1. An example of invertebrate signaling is

a. release of ecdysone to trigger molting b. release of NO to trigger metabolism

c. release of growth hormone to trigger growth d. none of the above

2. Vertebrate signaling includes

a. secretion of hormones b. absorption of a hormone by capillaries

c. a change occurring on a target cell d. all of the above

3. There are four classes of hormones. One is the biogenic amines they

a. enter their target cell b. attach to receptors on their target cell

c. are generally autocrine hormones d. a and b

4. The thyroid includes

a. gonadotroph cells b. alpha cells c. follicular cells d. principal (chief) cells

5. Antidiurectic hormone

a. promotes urine contraction b. stimulates milk synthesis

c. stimulates the epiphyseal disk d. controls basal metabolic rate

6. Fission and budding differ because

a. one produces a totally new offspring and the other produces a clone of the parent

b. one produces a new offspring, the other regenerates broken body parts

c. one produces two offspring of the same size and one produces an offspring that grows out of the parent

d. fission and budding are really two words for the same process, they differ from fragmentation

7. External fertilization

a. is the only type of fertilization that produces eggs b. first releases eggs into the environment

c. first releases sperm into the environment d. is common in vertebrates

8. All of the following are hormones that regulate reproduction except a. Growth hormone b. Follicle Stimulating hormone c. Luteinizing hormone d. Testosterone

9. All of the following are apart of oogenesis

a. vesicular follicles b. Graafian follicle c. corpus luteum d. seminiferous tubules

10. In male reproduction the seminal vesicles

a. provide acid phosphatase b. provide prostaglandins

c. provide citrate d. provide proteolytic enzymes

11. Fertilization occurs in the

a. uterus b. fallopian tubes c. placenta d. ovary

12. During the menstrual cycle

a. the ovary releases the secondary oocyte b. the endometrium of the uterus thickens c. the stratum functionalis of the endometrium is shed d. all of the above

13. The chorion

a. becomes the umbilical cord b. covers the embryo

c. becomes the placenta d. supplies early nutrition to the fetus

14. The first stage of labor is

a. increase in number of oxytocin receptors b. thinning of the cervix mucus plug

c. onset of regular contractions d. baby is delivered

15. Lactation is controlled by a. prolactin

b. oxytocin c. prolactin and oxytocin d. prolactin, oxytocin, and follicle stimulating hormone

16. During blastulation

a. the vitelline layer is formed b. mitotic divisions occur without cell growth

c. a morula forms d. a ball of cells reforms to become hollow

17. After the first 8 weeks of fetal development

a. the primary germ layers have just formed b. most major organs have developed

c. the fetus looks human d. none of the above

18. The peripheral nervous system is

a. sensory and motor neurons b. the brain and spinal cord

c. contains oligodendrocytes d. is composed of astrocytes

19. The autonomic nervous system affects

a. skeletal muscles b. controls smooth muscles

c. includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems d. a and c e. b and c

20. Schwann cells

a. send and receive stimuli in the PNS b. from the myelin sheath in the PNS

c. form the blood-brain barrier d. send and receive stimuli throughout the whole nervous system

21. The axon

a. receives stimuli b. send impulses c. regulates cell processes d. all of the above

22. Myelination serves to

a. speed up signal transduction b. stimulate the autonomic nervous system

c. protect the neurons d. regulate the membrane potential

23. Interneurons

a. connect sensory neurons to motor neurons b. make up most of the neurons in the human body

c. are mostly in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and spinal cord d. all of the above

24. At rest the neuron membrane potential is characterized by having

a. more K+ outside the cell b. more Na+ outside the cell

c. more Ca++ inside the cell d. more protein outside the cell

25. The opening of Na+ channels causes depolarization, if the threshold is met the next step is

a. more Na+ channels open b. K+ channels open

c. K+ channels close d. neurotransmitters are released

26. Order the processes of synaptic transmission\

a. diffusion of neurotransmitter across synaptic cleft b. neurotransmitter secreted by presynaptic cell

c. neurotransmitter binds to postsynaptic cell d. depolarization or hyperpolarization occurs in postsynaptic cell

27. Acetylcholine is different from norepinephrine because

a. Acetylcholine is common in the autonomic NS and norepinephrine is common in the sympathetic NS

b. Acetylcholine is common in the sympathetic NS and norepinephrine is common in the autonomic NS

c. Acetylcholine is usually excitatory and norepinephrine is usually inhibitory

d. Acetylcholine is usually inhibitory and norepinephrine is usually excitatory

28. Temporal summation is

a. opening of Na+ channels

b. depolarization of the postsynaptic neuron

c. the combination of many small stimulations right after one another

d. the combination of many small stimulations in the same area

29. The neuron refractory period is

a. the period when a 2nd action potential is more difficult b. the period when a 2nd action potential is impossible c. a or b depending on the type of refractory period d. the period during an action potential that causes learning

30. Learning is caused by

a. a neuron refractory period b. permanent changes on the postsynaptic neuron

c. permanent changes in the axons d. the creation of more action potentials

31. Although invertebrates do not contain as complex a nervous system as vertebrates they do have a. cephalization and brain cords b. a nerve net c. a complete CNS d. a complete autonomic NS

32. The cerebellum is important for

a. reflexes b. sensory input c. consciousness and awakening d. motor control and coordination

33. During sensory reception exteroreceptors

a. amplify signal strength b. sense external stimuli

c. sense internal stimuli d. integrate sensory stimuli

34. Mechanoreceptors respond to

a. physical stimulus (touch, stretch etc.) b. chemicals released by damaged cells

c. loss or gain of heat d. electromagnetic stimuli

35. Eyecups differ from eyes because they only consist of

a. ommitidia b. lenses c. rods d. photoreceptors

36. The part of the eye called the choroids

a. contains ciliary muxcles that change shape the shape of the lens for focus

b. provides nutrients to the retina c. has circular and radial muscles to open and close the pupil

d. is full of photoreceptors for light detection

37. During signal transduction when light hits the protein rhodopsin on the rods and cones

a. the cell becomes hyperpolarized b. the cell becomes depolarized c. Na+ channels close

d. Na+ channels open e. a and c f. b and d

38. The role of the pinna in hearing is

a. collecting sound waves b. vibrating and causing the malleus, incus, and stapes to move

c. to contain fluid that makes waves to transmit sound waves

d. to cause the neurons in your ear to depolarize

39. Which of the following is used by fish for equilibrium sensing?

a. the hair cells on the inner ear b. hair cells in statocysts c. the lateral line system bending hairs in a cupula d. body hairs moving across the body

40. Which of the following is used in chemeoreception in vertebrates?

a. the medulla b. the thalamus c. the primary gustatory area d. all of the above

41. To produce movement one must overcome the forces of ______.

a. gravity b. friction c. pressure d. a and b e. all of the above

42. Cellular mechanisms of locomotion include all of the following except _____.

a. beating of flagella b. beating of cilia c. movement of microvilli

d. microfilament movement

43. An endoskeleton is the type of skeleton where______.

a. molting is required b. muscles attach to the cuticle c. fluid is under pressure

d. magnesium and calcium carbonate allow muscle attachment

44. Which of the following is not a component of skeletal muscles?

a. a sarcomere b. microtubules c. actin d. the transverse tubules

45. A motor unit is

a. a motor neuron and all the myofibers it stimulates b. a muscle fiber

c. a sarcomere d. a bundle of thin myofilaments

46. What is the functional unit of a skeletal muscle

a. a muscle fiber b. a sarcomere c. a myofibril d. a myofiber

47. At the neuromuscular junction which of the following does not happen during muscle contraction

a. the motor neuron releases acetylcholine b. the neurotransmitter binds to the sarcolemma of the myofiber c. Na+ channels close d. the release of Ca2+ is stimulated

48. During a skeletal muscle action potential

a. myosin “walks” down actin b. ATP is necessary

c. Ca2+ is released d. a and c e. all of the above

49. Summation is defined by

a. some muscles always being in a contracted state

b. sustained muscle stimulus causing sustained contraction

c. after a relaxed state a second stimulus causes a stronger contraction than the first contraction

d. a second stimulus during a relaxed state causes a stronger muscle contraction than only one stimulus

50. Lots of myoglobin, fast contraction, and many blood capillaries characterizes

a. fast oxidative muscle fibers b. fast glycolic muscle fibers

c. slow oxidative muscle fibers d. slow glycolic muscle fibers

51. Both cardiac and smooth muscle ______but only ______has an increased number of gap junctions.

a. contraction occurs involuntarily, smooth muscle b. contraction occurs involuntarily, cardiac muscle

c. have sarcomeres, smooth muscle d. have sarcomeres, cardiac muscle

1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. b 11. b 12. d 13. c 14. c 15. c 16. d 17. b 18. a 19. e 20. b 21. b 22. a 23. d 24. b 25. a 26. bacd 27. a 28. c 29. c 30. b 31. a 32. d 33. b 34. a 35. d 36. b 37. e 38. a 39. c 40. d 41. d 42. c 43. d 44. b 45. a 46. b 47. c 48. e 49. d 50. a 51. b