Digital Volunteer

The Roma Support Group is looking for a Digital Volunteer.

Context: The Roma Support Group (RSG) is the only Roma-led charity in the UK. Since its founding in 1998, the organisation has assisted thousands of Roma families in accessing welfare, housing, education and employment, as well as empowering Roma communities through a wide range of advocacy and cultural programmes.

Purpose of the role: To help our organisation develop its online presence.

Main Responsibilities:

  • support with developing and monitoring our website
  • help to create e-bulletins
  • help set up social media platforms

Candidate Specifications:

  • Empathy for Roma refugees and migrants
  • Wordpress and Facebook knowledge
  • proofreading skills
  • creativity

How to apply:

To apply for this position you should email your application form to . Please write “DigitalVolunteer Recruitment” in the subject of your email.

You can also send your application form by post to:

Roma Support Group

P.O. Box 23610

London, E7 0XB

Thank you for your interest!

Roma Support Group (RSG)

Volunteer Registration Pack

Roma Support Group

P.O. Box 23610

London, E7 0XB

Phone: 020 7511 8245

Mobile: 07949 089 778

Fax: 020 7511 0822

Dear Candidate for a Volunteer position,

Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a Volunteer with the Roma Support Group. Please find enclosed a Volunteer Registration Form and Equal Opportunity Form. Please complete all the relevant forms and return to us by email to: or by post: Roma Support Group, PO Box 23610, London E7 0XB.

Kind regards,

Sylvia Ingmire

RSG CEO/ Co-ordinator

Roma Support Group (RSG)

Volunteer Registration Form

First Name(s):
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Languages spoken:

1/ For how long approximately are you planning to volunteer for the RSG (e.g. few months/ year/ do not know)?

2/ How many hours/days per week/month/year would you like to volunteer for the RSG?

3/ Why did you choose to volunteer for the position of the Policy and Information Volunteer at the RSG and what experience (if any) do you have for this role?

4/ What is your knowledge of Roma and their culture?

5/ Your comments and questions:



Roma Support Group

Volunteer Equal Opportunities Form

First Name
Gender / Female
Age/ Date of Birth
White – British
White – East European
White - Any other white background
Please describe:
Black- African
Black - Caribbean
Black other
Please describe:
Asian - Pakistani
Asian - Bangladeshi
Asian – Other Asian background
Please describe:
Other ethnic group
Please describe:
Do not wish to disclose
Do you have disability? / Yes
Please describe
Do not wish to disclose

In the interest of the RSG Equal Opportunities Policy RSG staff and volunteers are asked to complete this questionnaire. This information will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for the purpose of equal opportunities monitoring only.