Web Address: www.oak-meadow.us

Approved Board of Directors' Meeting – May 8, 2013

Board Members in Attendance: Homeowners in Attendance:

Randy Walther Lynn Astrach

Martha Fredendall Brent Israel

Greg Beightel

Anita MacQueen

FCP Staff in Attendance:

Kim Smeins, First Choice Properties

The OMHA Board of Directors' meeting was called to order

at 5:35 PM on Wednesday, May 8, 2013,

at the meeting room located in the US BANK Building,

1901 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601.

Meeting called to order by Randy Walther.

QUORUM ESTABLISHED: A quorum was present.

Election of Officers: Greg Beightel made a Motion for Randy Walther as President. Motion seconded by Anita MacQueen. The Motion was passed unanimously. Greg Beightel moved to open nominations for Secretary. Randy Walther nominated Martha Fredendall. Motion was seconded by Anita MacQueen. Motion was passed unanimously. Greg Beightel moved to open nominations for Treasurer. Martha Fredendall nominated Cliff Colia. Motion was seconded by Randy Walther. Motion was passed unanimously. Randy Walther, Greg Beightel and Cliff Colia will be signators on the bank accounts.


Martha Fredendall made a Motion to Amend the March 13, 2013, Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes to removed “until the next Board meeting” under Paragragh 2, Old Business. Motion was seconded by Randy Walther. Motion passed unanimously. Martha made a Motion to approve the Minutes with the correction. Motion seconded by Randy Walther. Motion passed unanimously.


No Homeowner Forum


Approval of Expenditures: Randy Walther Motioned to approve the expenditures, seconded by Martha Fredendall and passed unanimously.

Bookkeeping Review: Statements were not available.

Hindman-Sanchez Update: FCP to get more details on the Rojo foreclosure. Board agreed that the collection policy should be followed whether or not a Board, or ex-Board, member is delinquent.


1) Tennis Court Contract: The price from Gould Construction to remove the tennis courts is $52,715. Discussion on repairs to tennis courts. Anita MacQeen Motioned to repair the tennis courts per the Contract. Martha Fredendall seconded the Motion. Ayes – 3; Nays – 1. Motion passed.

2) Increased pricing for RV spaces: Tabled to January 2014 Meeting.

3) Vacated parking spaces: Update from FCP on Applications for parking spaces and availability.

4) Snow plowing/sanding: Anita MacQueen will be the contact to make the decision on when to plow/sand.

5) Greg Beightel brought up cleaning driveway culverts. Homeowners need to inspect their driveway culverts and clean them out if they are clogged. Please note that there may be no time to give a notice to the Homeowner if the HOA has to clean out the culvert. If the HOA has to have a Homeowner’s culvert cleaned out, the Homeowner will be charged for the service. The best way to clean out your culvert is to have high pressure water sent through the culvert. You can contact companies who offer jetting services.


1) Credit Card Usage: Discussion on pros and cons of using the on-line payment service. Annual parking fees may be paid on-line. You can pay dues on-line by going to www.oak-meadows.us.

2) Grass Cutting: Cutting will begin next week. Randy Walther will walk the areas to be cut with the company at that time. Lynn Astrach requested wider paths be cut at the ditches.

3) Secure Website: Lynn Astrach brought up securing the HOA website for privacy protection. Discussion on the pros and cons. The Board decided the website will be left as is.

4) Overflow Parking: Gould Construction has put down new gravel and rolled it.

5) Fire Mitigation Plan: Randy Walther and Martha Fredendall have spoken to Ron Bigger. Discussion with Ron about an escape plan. Ron indicated there is no plan that exists but he is willing to meet to discuss one. Randy will do a walk-through with Ron and come put with a plan. There was discussion on funding available from the government.

Homeowners are reminded to clean out their gutters and remove any wood stacked near their homes. Homeowners can sign up for reverse 911 by going to www.garfield-county.com and click on “Register Now for Garfield County 911 Emergency Notification.”

May 31, 2013 at the New Castle Fire Station, there will be discussion on fire prevention and hazards in the area.

6) Tree Pruning: Randy Walther will follow-up on bear damage to cherry tree.

7) 2009 Survey: N/A

8) Mail Box Repair on E. Sunlight Ct: Repairs have been completed. Randy Walther will remove the steel fence posts.

9) D&O Insurance: Randy Walther stated there were no issues with the coverage limit.

10) Randy Walther showed pictures of trucks that are parked in the N. Meadow View visitor and snow storage parking and campers parked in the other snow storage and visitor parking area and asked if anyone know who owned the vehicles and campers. Randy will put notes on them to move their vehicles and campers. A reminder to all Homeowners that the snow storage and visitor parking cannot be used for long-term parking or storage.

11) Lynn Astrach asked who decides who is on the Architectural Committee. See Oak Meadows Ranch Supplemental Declaration, Filing 4B, Phase One (1), Paragraph 3.4, Architectural Control Committee (Page 5).

ADJOURNMENT: 7:15 p.m.

NEXT MEETING: July 10, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. at US Bank

Minutes Submitted by:

Kim Smeins

Prepared by: Kim Smeins

First Choice Properties & Management, Inc.

252 Coryell Ridge Road

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601