October 14, 2009

  • There will be a Flu Clinic in Ashby on Thursday, October 15th from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hall. The flu vaccine is available to children 6 months through 18 years old, adults 50 years and older and persons at risk. For more information call 1-800-698-3307.
  • The Board of Selectmen received notification from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Emergency Boardapproving an emergency loan for the Town of Ashby in the amount of $763,000 to cover the costs associated with the Ice Storm of December 2008.
  • The Selectmen received a faxed posting Notice of an At Large Vacancy from the North Middlesex Regional School District School Committee. Interested persons should forward a letter of interest outlining qualifications for the position on or before Friday, October 30th to the Secretary of the NMRS Committee c/o Office of the Superintendent of Schools, 23 Main Street, Townsend, MA 01469. For further information interested parties can also call School Committee Member Ken Brown.
  • The Board of Selectmen received a letter from the Town Clerk requesting written notification of receiving the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law for Municipal Employees.
  • The Selectmen have received the following mail, email, memos and faxes:

Conservation Commission October 7thMinutes

Highway Department Work Logs

ZBA Hearing Notification to Appeal the Decision of an Administrative Official

Copies of the Town Administrator’s Letter of Thanks to Steven McLatchy

Letter from MIIA regarding Loss Claim Filed by an Ashby Resident

Faxed NMRSD Notice of NextSchool Committee Meeting

Memos from Town Counsel regarding 1) In State Human Resources Division’s Approval Process in Appointments and Promotionsand 2) Retention of Electronic Mail

Copies of Town Manager Valente’s Performing Triage to the Budget Presentation

Email from MRPC containing the Schedule of Citizen Planning Training Collaborative (CPTC) Training

Emailed NRWA Free Hikes and Programs in October

Invitation to the Dedication Ceremony of the Townsend Public Library Senior Center & Townsend Meeting Hall

Flyer from the Massachusetts Coalition for Jobs and Growth

Emailed Invitation to MEDC Fall Program: Energy & Economic Development

Emailed Invitation to International Transport Research Symposium

Emailed Invitation to MA Wind Working Group Meetings

MMA Action Alert and Invitation to MMA’s Fall Conference for Selectmen

Letter from Candidate for US Senate Mike Capuano

Letter from Comcast

Flyer from West Thomson Law Books

Email from Representative Gobi regarding Tax Collection Shortfall Forecasts and State House News

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts website about the American Recovery Act

MMA’s The Beacon

  • Public Service Announcements:

+All eligible individuals (seniors and ADA qualified) wishing to participate in the Meals on Wheels Program should contact Angie Godin at 386-6800. Meals are only $1.00 and are now delivered Monday through Friday around noon.

+MART Shuttle Service is available to all eligible (60 years or older, ADA qualified) individuals. Ashby residents may use the van on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for medical appointments and shopping. Interested residents should call Jennifer Collins Monday through Thursday at 386-2501, ext. 11 to apply and schedule use.

+Current Board, Committee, and Department Vacancies: Finance Committee, Historical Commission, Senior Tax Work-off Program and ZBA