Action Items List:
MSDII - Week 1:
● Meet with P11227
○ discuss speaker options for demo
○ Dipole box
● Finish all remaining action items
1. Talk to Mark Smith about money (Caroline will)
2. Work with Julie to detail the resonator demo – update BOM (Julie will)
3. Design ImagineRIT engine test table
4. Finalize design for engine/muffler connection section
5. Make BOM for engine test table & engine/muffler connection section
6. Make system level view of engine with muffler attachment
1. Look into getting a back pressure meter
2. Look into getting sound book
· Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers With Application to Exhaust and Ventilation System Design by M. L. Munjal
3. Layout plan for using the frequency generator to demonstrate the basics of ANC for ImagineRIT (in coordination with P11227)
4. Estimated sizing of speaker and mic for lawnmower engine (in coordination with P11227)
1. Talk to Mark Smith about money
2. Obtain all sound absorption materials
3. Obtain all materials needed to make inner casings and outer tubes
· Show to Chris final drawings before order materials and submit work orders
4. Place work orders for absorption mufflers
5. Finish making the absorption mufflers
6. Create test plan (absorption muffler with lawnmower & also with frequency generator)
· Feel free to include tasks not just assigned to yourself in this plan, and since we will both be on campus next quarter have it include us running the engine and checking the mounting a couple times next quarter for PMCS reasons. Don’t be afraid to schedule tests and such in the plan that depend on more of us then just you
· includes schedule of testing & test procedure
7. Take pictures & place in test procedure (with absorption mufflers)
1. Detail the resonator demo & ImagineRIT booth – update BOM
2. Create test plan for resonator demo (schedule of testing & test procedure)
3. Look into Nye’s ideas – parallel pipe & angling exhaust outlet
4. Assemble schedules & post of EDGE
5. Label frequency on sound map for frequency generator (ask Chris)
6. Label RPM on sound map for lawnmower engine (ask Chris - 3550 RPM?)
· Make sure EDGE is updated