Lesson Plans

Week of February 8-February 12

Date: Monday, February 8, 2016
Subject: Reading
2.15 B I can use common graphic features (captions, photographs, diagrams, and index) to help me understand what I read in nonfiction.
Success Criteria:
I can identify different nonfiction text features in my independent reading and what they are used for.
I can list these features in a t chart during independent reading
I can create a nonfiction text feature booklet that can help me apply these features to my own booklet.
Vocabulary: incubating, arrange (from Gail Gibbons Penguins!)
Word Wall: stop, live, worn, during
Spelling Principle: plurals with s and es.
Mini-Lesson: Monitor Comprehension p. 18 Exploring Nonfiction Text Features. Need Taking a Trip and Fly with a Butterfly from Primary Comprehension Toolkit. This week in independent reading, students use white piece of paper and write down nonfiction text features and what their purpose is.
Materials: Computer Paper folded in half.
Introduce Stations:
GT: Work on TPSP-works on Tornado website.
Create own model of a planet with different landforms.
Form questions about Tornado.
Station with text features: Buddy Reading
Station Menu.
1. NewsELA.
TEK 2.19A I can plan a first draft for my All About Book by discovering a topic I’m interested in.
Success Criteria:
I can explore nonfiction topics to discover what I’m interested in.
Over time, I can develop questions about the topic I want to research by looking at visuals and words.
Materials: All About Books from library, Power Write.
Day 1 of Identifying facts in a visual. Monday
1. Power write
1. Remind students that we can look at pictures and describe what we see. I can get information from the pictures first, that will help me with my research.
2. Pull up Gail Gibbons Penguin Book and Question Web from yesterday in their writer’s workshop notebooks.
3. Demonstrate how we can make a circle map like we did last week for one of our questions about our animal. This would be easy for how big they get or what they look like.
4. Model how to look at a question and then find a picture in the book that looks like it might answer the question.
5. List all things about the picture that would have to do with the question in my writer's workshop journal.
6. Have students look at their research book and draw a circle map in their notebook writing things down about the picture they see.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Lesson 3 Exploring Nonfiction Text Features pp. 32-39. Booklets are used for a minor reading and language grade at the end of the week. Students work on these at independent reading and buddy reading time in stations. Minor reading grade.
Subject: Writing
TEK 2.19A I can plan a first draft for my All About Book by discovering a topic I’m interested in.
Success Criteria:
I can explore nonfiction topics to discover what I’m interested in.
Over time, I can develop questions about the topic I want to research.
Day 2 Identifying facts in a visual. Tuesday
Lesson 2-Identifying Facts From a Visual Day 2
1. Go back to circle map drawn from yesterday about Penguins.
2. Say, now that we have our thinking map for one of our questions, we need to begin putting our research in sentences for what we've seen.
3. Demonstrate using Think Aloud strategy from the Process Research Handout in writing sentences. Remind them of last week when they found the main idea of groups of words. Encourage them to do that here.
4. Think aloud how you would do it. Then encourage students to do the same with their research partner or by themselves.
5. Pass out organizer folder.
6. Tell students that for each envelope, they write one of their questions on it.
7. They will put their notecard in the envelope as they write their sentences.
8. They then can decorate the folder with a picture of their animal and write the animal's name on it. Continue tomorrow.
Lesson 2-Identifying Facts From a Visual Day 3
1. Go back to Penguin research
2. Say, now that we have our research done for one of our questions, we need to begin putting our research in sentences for what we've seen.
3. Demonstrate using Think Aloud strategy from the Process Research Handout in writing sentences. Remind them of last week when they found the main idea of groups of words. Encourage them to do that here.
4. Think aloud how you would do it. Then encourage students to do the same with their research partner or by themselves.
5. Pass out organizer folder.
6. Tell students that for each envelope, they write one of their questions on it.
7. They will put their notecard in the envelope as they write their sentences.
8. They then can decorate the folder with a picture of their animal and write the animal's name on it. Continue Thursday and Friday. Demonstrate for other questions as needed and meet with guided reading groups in conferencing to give students help in this area.
Social Studies
TEK: 2.6A I can identify major landforms and bodies of water on maps and globes.
Success Criteria:
I can use Google Earth to identify landforms.
I can create a booklet identifying different landforms with a picture of the landform.
I can write a definition of each landform.
Social Studies I can
TEKS 6.AIdentify major landforms and bodies of water, including each of the continents and each of the oceans, on maps and globes.
6.BLocate places of significance, including the local community, Texas, the state capital, the U.S. capital, major cities in Texas, the coast of Texas, Canada, Mexico, and the United States on maps and globes.
6.CExamine information from various sources about places and regions.
  • Identify physical features of Earth, such as landforms andbodies of water.
  • Describe how the location of landforms and bodiesof water are shown on physical maps.
  • Recognize that the world is divided into different areaspolitically, such as towns, states, and countries.
  • Locate places and regions of significance on maps,including types of physical features and national borders.
Social Studies TEKS 6.AIdentify major landforms and bodies of water, including each of the continents and each of the oceans, on maps and globes. 6.BLocate places of significance, including the local community, Texas, the state capital, the U.S. capital, major cities in Texas, the coast of Texas, Canada, Mexico, and the United States on maps and globes. 6.CExamine information from various sources about places and regions.
DIGITAL ACTIVITY: Lesson Introduction Time: 5 min
1.Ask students what they already know about landforms. Turn and talk and write what they know on the board.
2.Explain that we will be watching a video on Brain Pop Jr. that will allow them to discover different landforms, then we will create a booklet that we can show to others about landforms, teaching them about it.
3.Show Brain Pop Video and pass out booklets (premade as flip books).
4.Begin having students explore different landforms using the Chromebooks and internet. Create booklets this week and next.
DIGITAL ACTIVITY: Got It? Time: 10 min
Students will work with partners using Google Earth to create a landform booklet where they will:
  1. Draw a picture of the landform and label it.
  2. Write a definition of the landform in their own words.
  3. Color their landform and booklets for neatness.
  4. Examples of each.
  5. Landforms to identify:
  6. Hills
  7. Ocean
  8. River
  9. Valley
  10. Mountain
  11. Lake
  12. Plain
  13. Island
  14. Peninsula
GT: Will create their own country with three out of the five landforms and label each. Student will say where they want to live and why.
Day 1: Google Earth Application: How to use and explore
Day 2: Hills, Mountains, Plains
Day 3: Island, Peninsula
Day 4: Ocean, River, Lake
Day 5: Valley
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
TEK: 2.13A I can identify the main idea of an article and tell the difference between the main idea and topic.
Success Criteria:
I can identify the topic of what I read.
I can explain the main idea of what I readd
Vocabulary: incubating, arrange (from Gail Gibbons Penguins!)
Word Wall: stop, live, worn, during
Spelling Principle: plurals with s and es.
Lesson: Main idea vs. Topic using Penguins by Gail Gibbons. Students will discover the difference between the topic vs the main idea of what they read during read aloud. They then continue to work on their nonfiction text features booklet.
Subject: Writing
TEK 2.19A I can plan a first draft for my All About Book by discovering a topic I’m interested in.
Success Criteria:
I can explore nonfiction topics to discover what I’m interested in.
Over time, I can develop questions about the topic I want to research.
Power Write. Nothing else due to library today.

Social Studies

TEK: 2.6A I can identify major landforms and bodies of water on maps and globes.
Success Criteria:
I can use Google Earth to identify landforms.
I can create a booklet identifying different landforms.
I can write a definition of each landform.
Introduction Continue from yesterday, Orcutt’s Class Map Testing
  1. Ask students what they already know about landforms. Turn and talk and write what they know on the board.
5.Explain that we will be watching a video on Brain Pop Jr. that will allow them to discover different landforms, then we will create a booklet that we can show to others about landforms, teaching them about it.
6.Show Brain Pop Video and pass out booklets (premade as flip books).
7.Begin having students explore different landforms using the Chromebooks and internet. Create booklets this week and next.
DIGITAL ACTIVITY: Got It? Time: 10 min
Students will work with partners using Google Earth to create a landform booklet where they will:
  1. Draw a picture of the landform and label it.
  2. Write a definition of the landform in their own words.
  3. Color their landform and booklets for neatness.
  4. Examples of each.
  5. Landforms to identify:
  6. Hills
  7. Ocean
  8. River
  9. Valley
  10. Mountain
  11. Lake
  12. Plain
  13. Island
  14. Peninsula
GT: Will create their own country with three out of the five landforms and label each. Student will say where they want to live and why.
Day 1: Google Earth Application: How to use and explore
Day 2: Hills, Mountains, Plains
Day 3: Island, Peninsula
Day 4: Ocean, River, Lake
Day 5: Valley
Date: Thursday, February 11, and Friday, February 12 2016
Subject: Reading
TEK: 2.3B I can ask questions of nonfiction texts and use evidence from the text or another source to find the answer.
Success Criteria:
I can ask a question for what I read.
I can find the answers to what I read in the text or in another source.
Vocabulary: incubating, arrange (from Gail Gibbons Penguins!)
Word Wall: stop, live, worn, during
Spelling Principle: plurals with s and es.
Reading Benchmark over two days on nonfiction and fiction.
Subject: Writing
TEK 2.19A I can plan a first draft for my All About Book by discovering a topic I’m interested in.
Success Criteria:
I can explore nonfiction topics to discover what I’m interested in.
I can develop questions about the topic I want to research.
I can use pictures in books to find answers for some of my questions.
Lesson 2-Identifying Facts From a Visual Day 3
1. Go back to Penguin research
2. Say, now that we have our research done for one of our questions, we need to begin putting our research in sentences for what we've seen.
3. Demonstrate using Think Aloud strategy from the Process Research Handout in writing sentences. Remind them of last week when they found the main idea of groups of words. Encourage them to do that here.
4. Think aloud how you would do it. Then encourage students to do the same with their research partner or by themselves.
5. Pass out organizer folder.
6. Tell students that for each envelope, they write one of their questions on it.
7. They will put their notecard in the envelope as they write their sentences.
8. They then can decorate the folder with a picture of their animal and write the animal's name on it. Continue Thursday and Friday. Demonstrate for other questions as needed and meet with guided reading groups in conferencing to give students help in this area.
Social Studies
TEK: 2.6A I can identify major landforms and bodies of water on maps and globes.
Success Criteria:
I can use Google Earth to identify landforms.
I can create a booklet identifying different landforms.
I can write a definition of each landform.
Introduction Continue from yesterday.
  1. Ask students what they already know about landforms. Turn and talk and write what they know on the board.
8.Explain that we will be watching a video on Brain Pop Jr. that will allow them to discover different landforms, then we will create a booklet that we can show to others about landforms, teaching them about it.
9.Show Brain Pop Video and pass out booklets (premade as flip books).
10.Begin having students explore different landforms using the Chromebooks and internet. Create booklets this week and next.
DIGITAL ACTIVITY: Got It? Time: 10 min
Students will work with partners using Google Earth to create a landform booklet where they will:
  1. Draw a picture of the landform and label it.
  2. Write a definition of the landform in their own words.
  3. Color their landform and booklets for neatness.
  4. Examples of each.
  5. Landforms to identify:
  6. Hills
  7. Ocean
  8. River
  9. Valley
  10. Mountain
  11. Lake
  12. Plain
  13. Island
  14. Peninsula
GT: Will create their own country with three out of the five landforms and label each. Student will say where they want to live and why.
Day 1: Google Earth Application: How to use and explore
Day 2: Hills, Mountains, Plains
Day 3: Island, Peninsula
Day 4: Ocean, River, Lake
Day 5: Valley