128 Water Street
East Berlin, PA17316
April 30, 2014 – Work Session
The second monthly meeting of the East Berlin Borough Council was held April 30, 2014, at the East Berlin Borough Hall. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM.
Members Present: President Charles Krall; James LeVan; Roberta Teal; Donald Dixon;Jason Wood;Andrew Raymond; and Catherine Lockey
Members Absent:None
Also Present: Secretary/Treasurer Darlene McArthur; David Richards;Brian Gembusia; and Wilbur Slothour of Land and Sea Services Inspection Agency
Constituents Addressing Borough Council:David Richards reported onhis attendance at the March meeting of the Adams County Tax Collection Committee (ACTCC). Topics included undistributed funds. Mr. Richards also attended a meeting of the York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) on April 28th and noted that the tax facilities were very busy on April 15th for the tax filing deadline. Regarding the failure of the Centax tax collection agency, it was noted that the State destroyed records accounting for approximately three million dollars ($3,000,000.00) in losses. Mr. Richards reported that $1,435.00 would be distributed to the Borough next week for 2010 collections from YATB.
Brian Gembusia, candidate for the 193rd District, addressed Council to express his political views on several topics including the elimination of school tax, noting that this action has worked well in other areas. Mr. Gembusia also commended the Borough on its 250th Anniversary celebration.
Wilbur Slothour of Land and Sea Inspection Services spoke at the request of Council to explain the services offered by Land and Sea including commercial and residential inspections, plan reviews, and monthly reports provided to the fifteen (15) municipalities currently served in AdamsCounty. Mr. Slothour stated that Land and Sea has been in business for ten (10) years and employs four (4) inspectors. Regarding the rental safety inspections currently required by the Borough, Land and Sea would provide this service at the same cost of $55.00 (fifty-five dollars). There was some discussion of the requirement of a safety inspection and the items to be inspected. Mr. Slothour stated that he would issue building permits at the request of the Borough, and that occupancy permits would be forwarded to the Borough for final approval. Mr. Slothour explained that all municipalities have different needs and requirements, and that he is very flexible in addressing those of the Borough. In a discussion of the type of agreement needed to provide service to the Borough, Mr. Slothour stated that the nature and length of the agreement would be determined by the Borough. Council thanked Mr. Slothour for his presentation. President Krall noted that Council would have further discussions on the services of the Land and Sea agency.
Topics of Discussion:
- President Krall reviewed a recent invoice from State Workers Insurance Fund showing an additional amount to provide workers compensation insurance for paid ambulance personnel. The policy holder is Liberty Fire Company, but the invoices are mailed to the Borough for the required provision of workers compensation insurance for volunteer firefighters. Council reviewed documented research from Solicitor Battersby stating that the Borough is only responsible for coverage of volunteer personnel. The additional coverage for paid personnel is owed by Liberty. President Krall noted some difficulties in obtaining the amount owed by Liberty, and hopes to improve this process for future billing.
- Regarding a drainage issue on Branch Circle, Council reviewed additional recommendations from Borough Engineer Eric Mains. President Krall stated that repairs would be made as soon as possible.
- President Krall reported a request from ReadingTownship for the Borough to provide street sweeping service in certain areas of the Township, and discussed a previous proposal with Abbottstown Borough for street sweeping. President Krall proposed the possibility of trading services and materials with ReadingTownship as part of an agreement to be drafted.
- President Krall discussed a recent system failure of the Borough’s main computer requiring the services of A & L Computers to restore the system. The computer is currently running on a temporary version of Windows XP which will expire in less than thirty (30) days and will require further action by Council. Secretary McArthur explained the seriousness of the system failure and the importance of the data maintained on this system. There was some discussion of backup options including internet services. The system is currently backed up to an external storage device and kept off the premises. Council will discuss the matter further at the next Regular Session.
- Council reviewed a recommendation from the Planning Commission to consider adoption of a revised Zoning Ordinance as discussed at a public meeting on April 15, 2014. Zoning Officer Robert Thaeler will be requested to advise Council of the next step in the adoption process.
- The Planning Commission meeting minutes of March 27, 2014 and the Public Hearing meeting minutes of April 15, 2014 were provided to Council.
- The Founder’s Day Committee meeting minutes of April 7 and April 22, 2014 were provided to Council. Roberta Teal, Committee Chairperson, presented an eight (8) page insert from the Merchandiser circular devoted to the Borough’s 250th Anniversary and the history of the town. Ms. Teal also presented a Proclamation received from the Adams County Commissioners Office to commemorate the Borough’s Anniversary. Andrew Raymond noted that East Berlin is the third (3rd) oldest Borough in AdamsCounty. Ms. Teal read an excerpt from the Proclamation as follows; “East Berlin throughout its 250 year history has been a vibrant and thriving community. It proudly stands as a landmark community representing the original character of ‘small-town’ America. We look forward to the bright future of East Berlin.”
- The Parks and Recreation meeting minutes of April 10, 2014 were provided to Council.
- President Krall reminded Council of a Grant Workshop with Senator Alloway on May 8, 2014 in Orrtanna, and noted that he, Catherine Lockey, and Mayor Hoffman are registered to attend.
- Council was provided a copy of revisions to the Pennsylvania Borough Code signed into law as House Bill 1719 on April 18, 2014.
- A Gettysburg Chamber of Commerce breakfast is scheduled for May 22, 2014 at the Eisenhower Hotel.
- The Adams County Borough’s Association meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2014 at Pike Restaurant.
- President Krall reminded Council of training opportunities and webinars available.
- President Krall reported that he and Robert Meminger attended a pictometry workshop today at the Adams County Office of Planning and Development, and noted that the website is available to municipalities at no cost.
- James LeVan requested a meeting of the Personnel Committee to discuss an appointment. President Krall, Catherine Lockey, and Mr. LeVan will meet at 3:00 PM on May 7, 2014.
Council entered Executive Session at 8:15 PM to discuss a civil suit. Council exited Executive Session at 8:26 PM.
The meeting of the East Berlin Borough Council adjourned at 8:26 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Darlene McArthur
Secretary/Treasurer of Borough Council
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