of the above meetings, recording the discussion and any decisions made regarding iFM Facilities / See above
3) The appointment of the iFM board & has there been an “Expression of Interest” advertised external for these positions? / Non-Executive Directors: Mark Harrison,
Associate Director Finance: Andrea Bennett
Associate Director Estates and Facilities, Facilities: Steve Tyldsley
They have been appointed as Directors of iFM Bolton. We will be advertising externally for an independent NED.
a) Have been subject to TUPE transfer from the Trust to iFM Facilities so far, / N/A at the moment because the transfer will start 1st January 2017.
b) Will be subject to TUPE as a result of the proposed expanded remit of iFM facilities. / All posts in these services will be transferred under TUPE to iFM Bolton.
Please see IFM FAQs attached.

5) Copies of any professional advice commissioned/received by the Trust relating to the establishment of iFM and its subsequent management and expansion - including, but not limited to, tax, financial and employment law advice from external advisors or consultants. / Refuse under sections:
Section 41: Information provided in confidence
Section 42: legal professional privilege
Section 43: commercial interest
6) A summary of the cost of professional advice commissioned/received by the Trust relating to iFM / We have appointed QE Facilities and Bond Dickinson – but have not made any payments yet.
7) Details of and estimation of value of the equipment, property and facilities which the Trust has/will transfer to, or entered into lease or other commercial agreements with iFM. / The Trust is currently undergoing a due diligence process to define the operating model.
8) To what level of cash will the Trust benefit from the move? / The Trust is currently undergoing a due diligence process to define the operating model.
9) Will the Trust be able to reclaim all of the VAT? / The Trust is currently undergoing a due diligence process to define the operating model.
10) What financial figure does this represent? / The Trust is currently undergoing a due diligence process to define the operating model.