Presidents Message

Events of the past week have given us all moments to pause and reflect on where our great country is going, and how to change its course back to the vision our Founding Fathers had in…. the GLORIOUS CAUSE that became our great Republic.... THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Our trust in the correct course to save our country is simple...The bedrock supreme law of the land THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Its articles and amendments will serve as the touchstone we all need to follow when selecting candidates therefore giving our consent to govern us.

We are surrounded daily with emotional irrational assessments of every horrible event complete with self serving solutions that wrongly champion one solution or another. Immigration is such an issue. Make no mistake we must correct this. Our Founding Fathers championed immigration, proper immigration. We are all immigrants seeking, in accordance with the Declaration of Independence, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitles us...... we endorse the truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are all endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.

Multi-culturalism has no part in this process. The only course is complete assimilation to our way of life and to the Constitution of the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt wrote the following musing on immigration after his Presidency shortly before his death."In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

During the last several days the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS HARRY S TRUMAN (CVN75) has been in the news finally starting meaningful strikes against appropriate targets to disrupt ISIS, ISIL, or DAESH whatever you want to call them. These are the same types of missions that my ship trained to conduct during the 40 months I was in command. The make up of the crew is of huge interest to us,. There are Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Muslim on the crew. All 100% assimilated to our way of life with one allegiance to our country, flag, and Constitution. However, there is another aspect of the crew that does not get much notice. The LEGAL immigrant crew menbers that are not yet AMERCIAN CITIZENS. They work just as hard, and just as long, and are just as dedicated to our country, flag, and Constitution. Every year we naturalized about 25 sailors as new American Citizens. I cannot speak to the numbers on The USS HARRY S TRUMAN but I would suspect they are similar. I have been proud, I am proud, and will always remain proud to call these immigrants SHIPMATE and AMERICAN HEROs as they pursue their quest to become citizens of the greatest country in the world.

Please join us for our June, July, and August meetings as we learn more about the candidates and their strategic visions to represent "we the people" for all of the elected positions from federal to local level.

Please remember all of the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen deployed around the world protecting our freedoms in all of your prayers throughout the summer.

God Bless America

David Lausman, President TVRC

Meeting Minutes

TVRC Minutes for the May 26, 2016 Meeting

At SAVANNAH Recreation Center

David Lausman, President, called the meeting to order at 7PM at The Savannah Recreation Center.

David Lausman gave the Invocation, and Joe Elliot led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mike Gleim, Secretary announced that the Minutes of the April meeting had been distributed to the membership by email in the newsletter, and asked for any corrections. No corrections were suggested, so a motion was made, seconded, and adopted without objection to accept the Minutes as written.

Ron McMahon Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s report, balance from consolidation of the merged club accounts now stands at $8,296.47. A motion was made, seconded, and adopted without objection to accept the Treasurer’s Report.

John Black, as Membership Chair introduced six new members. As State Committeeman he then made a detailed report on the RPOF quarterly meeting on May 13-14 in Tampa.

President Dave Lausman then introduced the following:


County Commissioners – Al Butler,

Constitutional Officers – Randy Mask

Superintendent of Schools – Richard “Rick” Shirley

SCREC – John Calandro (chair), Doug Smiley (vice-chair), John Black (state committeeman)

Villages Government – Ron McMahon (CDD7)

NSCUDD – Gary Davis, Dominic Berardi

The President then allowed candidates to introduce themselves and the offices for which they were running.

JenniferBoyette - School Board Candidate

Rozanne Grady - School Board Candidate

John Temple - School Superintendent Candidate

Rick Shirley - School Superintendent Candidate

Justin Grabelle - US Congress 11th CD Candidate

Andrew Tynell representing Dan Webster - US Congress 11th CD Candidate

Randy Mask - Tax Collector

Al Butler - Sumter Cnty Commissioner

Joe Elliott - Wildwood City Commission - Candidate

Ron McMahon - board of Supervisors CDD 7

Andrew Tynell (representing Dan Webster) US Congress Candidate

Club Announcements - There were no special announcements by other clubs.

New Business (David Lausman)

·  Reminded the club that The Villages Republican HQ is expected to be up and running on Saturday, July 9 in the LSL Market Square area next to the Bass shoe store. Our club will provide key staff on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3-8, and Dave again asked for volunteers to work in the HQ, especially on the days we are responsible for staffing.

·  The Republican Party BBQ will be on August 13 at Savannah Center, exact time TBD. We are also looking for help with this event, please contact John Black if willing to help.

·  The July Meeting will be devoted to meeting the candidates for U.S. Congress.

·  John Black, State Committeeman – Sumter County, reported on the RPOF Quarterly meeting in Tampa Florida. (see report section)

50/50: Walter Lazinski awarded THREE 50/50 WINNERS!

Marie & Walter Lazinski provided our refreshments and welcomed our Guests.

Educational Candidates Night

Rozanne Grady - School Board Candidate

JenniferBoyett - School Board Candidate

John Temple - School Superintendent Candidate

Rick Shirley - School Superintendent Candidate

Each of the candidates was given 5 minutes to introduce themselves to the club members, tell us something about why they want the office, and what their qualifications are. Some candidates actually stayed within the five minute limit.

A motion for adjournment of the formal part of the meeting was approved and seconded at 7:40 p.m., with the remainder of the normal time devoted to letting members meet with the candidates individually.

Next meeting is on June 23, 2016 at Savannah Center.

Meet and Greet at 6:30 (candidates may meet with members and pass out literature). Meeting to start promptly at 7:00 PM. Topic to be an introduction to candidates for U.S. Congress, followed by members talking with all candidates individually.

Respectfully submitted,


RPOF Report

RPOF Quarterly Meeting

May 13 – 14, Tampa Florida

I attended the RPOF Quarterly meeting May 13 – 14, 2016 in Tampa Florida. The meeting hosted REC Chairman, State Committeemen/ women from all around the State of Florida.

The RPOF President, Blaise Engoglia called the meeting to order on Friday Morning. The RPOF board and Staff were in attendance throughout the meetings.

The agenda encompassed some 36 committee meetings and caucuses. I chose those meetings and caucuses that I felt were of interest to our REC and Club, as well as attending the SCM/SCW and CD 11 Caucus.

As Chairman Blaise noted that the RPOF was committed on educating the membership as well as Beating Hillary Clinton !!! In regard to the former, I attended presentations on Introduction to Political Polling, Cleveland 2016: How the Convention Process is conducted and the top 10 Things you should know from the Florida Legislative Secession.

The political polling presentation was in detail. The presenters encouraged that REC’s conduct the polling to gain information, not only for the Presidential Election, but even more importantly for the other offices being pursued during this election cycle. Garnering this information helps to make the REC’s a valued resource for the other Republican candidates during the election cycle. This is a sophisticated and people intensive process and takes time. At this point we may be too late to get desired information for this election cycle I have a copy of the hand out and sample survey for review. However, this is something we should consider for upcoming election cycles to help us focus on what areas in the county may need our focus.

The convention process discussion was very interesting and timely. Mr. Pinnell, RNC State Party Director, explained how the voting would be conducted and the process for an open and contested convention. This was very informative and timely. Mr. Pinnell had a number of fascinating statistics to share with the crowd.

State Senator Kelli Stargel and Matt Hudson, House Speaker Pro Tem, presented the top 10 most pressing amendments and bills in the Florida Senate and House. I have a copy of their presentation for review.

Communications was and is a major topic in engaging the voting public. I attended a “Digital Engagement Committee” meeting with a presentation by a member of the Google Election group. It was noted that 50+% of all searches conducted on Google are done on mobile devices. Millenniums spend 3.4 hours on their mobile devices searching each day. The average voter reviews the political information on the internet some 85 times before making a decision. Displays on the devices are the most used to get the information out. Currently, Google is seeing 95% of the advertizing money is spent on displays vs. text. We need to become more proficient on using the internet to GOTV (Get Out The Vote). A possible tool to help us would be Google.com/ads/elections. Something we may need to study.

In the evening I attended the SCM/SCW caucus. There were committeemen & women from all over the state. Candidates running for Senate each had an opportunity to address the group. The speakers included Lt. Governor Carlos-Lopez-Cantera, Carlos Beruff, Ron DeSantis, Todd Wilcox, David Jolly and others.

Joe Guters, Vice Chairman RPOF, is the state Co-chair for the Donald Trump for President. He encouraged those in attendance get the word out. We have got to go door-to-door and encourage the defeat of Hillary Clinton and support of our Republican Candidates, Federal and Local! It was noted that this effort has seen some progress there are seven (7) counties in Florida that have been flipped from Blue to RED! It can be done.

There was a discussion of the Florida Coalition of School Board Members, by President Erika Donalds. She was encouraging the support of conservative school board members to join. The coalition stands for Fiscal Responsibility, Choice and Parental Control, Student Centered on Local Control, Balance of Accountability in Reasonableness in Assessment, Cooperative Relationships with legislators. Information can be seen on their website .

The following day I attended the breakfast with guest speakers Attorney General Pam Bondi and Radio personality Dan Bongino. Both presentations were good and timely.

Later in the morning I attended the CD 11 Caucus. Mr. Mike Moberley led the caucus. We discussed the selection process of the Florida Delegates to the RNC and Mr. Moberely was given many “kudos” for his leadership in the process. Additionally, we discussed what was required to set up the county head quarters. We were strongly encouraged to include the RPOF in the headquarters. The Fed Elections Commission is clamping down on headquarter reporting and donations. We have a RPOF contact, Roseanne Rodriguez, to work with. I have her contact information.

In summary it was a great experience. If we Republicans want to win this election, which is shaping up to be one of the most important and non conventional elections cycles in election history, we have to unify, energize and get out the vote.


John N. Black

State Committeeman, Sumter County

Volunteers Needed

We are in need of volunteers to help with various tasks for the BBQ on Saturday August 13, 2016. If you are interested, please contact, John Black @ . It will be a fun time.