NFIRS 5.0 Summary Output Reports Tool: Report Descriptions
NFIRS 5.0 Summary Output Reports Tool: Report Descriptions
The NFIRS 5.0 web-based Summary Output Reports Tool enables users to obtain summaries and statistical calculations on the data saved to the National Database at and below their NFIRS group level.
Reports currently available on the NFIRS 5.0 web-based Reports site are described in detail in this document. A section for each report lists the executable name, description, and specific information on the SQL query.
The document will be updated as new reports are made available or if modifications to existing reports are made.
Report List (click on link to go directly to report description):
- Civilian Casualties
- Data Inventory By FDID
- Data Quality
- Detailed SelectedStatistics
- FDID Incident Type Summary
- FireDepartment Information
- Fire ReportBy FDID
- Fire Service Casualties
- Fires Under Investigation
- Incident Counts
- IncidentListing
- Incidents By Time Series
- Monthly Incident Counts
- MutualAid Incidents
- Mutual Aid Given Unmatched Departments
- NFIRSUsers
- NFIRSVendors
- Structure Fires by Property Use
- Summary by Incident Type
- Tally
- Unresolved Fire Incidents
Runtime Parameters
The NFIRS 5.0 web-based Reports environment provides the user with the opportunity to enter a number of runtime parameters that will affect the output of the final report. Pre-defined and user specified parameters filter the report's content in terms of incident or Fire Department information and determine the format of the report's output. A parameter page showing all user runtime report parameter selections is created as the first page of the report.
Each report description includes detail on the specific runtimes parameters for the report.
Many reports allow the have the option of including Invalid incidents in the calculations. Since invalid incidents may be missing required fields or other fields directly involved in the report's query, the resulting counts and summaries on reports including Invalid status incidents should be considered an approximation.
The following runtime parameter types are used in the Web Based reporting system:
- Date Range: Dates may be entered for the report using two text fields that appear at the top of the online parameter screen. Located next to each of these fields is a Calendar control feature to select dates for each field, or the user may manually enter the date values into the fields. The date values entered determine the beginning and ending dates for which Incidents will be retrieved.
- Group Selection: The Group selection control operates much like the folder view in the Microsoft File Explorer. The control displays all groups and FDIDs the user may access based upon their NFIRS user group assignment. If the user is assigned above a single FDID level, both groups and individual FDIDs may be selected for the report. The FDIDs that comprise the selected “group” will be used to filter the content of the report.
- Status: The Status control contains a drop down list that provides the user with choices for filtering the Incidents in the report based upon the Incident’s Status (e.g. Valid, Invalid, or Both).
- Version: The Version control contains a drop down list that provides the user with choices for filtering the Incidents in the report based upon the Incident’s original input version (e.g. 4.1, 5.0, or Both).
- Released: The Released control contains a drop down list which provides the user with choices for filtering the Incidents in the report based upon the Incident’s Release status (e.g. Released, Unreleased, or Both).
- Sort: The Sort control contains a drop down list that provides the user with choices for sorting the output of the report (e.g. FDID, FD Name, etc…).
- Coded Field: A pair of drop-down list boxes provide the user with the capability to select a Coded Field for the report. The Coded Field will be used to group the output of the report (i.e. Incidents will be summarized at the level of the selected Coded Field). The first list box contains the various NFIRS 5.0 modules. A selection of a module from this list box will re-populate the list box on the right with the Coded Fields available for the selected NFIRS 5.0 Module.
- Year: A calendar year dropdown list is provided for the user to select the year for which the report is to be run
- Adhoc Filters: Adhoc filters enable the user to create additional Filter parameters that will further limit the Incidents that are retrieved for the report. Since the Adhoc Filters dialog is not commonly used for the report and uses a fair amount of screen space, a check box has been placed on the online parameter screen to invoke the filter creation process. Once invoked, the user may select from a list of available Coded Fields for filtering the Incident content of the report. The user “builds” a filter on the left side of the screen by: selecting a Coded Field, entering required values, and using the Arrow button in the center of the screen to “move” the filter over to the parameter box on the right of the screen. The final filter group is moved to the far right. Five filters may be created for each report. Incidents that match each filter’s range will be included in the calculations for the report. Note: filters are cumulative and the use of multiple filters could create mutually exclusive selection criteria causing few (or no) Incidents to be retrieved for a specific report request.
- Casualty Type: The Casualty Type parameter contains a drop down list that provides the user with choices as to the type of Casualty (e.g. Fatality or Injury) that will be counted on the report.
- Time Series: The time series parameter contains a drop down list that permit the user to decide the time period for which casualties are grouped. The available Time Series options are:
- Day of the Week
- Day of the Month
- Hour of the Day
- Month of the Year
- Quarter of the Year
- Week of the Month
- Week of the Year
- Activity: The Activity drop down list provides the user with the choice to query only FDIDs that have had activity during the calendar year OR query all FDIDs regardless of activity.
- “Fires Older Than” Date: A date may be entered for the report using a text field which appear at the top of the online parameter screen. Located next to each of this field is a Calendar control that you may use to select dates for each field. The date value entered into this field on the online screen will determine the point, before which, Incidents will be retrieved for the report.
- State: This State control contains a drop down list that permits the user to run the report for either ALL states or just their own.
Web-Based Summary Output Reports
The following is a listing of all available reports in the NFIRS web-based reporting system along with detailed descriptions. Reports are listed alphabetically by report executable name.
A.Civilian Casualties Report
Executable Name: CivilianCasualties
Report Summary: Graphical depiction of Civilian Casualty data.
When specifying report parameters, the user will specify a Casualty Type: Fatalities OR Injuries.
The Civilian Casualty Report summarizes casualty data for civilian casualties into several graphical outputs each representing a separate report page. The Incidents selected for the report will be based upon parameters entered by the user at runtime. Report pages:
- Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)by Property Use
- Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)by Incident Type
- Total Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)by Time Series
- Fire Incident Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)by Time Series
- Non-Fire Incident Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)by Time Series.
The following fields appear on each the report page:
- Total Incidents
- Incidents with Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)
- Total Casualties (Fatalities OR Injuries)
- Casualty Graph by Grouping Field
- Date Range
- Group Selection
- Status
- Version
- Released
- Casualty Type (the user will specify Fatalities OR Injuries)
- Time Series
The SQL in an Actuate report can address two levels: the Report level and the Field Level. Report level SQL retrieves a full dataset for the report. Field level SQL is generally used to sum or count values from the overall data retrieved at the Report Level.
- Report SQL: Report level SQL determines the overall data that will be retrieved from the database for a given report. Report SQL joins the INCIDENTKEY, IN_BASIC, and ATTR_CODE tables retrieving incidents based upon the user-entered report parameters discussed above. For the Civilian Casualty report, only Fire incident types are retrieved (Incident Type 100 - 173).
There is a separate block of SQL for each report page. This SQL differs slightly in order to provide the correct grouping information for the graph presented on the page. Key pieces of information retrieved for all report pages are: Incident ID, Grouping field (i.e. Incident Type, Property Use, or Time Series), and Casualty Count. The data retrieved in the Casualty count field will be either fatalities or injuries depending upon the Casualty parameter selected by the user for the report.
- Field SQL: Each page of the report will contain the fields with the following calculation methods:
- Incident Total: Count of all rows in the result set (with each row representing a single incident).
- Incidents with Casualties: Count of all rows where the Casualty Count is greater than zero.
- Casualty Total: Sum of the Casualty Count field for all Incidents retrieved.
- Graphic Display: Sum of Casualty Count broken out by Grouping Field.
B.Data Inventory by FDID
Executable Name: DataInventoryByFDID
Report Summary: Summary of Modules that exist in the incidents in the National Database (for the specified group)
The Data Inventory by FDID Report summarizes the modules present in incidents that meet user specified report parameters. Summary information is based on incidents at the user's login level, and the report provides comparisons to the user's State level Frequencies. Each Frequency (with the exception of “Number of Incidents”) represented on the report is a count of modules in the National database for the specified user group.
Note: The EMS module count represents the number of EMS Modules present in EMS Incidents only (Incident Types 300 - 380).
The report presents incident inventory information for the specified FDID(s) complete with totals for the Group. An Actuate GroupSection object (breaking on [FD_HEADER.FD_NAME]) manage this grouping. Each row (with the exception of “Number of Incidents”) is represented on the report is a count of data modules in the NFIRS 5.0 National database for the specified group(s).
The following fields appear on the report page in grid format. Each field listed below will have counts for 5.0, 4.1, Released, Unreleased, Valid, Invalid, and Total Incidents:
1. Number of Incident Key Modules
2. Number of Fire Modules
3. Number of Structure Fire Modules
4. Number of Civilian Casualty Modules
5. Number of Fire Service Casualty Modules
6. Number of EMS Modules
7. Number of Hazmat Modules
8. Number of Wildland Modules
9. Number of Arson Modules
10. Number of Apparatus Modules
11. Number of Personnel Modules
1. Date Range
2. Group Selection
3. Sort
The SQL in an Actuate report can address two levels: the Report level and the Field Level. Report level SQL retrieves a full dataset for the report. Field level SQL is generally used to sum or count values from the overall data retrieved at the Report Level.
A. Report SQL: Data Inventory By FDID report retrieves incidents in INCIDENTKEY. Incidents on this report are limited by the user-entered Group Level. (Although this report summarizes at the State Level, its data is potentially limited by the user entered Group Level).
The SQL statement that performs the main retrieval from the INCIDENTKEY table contains a number of sub-select statements that perform COUNTS at the Incident level (these counts are done at the Version, Released/Unreleased, Status, and Total level). For all of these COUNTS, Mutual Aid Given and Exposure incidents are EXCLUDED.
1. FDCount: A Count of FD_HEADER records within the State contained on the FD_HEADER record for the FDID.
2. FiresCount: A Count of IN_FIRE records at the Incident Level.
B.Data Inventory by FDID (continued)
3. StructureCount: A Count of FIRE_STRUCTURE records at the Incident Level.
4. CAS_CivCount: A Count of CAS_CIVILIAN records at the Incident Level.
5. CAS_FSCount: A Count of CAS_FIRESERVICE records at the Incident Level.
6. HazmatCount: A Count of IN_HAZMAT records at the Incident Level. 7. WildlandCount: A Count of FIRE_WILDLAND records at the Incident Level.
7. ArsonCount: A Count of IN_ARSON records at the Incident Level.
8. ApparatusCount: A Count of IN_APPARATUS records at the Incident Level.
9. PersonnelCount: A Count of IN_PERSONNEL records at the Incident Level.
10 EMSCount: A Count of IN_BASIC records where IN_BASIC is joined to ATTR_CODE and ATTR_CODE.CODECAT = 100 and ATTR_CODE.PARENTCODEVALUE in ('3','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38')
B.Field SQL: Individual statistic rows on the report are summarized at the FDID level. All of these statistics are based upon the counts generated at the incident level in the Report SQL. The Field level SQL for this report can be broken into two functions: SQL for categorizing record counts into rows on the report and SQL for calculations residing on each row:
- Number of Incidents: Count of all rows in the result set at the FDID level.
- Number of Fires: Summary of FiresCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Structure Fires: Summary of StructureCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Civilian Casualties: Summary of CAS_CivCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Fire Service Casualties: Summary of CAS_FSCount at the FDID level.
- Number of EMS Incidents: Summary of EMSCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Hazmat Incidents: Summary of HazmatCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Wildland Incidents: Summary of WildlandCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Arson Incidents: Summary of ArsonCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Apparatus Records: Summary of ApparatusCount at the FDID level.
- Number of Personnel Records: Summary of PersonnelCount at the FDID level.
- Version: Break out of incidents by INCIDENTKEY.IN_NFIRSVERSION into 4.1 and 5.0 columns.
- Validity: Break out of incidents by INCIDENTKEY.IN_STATUS into Valid and Invalid columns.
- Release: Break out of incidents by INCIDENTKEY.IN_RELEASE into Released and Unreleased columns.
- No Activity: Count of those Incidents that have ONLY an INCIDENTKEY record.
C.Data Quality
Executable Name: DataQuality
Report Summary: Measures the quality of incident data contained in the various modules associated with a group of Incidents.
The purpose of the Data Quality report is to provide users with information as to the “completeness” of Incident data entered into the NFIRS system. The Data Quality report was originally available through the NFIRS 5.0 Data Entry Tool On-Line Reporting Tool and has been recreated in its original format for the web-based Reports. A page is generated for each of the possible NFIRS modules that may be present for an incident. Within each module or page, the data present in the database for the Incidents selected is analyzed for completeness and content. Database fields within each module are listed as rows on the report page. Each row contains values indicating whether data has been entered and the quality of the data that has been entered.
Fields contained on the report page include:
- Database Field Name
- Present - Number of Incidents with Data Present for field
- % Present - Percent Data Present for field
- Blanks - Number of Incidents with No Data Present for field
- Zeros - Number of Incidents with Zero in field (used for numeric fields only)
- Undetermined - Number of Incidents with “Unknown” in field (used for Coded Fields only)
- None - Number of Incidents with “None” in field (used for Coded Fields only)
- Other - Number of Incidents with “Other” in field (used for Coded Fields only)
- Date Range
- Group Selection
- Status
- Version
- Released
The SQL in an Actuate report may lie at both the Report and at the Field Level. Report level SQL Level retrieves a full dataset for the report. Field level SQL is generally used to sum or count values from the overall data retrieved at the Report Level.
A.Report SQL: The actual report SQL for the Data Quality report is broken down into separate statements for each Module/Page. Thus, the INCIDENTKEY table is joined to the following tables (each generating a distinct report page):
The report SQL joins these tables to INCIDENTKEY based upon the user entered report parameters discussed above.
C.Data Quality (continued)
B. Field SQL: Calculations for report fields are as follows:
1. Present: Count of Incidents where value for field indicated is not null (empty), zero (numeric fields) and not Undetermined, None, or Other (coded fields only).
2. % Present: Present (from above) divided by (Present + Blanks).
3. Blanks: Count of Incidents where value for field indicated is null (empty).
4. Zeros: Count of Incidents where value for field indicated is equal to zero (applies to numeric fields only).