Project Title: Remove stress and stigma to 1000 orphans in Tanzania.
Executive Summary
Effects of HIV and AIDS in Tanzania include over 940,000 orphaned children. Elimisha will provide assistance to 1000 orphaned children for their education, food and health. The assistance will be a direct support to orphaned children in 10 villages in Mbeya region Tanzania.
Total cost will be US$ 65,047.75
Orphaned children in Tanzania are stress free and live normal life.
1000 orphaned children are healthy, have regular attendance in classes and perform better in schools as those with both parents in Tanzania by 2013.
Problem Statement
The death of one or both parents due to HIV and AIDS has a bad effect that affects the orphaned children mentally due to stress and therefore making them performing poorly in classes, having perpetual hunger, and being stigmatized by other children with parents alive.
Elimisha will provide relief of stress to 1000 orphaned children in Tanzania through supporting them with school materials, uniforms, and food and school fees. If the orphaned children are given care and support they will be attending classes regularly, have good health, have no or little stress, and be capable in class.
Most vulnerable orphaned children will be identified and will be given support for the following:
Education: Uniforms, shoes, schoolbags, Exercise books, pens, rulers, mathematical sets, pencils and school fees.
Food: Maize flour, beans, rice, salt, cooking oil, and spices.
Health: Soap, sweaters, medical referrals.
Implementation plan
ACTIVITY / Sept11 / Oct.11 / Nov 11 / Dec11 / Jan12 / Fe12 / Mar12 / Apr12 / May12 / Jun12 / Jul12 / Aug12Identification
Educational support
Food support
Health support
1000 orphaned children in Tanzania will have been provided with school uniforms, shoes, books, rulers, pencils, pens, school bags, mathematical sets and school fees by August 2012.
1000 orphaned children in Tanzania will have been provided with maize flour, beans, rice, salt, cooking oil, spices by August 2012.
1000 orphaned children in Tanzania will have been provided with soaps, sweaters, and referrals by August 2012.
Orphaned children will be attending schools regularly.
Orphaned children performance in classes will be increased.
Orphaned children health will be improved.
Orphaned children stress will be reduced.
Orphaned children stigmatization will be reduced.
Peace and tranquility will prevail.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Staff of Elimisha will monitor the project daily.
Evaluation of the project will be done at the end of the project by involving different stakeholders including independent Auditors.
Implementation will be from 1st September 2011-31st August 2012.
Educational direct assistance:
School fees 50 students @ US$ 13=US$ 650
School uniforms 1000@ US$ 13=US$ 13,000
Shoes 1000@US$ 10=US$10,000
School bags 1000@ US$ 5=US$ 5,000
Exercise books 1768@ US$ 0.1875= 331.5
Mathematical sets 1000@ US$ 1=US$ 1,000
Rulers 1000@ US$ 0.125=125
Pens 1000@ US$ 0.1875=US$ 1,875
Pencils 1000@ US$ 0.0625=62.5
Subtotal US$ 32,044
Food assistance:
Maize flour 45,000kgs@US$ 0.15625=US$ 7,031.25
Beans 22,500 =US$ 14,062.5
Rice 5,000 kgs @ US$ 0.625=US$ 3,125
Spices 1000 kgs @ US$ 0.625=US$ 625
Subtotal: US$ 24,843.75
Health assistance
Soap bars 1000 @US$ 0.3125=US$ 312.5
Sweaters 1000 @US$ 3.75=US$ 3,750
Fare to health facilities 1000@US$ 1=US$ 1000
Subtotal US$ 5,062.5
Requested amount US$ 61,950.5
Own contribution US$ 3,097.5 (5%)
Grand total US$ 65,047.75