Board of Directors meeting
March 06, 2014
1274 Kuhn, Salemi Insurance Office
Tony Amodio-Parliamentarian Present
Linda Janczkowski-Secretary Present
Wes Sowa-Treasurer Present
Bo Boguslawski-Assistant Treasurer Present
Ken Lietz- President Present
George Steinhardt-Assistant Secretary Present
Doug Salemi-Vice President Present
Meeting called to order by Ken at 6:02 PM.
Wes made a motion to accept the minutes of January 09, 2013 meeting, George seconded. All in favor minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report: Wes submitted reports for December 19, 2013 to January 18, 2014 and January 19, 2014 to February 18, 2014. New invoices for payment were related to the preparation and mailing of association dues and the 1st payment for Environmental Aquatic Management. The Board approved the reports as submitted.
Delinquent Owners: Remaining 4 delinquent, all 4 are not in distress.
Entranceways: Per Doug, Dick is still working on lighting project. Possible upgraded solar lights. Need better quality solar as next step, Linda to investigate and provide recommendation. Doug will send eBay option to Linda.
Ken to get agreement on sign-off for easements for middle entrance. Ken to get current easement document from legal.
Common Ground:
Need to put gravel around benches, beds by berms. Need to adjust height on signs in springs.
Will review status of front walls after winter is over.
Coyote Control: Concern was expressed related to pest control. Per discussion Doug had with Illinois State Conservation Police in Bartlett we can use bow & arrow on common ground since we all own that property. Hunting license required. Doug contacted a wildlife trapper $500/trap. Won’t catch necessarily coyote. To live with them, get rid of garbage, brush. Board will not hire trapper at this time.
Community Involvement: no report
Garage Sale: Linda to see if Yvette will again coordinate signs (Doug will handle Craigslist listing). Propose 3rd weekend of May 16th & 17th . Second date in July 25th and 26th.
Landscaping: Scardino agreed to same price as prior year. All approved in favor of accepting Scardino’s proposal.
Other Topics:
Jasper Meats asked opinion about expanding, but only expanding parking lot for retail. Not expanding footprint. No issues with association.
Home on Drake has had an old TV in front yard for months. Linda to send letter to them to tell them Bloomingdale township first Sat of every month will take for free.
Next Meeting is May 8, 2014 at Ken’s house.
Bo made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Doug. All in favor. Meeting
adjourned at 06:57PM.
Submitted: Linda Janczkowski, secretary