11 Sunset Way, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone 702-968-2005 / Email
Please select your Roseman contact person:
Darla Zarley C. Leiana Oswald Erin Johanson Andrew Draper
Office Phone: / Ext.: / Cell: / Pager:Preceptor Email (required):
Name of secondary preceptor (optional):
Secondary Preceptor Email (optional):
Street Address:
City: / State: / Zip:Main Pharmacy Phone: / Ext.: / Fax:
Site Web Address:
Name of Pharmacy Director or PIC:
LICENSE INFORMATIONPlease list states in which you are currently licensed:
State: / License Number:State: / License Number:
State: / License Number:
Have you ever been disciplined for violating any state or federal laws governing the practice of pharmacy?
Yes No If yes, please provide details:
Are you the subject of any pending disciplinary action by any licensing board?
Yes No If yes, please provide details:
DEGREES AND EDUCATIONDegree: / School: / Year:
Degree: / School: / Year:
Have you completed residency training? Yes No If yes, please check all that apply:
Community / Health System / Ambulatory Care / Acute Care / General / AdministrativeSpecialty: / Other:
Which of the following credentials have you obtained (check all that apply):
AE-C / BCPS / BCPP / BCNSP / BCNP / BCOP / BC-ADM / CDE / CGPCDM (please specify disease state): / Other:
Have you completed any certificate training courses? Yes No If yes, please provide details below:
PRECEPTOR INFORMATIONHow long have you been employed at your site:
Do you have a current faculty appointment with a school or college of pharmacy? Yes No
If yes, what other colleges/universities are you associated with?
Have you completed or attended a preceptor training program? Yes No If yes, please specify below:
Topic: / Sponsor: / Year:Topic: / Sponsor: / Year:
Topic: / Sponsor: / Year:
Describe why you wish to participate in the training of future pharmacists:
How do you see your role, as a preceptor, in the education of students?
SITE INFORMATIONDoes this site offer residency training? Yes No If yes, what training is provided?
Does this site offer immunizations? Yes No
Does this site offer blood pressure screenings? Yes No
What patient populations are served?
Will students have access to drug information references and/or a library? Yes No
Will students have access to patient information? Yes No
Will students have an opportunity to interact with or counsel patients? Yes No
Will students have access to other health care professionals? Yes No
Will students be involved with pharmaceutical care and provide therapeutic recommendations? Yes No
What activities, projects, or assignments are required of students?
Prerequisite rotations required? Yes No If yes, please specify:
Approximate # of prescriptions filled per day:
Number of beds if hospital:
Do you have a rotation syllabus/schedule for students to follow? Yes (if yes, please attach a copy) No
Site Hours: / MON / TUE / WED / THR / FRI / SAT / SUNBriefly describe the characteristics of your rotation experience and any unique features:
I agree to notify the APPE Coordinator should an unexpected absence interrupt student rotations or should I have any concerns during the course of the rotation.
I understand that I may be required to attend preceptor trainings as presented by the university.
I understand the importance of communicating with rotation students on a regular basis. I am willing to meet with the student to discuss their performance, goals, and expectations (at minimum):
a)On the first day of the rotation.
b)At mid-point, when we will also go over the mid-point assessment.
c)Prior to the end of the rotation, when we will go over the final assessment.
I am willing to dedicate time to provide continuous feedback to my rotation student(s).